Search for One Honest Government Official FAILS in Washington, DC

 mobile billboard seeking one honest government official 200w

A group of concerned citizens searched for one honest government official in Washington, DC, but they found there were none…. 

They weren’t able to find one through regular channels, so they purchased a mobile billboard that drove throughout Washington, DC on March 1, 2011 advertising for one honest government official to call.

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Government Corruption Crisis Conference Report — Next Steps


The first Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday February 27, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.
I thought it went “okay.”  I was very pleased with the online participation — close to 700 people registered and were logged in and online.
We must deal with all the dishonest people in our government.  Please plan to join us Sundays from 5 to 7 pm to learn what we are doing and how you can help …. 

Continue reading Government Corruption Crisis Conference Report — Next Steps