Lawsuit filed by wrongfully convicted man details how law enforcement officials allegedly framed him


A laugh led to the murder of 14-year-old Camille Arfmann in 1999; a widespread conspiracy in Jefferson County Kansas led to the wrong man spending 15 years in prison for the crime, according to allegations in a new federal lawsuit.

As the Journal-World reported earlier this month, Floyd Bledsoe filed a federal lawsuit seeking an undetermined amount of money for being wrongly imprisoned in 2000 for the death of Arfmann, who was his sister-in-law.

In December, a Jefferson County judge ordered Bledsoe to be released… 

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The number of people representing themselves in court is increasing.


The number of people representing themselves in court is increasing.

It isn’t easy, and pro se litigants almost always lose.  This isn’t because they don’t have a good case or aren’t prepared; it’s because judges automatically rule against them and in favor of their fellow club members (fellow attorneys).

There is an interesting development in Washington State… 

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Oakland County Michigan Judge Lisa Gorcyca faces a judicial tenure hearing over her handling of contentious child custody case.


Oakland County Michigan Judge Lisa Gorcyca faces a judicial tenure hearing over her handling of contentious child custody case.

Judge Lisa Gorcyca sentenced three children to a juvenile detention facility and had them handcuffed and led out of her courtroom after they refused to spend time with their father.

Judge Lisa Gorcyca compared the children, who were ages 14, 11 and 9, to members of Charles Manson’s cult, saying they had been brainwashed by their mother against their father…

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Bakersfield California Police Department charged with police corruption and poor oversight


Bakersfield California Police Department charged with police corruption and poor oversight.

Fourteen hours after a respected local attorney dropped a number of verbal bombs on the Bakersfield Police Department, alleging police corruption and poor oversight, Chief Greg Williamson claims allegations were overstated.

Yeah sure.  When it comes to law enforcement corruption, where there’s smoke, there’s an uncontrollable fire.  There are honest law enforcement officials out there, but there are far more eaten up with their power.

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America takes two new cases to the U.S. Supreme Court


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has taken two new cases to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Four cases were unsuccessfully taken to the Supreme Court by Bill Windsor in 2010.

He’s back with two new cases.

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Lawless America Website Hacked Again


Lawless America’s website has been hacked

The website is finally back online.

Some articles were posted at, but is the best source of news when this site is hacked.


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Montana Department of Justice says Judge accused of a crime should be investigated by that Judge – Bill Windsor Saga Continues


Montana Department of Justice says Judge James A. Haynes, the judge accused of a crime, should be investigated by that Judge, Judge James A. Haynes.  The Bill Windsor Saga continues.

Bill Windsor says this would be laughable if it wasn’t true and so serious…

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Bill Windsor’s Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge James A. Haynes of Ravalli County Montana is still pending before the Montana Judicial Conduct Commission


Bill Windsors Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge James A. Haynes of Ravalli County Montana is still pending before the Montana Judicial Conduct Commission.  

Judge James A. Haynes is as crooked as they come.

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Sometimes We Can’t See the Trees for the Forest – Infamous Words of Bill Windsor


Sometimes We Can’t See the Trees for the Forest – Infamous Words of Bill Windsor

You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression “can’t see the forest for the trees.”

I’ve used that from time to time. But I have more often used my own expression – “can’t see the trees for the forest.”

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