Lawless America Website was HACKED, but it’s Back in Business exposing Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption

The website was HACKED,  It was hacked at 1:30 am on March 29, 2012.

It took until April 5, 2012 at 3:30 pm to repair the website.

The hacker was apparently quite good.  GoDaddy’s virus scan and malware scan software showed nothing wrong, but the site did all types of strange things and didn’t work for anyone….

Continue reading Lawless America Website was HACKED, but it’s Back in Business exposing Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption

There is a State of Emergency in America…but Most Americans don’t have a Clue


The American Revolutionary War was the result of a political revolution. Colonists galvanized around the position that the Stamp Act of 1765, imposed by Parliament of Great Britain, was unconstitutional.  The British Parliament insisted it had the right to tax colonists.  The colonists claimed that taxation without representation was illegal. This led to the Boston Tea Party and the Revolutionary War.  

The issues that motivated the colonists in America to revolt were NOTHING compared to the issues that all Americans face today.  The problem is that few Americans realize what has happened.  There is a tremendous need to educate our friends, neighbors, and enemies.

Continue reading There is a State of Emergency in America…but Most Americans don’t have a Clue

HELP FIGHT Dishonesty in Government

help wanted 070720c0134 windsor 200w

We need YOUR HELP!  I have announced a plan for ding with government and judicial corruption, and the plan is being implemented NOW.

It’s a simple plan that I believe can be pursued to bring honesty back to our governmentand a restoration of our rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Please take a few minutes to see how you can help ….

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William M. Windsor recovers from Eye Surgery — Ready to Renew Fight against Government Corruption


I have been ill since mid-December, and I had my fourth eye surgery on January 17.  I am pleased to report that I can see again.  I am no longer wearing a metal cage over my eye, so I can use my reading glasses once more.  I will write a daily blog from now on.

The news of my Supreme Court ruling against the Constitution has gotten a lot of coverage online.  Unfortunately, little or no mainstream media coverage

I will be on many radio shows in the next few weeks.  I’ll post the stations that I will be on when they give me all the information.

A lot is happening, so please read on….



Continue reading William M. Windsor recovers from Eye Surgery — Ready to Renew Fight against Government Corruption