
Windsor spends the day Just Twiddling His Thumbs


Now how many of you SERIOUSLY think I ever spend my days twiddling thumbs?

It was a cage rattling day.

I’ve rattled the cages of the Governor, Attorney General, Fulton County Sheriff, FBI, Fulton County Superior Court, and more….

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Windsor denied Scheduled audience with Grand Jury


William M. Windsor was denied his audience with the Fulton County Grand Jury when he returned today to testify after being invited back after his meeting with the Grand Jurors on Friday.

Folks, I am spitting nails.  This is one of the maddest I have been throughout this whole ordeal

I worked from Friday at about 2:00 pm until 3:30 am Monday night preparing 164 exhibits (filled two entire copy paper cases) and the 20-page document that the Grand Jury requested.  I slept no more than four or five hours a night….

Continue reading Windsor denied Scheduled audience with Grand Jury

FBI squad in Atlanta to investigate corruption among judges, legislators


The FBI has assembled a new squad to investigate corruption among judges and legislators in Georgia, though the top federal agent in the state is being tightlipped about what cases are developing.

Brian Lamkin, who heads the FBI office in Georgia, told The Associated Press he decided to form the team after months of reviews and a look at the bureau’s long-term priorities.

Georgia’s FBI office has long used a single squad that handled the brunt of corruption cases, from law enforcement officials to government officials.

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William M. Windsor’s Grand Jury Presentation #2


William M. Windsor will appear before the Fulton County Grand Jury and Foreman Steve Broadbent (shown here) again on Tuesday, August 23, 2011. 

The Grand Jurors requested simple statements of the issues followed by the proof.

Here is the start of what I will present.  I will add the specifics as time permits….

Continue reading William M. Windsor’s Grand Jury Presentation #2

Scott Hintz charges Judicial Corruption in Atlanta, Too — Meet Scott, Bill Windsor, and Other Victims Tomorrow


Scott Hintz is another victim of judicial corruption by the federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Scott will have a hearing on August 22, 2011 at 1 pm in Fulton County Magistrate’s Court, Courtroom 1A

Here is a motion, an email, a motion for recusal, and a motion to discharge attorney that relate to the hearing.

Judge Clarence Cooper is presiding over the case.

Continue reading Scott Hintz charges Judicial Corruption in Atlanta, Too — Meet Scott, Bill Windsor, and Other Victims Tomorrow

Windsor spoke to the Grand Jury Today!


William M. Windsor entered the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury Room on August 19, 2011 at about 11:30.

I was in there for about 30 minutes.  It didn’t go as I had planned, and it was NOT the wonderful experience I expected it to be.

BUT, I have been invited back next week to bring a 20-page document that takes them through what happened as well as the precise evidence….


Continue reading Windsor spoke to the Grand Jury Today!

How Judges Commit Crimes


Judges regularly commit the crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury. 

They obstruct justice by using various techniques to render decisions and issue orders that are intended to deny justice.

They do this to favor certain parties and law firms.   They may do it for money or other considerations, or they may do it simply because they favor certain attorneys….

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Windsor prepares to testify to Grand Jury on charges of criminal racketeering by the federal judges in Georgia


I am really busy preparing to testify before the Fulton County Grand Jury on Friday, August 19, 2011.

To say that I am excited would be quite an understatement.

I have been second-guessing everything, in part due to people who have called and emailed with advice….

Continue reading Windsor prepares to testify to Grand Jury on charges of criminal racketeering by the federal judges in Georgia

Another Litigant files Charges against Same Judges as Windsor


Sonya Braxton has filed charges against Judge William S. Duffey, one of the ringleaders of the corruption cited by William M. Windsor. 

She has also filed charges against federal appellate Judges Joel Dubima. Susan Black, Stanley Marcus, and William Pryor, all judges who have also been charged by Windsor.

She charges civil rights violations as well as perjury and obstruction of justice.

Continue reading Another Litigant files Charges against Same Judges as Windsor

Judge Ciavarella sentenced to 28 years in prison for “kids for cash” scheme


PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A former Pennsylvania juvenile court judge was sentenced on August 11, 2011 to 28 years in prison for accepting payment to send juveniles to a for-profit detention facility in a scandal dubbed “kids for cash,”.

Former Luzerne County Juvenile Court Judge Mark Ciavarella, 61, accepted nearly $1 million from a developer who built the detention facility, prosecutors said.

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