
Jody Herring, mom who lost custody, kills children’s Child Protective Services worker


A woman who was upset about losing custody of her daughter used a hunting rifle to fatally shoot a child-welfare agency worker who had handled her case.

The shooting happened Friday outside a state office building in Vermont that houses the Department for Children and Families, Governor Peter Shumlin’s office said.

The mother, Jody Herring, was detained by people in and around the building after the shooting, police said.

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Unarmed 19-year-old white boy shot in the back and killed by Seneca South Carolina Policeman


Unarmed 19-year-old white boy shot in the back and killed by Seneca South Carolina Policeman.

He was on a first date.  He had done absolutely nothing wrong, and the police had no reason to suspect he had. 

The death of Zachary Hammond, a white South Carolina teen shot by police, hasn’t led to widespread outrage.


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Tarrant County Texas Police Officer beats a 15-year-old child on orders from Judge Jean Hudson-Boyd


Tarrant County Texas Police Office beats a 15-year-old child on orders from Judge Jean Hudson-Boyd.  The child has been brian damaged.

Police beat 15-year-old Valence Smith in order to obtain a mandatory report from medical doctors of “imminent danger” to children of Smith family.

Why? because it is grounds for issuance of warrant to steal children.

Judge Jean Hudson-Boyd had become angry and frustrated by the Smith’s because they had put up such a strong legal fight against her minions in CPS.

See this outrageous video…

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California Police Officer pulls a gun on a man in his driveway because he was filming the officer


California Police Officer pulls a gun on a man in his driveway because he was filming the officer.

The policeman pursues the man through his yard with his gun held in a two-handed ready-to-shoot position.

The police in America are out of control.  I hope this officer was drug tested and given a breathalizer.

See this crazy video…

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Second State Attorney General Indicted THIS WEEK – Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane


Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been indicted, making that TWO state attorney generals indicted just this week.

She is charged with obstruction of justice and perjury…

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Bill Windsor sometimes feels as bad as this man looks as he waits to stand trial for Tweeting


Bill Windsor sometimes feels as bad as this man looks as he waits to stand trial for Tweeting.

William M. Windsor hopes you or your contacts might attend his trial…

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Lion-Killer Dr. Walter James Palmer missed his calling – should’ve been a judge


Lion-Killer Dr. Walter James Palmer missed his calling – should’ve been a judge.

What a horrible story about this Minnesota dentist, Walter James Palmer, who paid $50,000 to violate the law and kill Cecil, the Grandpappy King of the Jungle.

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60-30 Day for Bill Windsor as he prepares to stand trial for Tweeting

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It’s 60-30 Day for Bill Windsor as he prepares to stand trial for allegedly Tweeting the name of the man who attempted to murder him, “Sean Boushie.”

60 days until the trial begins and 30 days untl the Pre-Trial Conference…

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Police Officers Involved Data Project investigates unreported and under-reported police-involved homicides

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Bill Windsor came across an interesting website totally by accident.

Police Officers Involved Data Project investigates unreported and under-reported police-involved homicides…

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Two-year-old Dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours


Two-year-old dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours.

On Friday July 24, 2015, the Hot Springs Arkansas Fire Department and ambulances responded to a call of a toddler being left in a hot car.

When they arrived he was unresponsive. 

They attempted to revive him but were unsuccessful. 

Continue reading Two-year-old Dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours