Police and Law Enforcement Corruption and Abuse — an Epidemic in America


Every day, I receive as many as 100 reports of police abuse, brutality, and corruption.  This is a disease that must also be addressed in the same manner that we are attacking judicial corruption. We need to be able to take complaints against the police to grand juries for independent investigation.

I received a series of threats by email tonight from a cop bully threatening me with bodily harm for reporting about police abuse in our country.  So, I will triple my efforts!

Continue reading Police and Law Enforcement Corruption and Abuse — an Epidemic in America

Law Enforcement Abuse and Corruption — Latest News Reports – 10 Reports on April 18, 2011


Police abuse, corruption, and crimes are in the news daily across America. 

You will be amazed at the volume of crimes with so-called law enforcement officials.

To make it easy to see the widespread corruption, LawlessAmerica.com will update this article with daily corruption reports ….

Continue reading Law Enforcement Abuse and Corruption — Latest News Reports – 10 Reports on April 18, 2011

It Could Happen to You: Police Corruption – The Kristi Devine Saga


 It could happen to you…

Someone is out to get you.  The next thing you know, you are charged with committing crimes.

You know you are innocent and that the police are corrupt, but NO ONE will do anything about it.  The police lie.  The judges smirk.  It devastates your life, robs you of your money, and keeps you in fear of being sent to prison.  We have to do something!  Read all about it….

Continue reading It Could Happen to You: Police Corruption – The Kristi Devine Saga