Bill Windsor takes his evidence of Montana corruption and Joeyisalittlekid crimes to the FBI

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Bill Windsor takes his evidence of Montana corruption and Joeyisalittlekid crimes to the FBI.

The FBI has largely ignored previous complaints, but one FBI agent repeatedly encouraged William M. Windsor to GO SEE the FBI Agent in charge in Missoula Montana.

So he is...

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Bad laws and prosecutors who could care less about justice is not a problem confined to America


Bad laws and prosecutors who could care less about justice is not a problem confined to America.

Bill Windsor hasn’t seen many movies in the last year.  Netflix and Red Box aren’t available in jail.

Bill just watched “Common.”  It’s an exasperating movie about the law in England that’s comparable to the felony murder rule in the U.S.

One of the stories filmed for Lawless America…The Movie is about a young man who is in prison for life without the possibility of parole…

Continue reading Bad laws and prosecutors who could care less about justice is not a problem confined to America

Cyberbullying is a huge international problem – Watch the movie Cyberbullying


Cyberbullying is a huge international problem.

Bill Windsor has just “enjoyed” watching the ABC Family Movie, “Cyberbullying.”

If you haven’t seen it, maybe you should.  It’s available on Netflix...

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Everyone in Montana has gray hair and a gray beard…even the women


Everyone in Montana has gray hair and a gray beard…even the women.

Bill Windsor never had any problem being recognized in Dallas because he was the only man with white hair and a white beard...

Continue reading Everyone in Montana has gray hair and a gray beard…even the women

Bill Windsor is about to give up waiting for the phone to ring in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor is about to give up waiting for the phone to ring in Missoula Montana.

The Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney’s Office have had criminal charges against Sean Boushie for a week...

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Bill Windsor is STILL waiting for the phone to ring in Missoula Montana


Bill Windsor is STILL waiting for the phone to ring in Missoula Montana.

The Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney’s Office have had criminal charges against Sean Boushie for several days...

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U.S. Supreme Court throws out Pennsylvania man’s conviction for Facebook threats


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out the conviction of a Pennsylvania man found guilty of making threatening statements on Facebook to his estranged wife, law enforcement officers and others.

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Lawless America Website down May 31, 2015 following an attack on the Internet Service Provider


Bill Windsor reports that the Lawless America Website was down all day May 31, 2015 following an attack on the site’s Internet Service Provider in Iceland.

Rumor has it that it was either ISIS or the Joeyisalittlekid Gang...

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Bill Windsor and Crystal Cox have suffered whistleblower retaliation


Whistleblower retaliation is against the LAW.

Yet the Missoula Montana Police, Detectives, Judges, County Attorneys and the University of Montana deliberately target those who EXPOSE injustice, corruption and judicial overreach in the State of Montana.

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