Judge Stanley Marcus is dishonest.
Judge Marcus ignores the law and the facts.
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.
Judge Stanley Marcus is dishonest.
Judge Marcus ignores the law and the facts.
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.
Judge Frank M. Hull is corrupt.
Judge Hulll ignores the law and the facts.
She is the most corrupt federal judge at the Eleventh Circuit based upon my experience
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.
Judge Orinda D. Evans is corrupt. She is actually worse than corrupt.
She is a criminal, and I believe she is evil.
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.
Judge Orinda D. Evans is corrupt. She is actually worse than corrupt.
She is a criminal, and I believe she is evil.
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.
Judge Joel Dubina is dishonest.
Judge Dubina ignores the law and the facts.
I make these statements as fact, not opinions.