
Petition for Recusal of Judge William S. Duffey – U.S. Supreme Court

duffey-william-s-judge-150x100I have filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus with The United States Supreme Court to have Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. disqualified as a judge in any matter involving me..

Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..William..S..Duffey, Jr.

The following information is taken from the Petition:

“A reasonable person would question the impartiality of any judge who called a person evil and irresponsible.  

“The idea that Judge Duffey could call the Petitioner “scurrilous and irresponsible” and then claim to be impartial is ludicrous.

“Besides being totally false, these words demonstrate extreme antagonism.  There are not many things that one could say worse about another human being than to call him EVIL.

“What makes Judge Duffey’s words even more outrageous is that he used these words when the only evidence before the court was the sworn affidavits of the Petitioner under penalty of perjury.  

“Judge Duffey has demonstrated a bias against pro se parties and anyone who would take action against a fellow judge, his next-door neighbor.

“When the Petitioner had the misfortune of landing in Judge Duffey’s court due to an unfair system that inflicts the same judge again and again on pro se parties, Judge Duffey’s bias never missed a beat.  He used his position to shield his neighbor from answering the ethical, legal, and criminal charges made against her by falsely claiming he could be impartial with the Petitioner.  

“Windsor filed motions for recusal in the District Court.  (Pet.App. 116.)  Judge Duffey denied them and did not allow the Clerk of the Court to file the latest one that Windsor presented.  Judge Duffey is hopelessly biased against Windsor, and no relief is available from him.

“Windsor filed a petition for writ of mandamus to disqualify Judge Duffey with the Eleventh Circuit, and they claimed there was nothing wrong with Judge Duffey calling Windsor “scurrilous and irresponsible” in a previous civil action.  (Pet.App Volume 3.)  They also falsely claimed that a judge’s participation in a prior action is not “extra-judicial” and that a judge’s bias for a friend is not “extra-judicial.”  Windsor has found that the judges of the Eleventh Circuit who have handled his actions have routinely ignored the facts and the law to shield Judge Evans and Judge Duffey from indictment and impeachment.  So, relief cannot be obtained from the Eleventh Circuit.”

Windsor is now seeking relief from The United States Supreme Court

Appendix to Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..William..S..Duffey (Recusal of Judge..William..S..Duffey) — Volume 1

 Appendix to Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..William..S..Duffey (Recusal of Judge..William..S..Duffey) — Volume 2

Appendix to Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..William..S..Duffey (Recusal of Judge..William..S..Duffey) — Volume 3



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