
Dishonest Federal Judge: Stanley Marcus

Judge Stanley Marcus is dishonest. 

Judge Marcus ignores the law and the facts.

I make these statements as fact, not opinions. 

In appeals and matters involving me, Judge Marcus has committed perjury in a ridiculous order affirming Judge Evans’ December 22, 2009 Order.

Judge Marcus issued an order calling frivolous the appeal of Judge Evans’ order on motion to reopen, etc. when no one in their right mind could say such a thing.

Judge Marcus denied reconsideration of the original order in 1:09-CV-02027.

Judge Marcus issued an order denying my petition for writ of mandamus for recusal of Judge Duffey saying it is okay for Judge Duffey to call me “evil and mentally incapable” because that is acceptable and doesn’t indicate bias.

Judge Marcus issued a September 9, 2009 Order erroneously dismissing my appeal sua sponte that had to be later reversed on reconsideration.

Judge Marcus issues an order on June 1, 2011 dismissing four of my appeals as FRIVOLOUS — which is complete, total corruption on his part!

Judge Marcus and Judge Duffey are the only two judges for whom I could not find a photo online.  It appears they might be worried about unhappy visitors to their courtrooms coming after them.

Judge Marcus was nominated by President Bill Clinton on September 25, 1997.

Judge Marcus has been named one of the Bad Judges in America.

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