Alex Jones says President Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE


Kurt Nimmo of Alex Jones’ says: “As we originally noted and has been mentioned by a number of electronic image experts, one of the most glaring details demonstrating Obama’s purported birth certificate is a fraud is the presence of digital artifacts.”

Nimmo goes on to say: “Now that we have established that the document is an obvious forgery, we should ask why Obama’s people would release as definitive proof of his citizenship such an easily debunked fraud.”

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President Obama proves he is Clueless

President Obama is CLUELESS.

William M. Windsor wrote to President Barack Obama on February 1, 2011 about the most serious problem this country has ever faced.  POTUS responded on March 23.  I guess we should be glad I wasn’t conveying news of a nuclear disaster or some other imminent danger.  51 days to respond….

This is not Obama-Bashing.  I believe this would have happened with ANY of the Presidents in recent history.  Read all about it…. 

Continue reading President Obama proves he is Clueless