Sneak Preview of New Book – Bob Barker And Me: Life in Cell Block 7

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Bob Barker & Me: Life in Cell Block 7 is a new non-fiction book written by three unlikely cellmates in Cell Block 7 in the Ada County Idaho Jail.

William M. Windsor, Joshua P. Hooker, and Alex T. Gibson had never met, came from totally different walks of life and generations, but they became fast friends and wrote as they spent 35 days together in a 240-square foot cell in what amounted to maximum security in jail in Boise Idaho!

The book will be available this summer on…

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Bill Windsor is out on bond as he works day and night to prepare for trial – Day 5 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor is out on bond as he works day and night preparing for his criminal trial.  It’s  May 13, 2015 — 9:00 am Mountain Time.

William M. Windsor has this big “thing” draped around his ankle.  It’s like having a large cellphone strapped to his ankle.

This is Bill Windsor’s every “morning” update to let folks know he is still “free”...

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Bill Windsor is preparing for his criminal trial on June 22, 2015 in Missoula Montana – Night 4 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor is preparing for his criminal trial scheduled for June 22, 2015 in Missoula Montana.  Judge James A. Haynes is the judge – much grayer now.  It’s  May 12, 2015 — 6:00 pm Mountain Time.

William M. Windsor thanks Aunt Dodie for a big pile of stuff.  Bill filed a very important Motion for Sanctions today, sent change of address notices to a host of courts, bought some office supplies, and had some decent barbeque.

This is Bill Windsor’s every “evening” update to let folks know he is still “free”...

Continue reading Bill Windsor is preparing for his criminal trial on June 22, 2015 in Missoula Montana – Night 4 of Post-Jail Freedom

Bill Windsor introduces new book and is preparing to expose more corruption – Night 3 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor is proud to be introducing a new book — Bob Barker & Me: Life in Cell Block 7.  It’s May 11, 2015 — 5:30 pm Mountain Time.

This nightly update is published to let folks know William M. Windsor is still “free”... and to share stories of what’s happening in his battle with corruption in Montana, Idaho, and Texas.  There’s some funny stuff in here tonight, so please read and enjoy.

This is the manuscript that William M. Windsor, Joshua Hooker, and Alex Gibson wrote as they spent 35 days together in the Ada County Jail in Boise Idaho!

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Bill Windsor is safe with a Parkinson’s Haircut – Day 3 of Post-Jail Freedom

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Bill Windsor is safe, fairly sound, and out and about in Missoula Montana.  It’s  May 11, 2015 — noon Mountain Time.

William M. Windsor is racing out the door again.  It’s going to be a very productive day!.

This is his every “morning” update to let folks know he is still “free”...

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Bill Windsor is working on a computer rather than with a jail golf pencil – Night 2 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor is enjoying the heck out of working on a computer rather than with the jail golf pencils that he was forced to use for the last 46 days – May 10, 2015 — 6:51 pm Mountain Time.

This nightly update is published to let folks know William M. Windsor is still “free”... and to share stories of what’s happening in his battle with corruption in Montana, Idaho, and Texas.

Bill wants to send a special thank you to his beloved Cheryl for ALL that she has done over the last seven months!

Continue reading Bill Windsor is working on a computer rather than with a jail golf pencil – Night 2 of Post-Jail Freedom

Bill Windsor is enjoying Eating and Drinking – Day 2 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor enjoyed eating and drinking on his first day out of the Pen.  It’s  May 10, 2015 — 6:45 am Mountain Time.

William M. Windsor was released from the Missoula County Detention Center in Missoula Montana at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015.

This is his every morning update to let folks know he is still “free”...

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Bill Windsor is enjoying being Outside – Day 1 of Post-Jail Freedom


Bill Windsor is enjoying being “outside” after 134 Days as a Political Prisoner – May 9, 2015 — 9:10 pm Mountain Time.

William M. Windsor was released from the Missoula County Detention Center in Missoula Montana at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015.

This is his nightly update to let folks know he is still “free”...

Continue reading Bill Windsor is enjoying being Outside – Day 1 of Post-Jail Freedom

Bill Windsor is Out of Jail after 134 Days as a Political Prisoner


Bill Windsor is FREE after 134 Days as a Political Prisoner – May 9, 2015.

William M. Windsor was released from the Missoula County Detention Center in Missoula Montana at 11:30 am on May 9, 2015.

Lots of news coming soon...

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Out of Jail after 134 Days as a Political Prisoner

Bill Windsor is just hangin’ loose – Day 53 on Lawless America Road Trip #3

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Bill Windsor is just hangin’ loose at 7:30 am Eastern Time on February 19, 2015 — Day 53 on Lawless America Road Trip #3.

It was a beautiful night down by the water

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