Law Enforcement Authorities in several states are investigating Stalker Sean Boushie


Law enforcement authorities from at least three states have been provided with information for investigations into Serial Stalker Sean Boushie from the University of Montana.

Bill Windsor has filed criminal charges against Sean M. Boushie in both Montana and GeorgiaThe latest state to investigate University of Montana employee, Sean Boushie, called us for informationOther victims have previously filed charges, and some of his new victims say they plan to file charges as well.


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Serial Stalker Sean Boushie has been located in Montana – Stalking Many People

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Serial Stalker Sean Boushie from the University of Montana has been located in Montana, and photographs are available for the first time.

Bill Windsor has filed criminal charges against Sean Boushie in both Montana and GeorgiaOther victims have previously filed charges, and some of his new victims say they plan to file charges as well.

Sean Boushie has guns and is apparently talented enough with a bow and arrow to kill animalsI consider him armed and dangerous.

Continue reading Serial Stalker Sean Boushie has been located in Montana – Stalking Many People

Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family – Facebook supports his efforts and blocks Lawless America


Sean Boushie from the University of Montana continues to stalk and threaten Bill Windsor, among others.

On January 22, 2013, I awakened to a Lawless America suspension from Facebook for posting this article.

Why is Facebook supporting Sean Boushie in his cybertsalkng and threats?

Continue reading Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family – Facebook supports his efforts and blocks Lawless America

Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family – University of Montana may pay him to do this


Sean Boushie from the University of Montana continues to stalk and threaten Bill Windsor, among others.

Does the University of Montana have a contract with the Department of Justice or the State of Montana to have Sean Boushie working as a cyberstalker? 

Some believe this is the case.  It’s one of the only logical explanations for Royce Engstrom of the University of Montana (shown here) and law enforcement to ignore this.


Continue reading Stalker Sean Boushie threatens Bill Windsor and his family – University of Montana may pay him to do this

Iron County Utah Attorney Scott Garrett to star in Lawless America…The Movie — Named one of the Most Corrupt Attorneys in America


 Please email Scott Garrett —, or better yet, send him a fax — 435-865-5329– so everyone in his office can know about this distinction as a star in a motion picture that will be shown in theaters all across America and around the world. 

Scott Garrett, County Attorney of Iron County is, in my opinion, one of the most corrupt attorneys in America. And that’s a tough category in which to rank so high.

I  believe Scott Garrett of Cedar City Utah needs to be indicted, arrested, imprisoned, convicted, disgraced, bankrupted, and removed from office.  I ask federal investigators to descend on Iron County Utah and get this man in prison.

Continue reading Iron County Utah Attorney Scott Garrett to star in Lawless America…The Movie — Named one of the Most Corrupt Attorneys in America