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LAWLESS AMERICA…THE MOVIE is coming soon to a capital near you.
March 31 is the deadline for those who want to be interviewed for the movie to send their basic information to Bill@LawlessAmerica.com.
Filming has begun in Atlanta, Georgia, but the roadtrip will not be scheduled until those who will be interviewed have sent the necessary background information to us.
What We Need from You
- Please read this article as it should answer many of your questions.
- We are requesting information that will be kept confidential by us, but it will be used to help us contact you now and later, and the information might prove to be helpful to me when I interview you. In your email response, please provide the following:
- Your full name
- Your street address
- Your city
- Your state
- Your zip
- Home Telephone
- Cell Phone
- Business Phone
- Fax
- Best email address for you
- Website (if any)
- Age
- Marital status (if applicable to your story)
- Spouse or significant other’s name (if applicable to your story)
- Children’s names and ages (if applicable to your story).
- Occupation
- Title
- Employer (if applicable to your story)
- Names and contact information from any witnesses who might be helpful in corroborating your story (optional)
- Names and contact information for people who have made you a victim (optional – but we will be trying to confront or interview some of the bad guys)
- As soon as possible, send a three-minute script for your testimony (Microsoft Word file or type it in an email). This will be the first thing that we record when I meet with you. Please do not make these any longer than three minutes. We will edit your script to ensure that it is no longer than three minutes, and we will make any needed edits for style so that all follow a standard structure. We will then send your final script back to you. Answer who, what, when, where, why, and how (if you know). This is a three-minute summary of your story that will be sent to every member of Congress (national and your state), and it is to explain your experience and why the powers-that-be must act.
- Please send a recent photo via email, if available.
- You are also welcome to submit additional information about your story. This is optional, but the more information, the better. I want to be able to read about your ordeal so I am prepared to ask the best questions. I am especially interested in evidence of the corruption. If you have ever recorded a video, or if there are news videos about your ordeal or the corrupt officials in your case, please be sure to send links to those. If there are letters, court orders, motions, news stories, or anything else important, please send it if you can. If you have or can obtain photos of the people and places involved, we can drop those in as part of the video, so please send me whatever you have (and in the largest format jpg that was originally created as the larger the format, the better the quality for our needs).
- Please send the names and contact information for any other victims who you feel would be good to interview so they can tell their story.
Who will be in The Movie?
Over 350 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie. We expect to have at least 500.
We want YOU to be in LAWLESS AMERICA…THE MOVIE, a documentary about judicial corruption and government corruption. The movie will be filmed in all 50 states and will feature at least one victim from each state.
We need as many victims as possible. We need victims from all aspects of judicial corruption and government corruption. We want to have people from all walks of life, all races, men, women, children, grandparents. Among those we have so far are some retired judges, pastors, native Americans, attorneys, doctors, airline pilots, entertainers, housewives and mothers, inmates, nurses, teachers, civil rights activists, business people, former judicial employees, politicians, authors, psychologists, university professors, Internet entrepreneurs, waitresses, truck drivers, forensic scientist, private investigator, paralegals, fast food workers, emergency medical technicians, court employees, unemployed, retired, candidates for Congress, a victim of the Columbine shooting, and the mother of a youg man who committed suicide due to the Kids-for-Cash scandal, and a wide variety of others.
What will The Movie be about?
The Movie is all about the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.
The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. We will expose corrupt judges and corrupt government officials, and we will confront a number of the crooks.
One feature length documentary movie will be produced. If it is good enough, it may be shown in theaters. It will at the very least be sold on Amazon.com and through other retailers, and we hope it will be available on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places.
In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.
When will The Movie be filmed?
The movie will be filmed in 2012. Filming began in Atlanta, Georgia in March 2012. We will set the new start date for the road trip as soon as we have received the necessary three-minute script from a significant number of the people who will be interviewed for the movie. So, the sooner you get the information to me, the sooner I hit the highway.
Where will The Movie be filmed?
The movie will be filmed in all 50 states.
The 50-state road trip is currently planned to take 127 days. A map showing the itinerary is at the bottom of the page.
The road trip starts in Atlanta and heads West and travels clockwise around the country. From Olympia, Washington, we will head up to Juneau, Alaksa. Upon the return to Atlanta, I will fly to Honolulu as the 50th state.
All filming will be done either at the state Capitol or at a courthouse in the state capital. So, you will need to meet me at the Capitol. For those wo are unable to travel to the capital, you can still appear in the videos by recording your own video or by being interviewed on camera by me using a webcam and Skype.
Why is the Movie being produced?
It is our hope that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken. We will expose many corrupt judges and government officials. We hope to generate a lot of publicity about corruption that the mainstream media usually hides from the public.
We will deliver proposed judicial reform legislation to the governor and legislators at each state Capitol.
We will produce videos that may be used by those battling corruption in each state as well as those battling the specific forms of corruption.
Who is Producing The Movie?
The movie will be a Lawless America and Windsor Pictures Production with all proceeds donated to GRIP (Government Reform & Integrity Platform). I am the producer. Anyone who wants to donate a bunch of money to help defray the costs of the trip and movie is cordially invited to do so and become an Executive Producer.
Thus far, we haven’t received one cent. You’ve probably heard of “low budget movies.” Well, ours is a “no budget movie.” A friend is loaning me a new RV. We have great professional video and audio equipment. Everyone helping with the movie is working for free. We hope to get some donations for gas and food, but we have an angel with a credit card if no one donates any money.
What quality will The Movie be?
It will be a professional product. We have professional high definition video cameras (Canon XF 300 and 5D Mark II) and a variety of pro audio equipment (Heil and Audio Technica wireless mirophones, boom microphones, shotgun microphones).
My family was in the broadcasting business for 50 years. My father began his career writing jokes for W.C. Fields, and he managed radio stations and television stations from 1947 until the late 1990’s. He was President and CEO of groups of stations and owned some stations. I learned to operate TV cameras in high school, and I was a DJ and announcer for radio and TV stations in high school and college. I hosted my first television talk show in orlando on the ABC station in 1970. I was a magazine publisher, trade show and conference producer for 25 years. My brother has worked as an anchorman at TV stations as well as news director, and he operated a consulting company that provided training to thousands of announcers and TV reporters. Tony has one of the deepest and best voices you will ever hear, and if we don’t end up with a celebrity to narrate, Tony is the man for the job. My father, brother, and I have all owned and operated dinner theatres, and I have produced a number of live shows and events during my career. We have had a number of consultants who have contributed to the planning.
The crew at each location will be volunteers, primarily from radio-TV-film students at state universities.
The editing and post-production work will be done by professionals.
How can You be in The Movie?
If you want to testify and be filmed for the movie, please email Bill@LawlessAmerica.com.
Send your name, address, phone, fax, email, and website (if any). Provide a short paragraph summarizing what you will testify about.
We are requesting information that will be kept confidential by us, but it will be used to help us contact you now and later, and the information might prove to be helpful to me when I interview you. In your email response, please provide as much of the following as you care to provide:
- Your full name
- Your street address
- Your city
- Your state
- Your zip
- Home Telephone
- Cell Phone
- Business Phone
- Fax
- Best email address for you
- Website (if any)
- Age
- Marital status (if applicable to your story)
- Spouse or significant other’s name (if applicable to your story)
- Children’s names and ages (if applicable to your story)
- Occupation
- Title (optional, but part of the film is to demonstrate people from all walks of life)
- Employer (optional, but part of the story is to demonstrate people from all walks of life)
- Names and contact information from any witnesses who might be helpful in corroborating your story (optional)
- Names and contact information for people who have made you a victim (optional – but we will be trying to confront or interview some of the bad guys)
Then write up a three-minute script for your testimony, and email it to Bill@LawlessAmerica.com. Please do not make these any longer than three minutes. We will edit your script to ensure that it is no longer than three minutes, and we will make any needed edits for style so that all follow a standard structure. We will then send your final script back to you. Please send a recent photo via email. We MUST HAVE yoiur three-mib=nute summary by March 31 if we are to be able to guarantee that you will be interviewed for the movie.
When we come to your state, we will begin by filming your three-minute testimony. You will sit in front of our “official Congressional microphone,” and you will read your script as if you were testifying before Congress.
Once we have your three-minute testimony recorded, I will interview you on camera.
For the interview, you are welcome to submit additional information about your story. The more information, the better. I want to be able to read about your ordeal so I am prepared to ask the best questions. I am especially interested in evidence of the corruption. If you have ever recorded a video, or if there are news videos about your ordeal or the corrupt officials in your case, please be sure to send links to those. If there are letters, court orders, motions, news stories, or anything else important, please send it if you can. If you have or can obtain photos of the people and places involved, we can drop those in as part of the video, so please send me whatever you have (and in the largest format jpg that was originally created as the larger the format, the better the quality for our needs).
Everyone who shows up when we are filming will be invited to be in a crowd scene, so you will be in the movie, and your name will be in the credits.
How can I be in the videos if I can’t travel to the state capital?
If you cannot travel to the capital for the filming, I encourage you to record a video to send to us. If you have a webcam, it’s easy. Either record a video and upload it to YouTube, and send me the link, or if you have Skype (which is free), I can connect with you on a Skype call, and I can record your testimony, and then I can conduct an interview in which we are both on camera via Skype. So, if you can’t travel to meet the movie tour in the capital city, just say so in the email that you send to us, and we’ll get with you to make the arrangements.
Can my Identity be Concealed?
Yes, if you need to remain anonymous, we can conceal your face and disguise your voice electronically.
Anyone who needs to remain anonymous will be allowed to approve what we film before we will use it.
What will I get if I am in The Movie?
You will help expose corruption!
Each person who is filmed presenting a three-minute testimony will receive a copy of the video of your testimony to use as you wish. Link it to your website; put it on YouTube; use it in any way that you choose.
Each person who is filmed will also receive a copy of the video that will be produced of all those filmed from your state.
Each person filmed will also receive a copy of a video featuring people from all over the country who are experienced the same type of corruption as you (family court, probate, etc.)
In total, we will produce one documentary movie; one video of all testimony that will go to every member of the U.S. Congress; 51 videos by state that will go to each member of each state legislature; 500+ videos — one for each person appearing in the film/videos; and 14 videos for the special interest areas (children and family court corruption, divorce court corruption, foreclosure fraud; corporate fraud and corruption; probate/guardianship/elder abuse and corruption; criminal court corruption; civil court corruption; law enforcement abuse and corruption; military corruption; attorney misconduct and corruption; bankruptcy court corruption; government agency corruption; vote fraud; political corruption). That’s 567 videos to come from this one trip.
All of the videos will stream continuously on www.TVChannel1.com and www.Livestream.com/LawlessAmerica, and all will be available on the LawlessAmerica Channel on YouTube.
I will broadcast live from each state capital while I am on the road. At least one evening broadcast will be televised online from each city. Those who want to stick around after they are filmed will be invited to participate in the nightly show. It will be broadcast on www.Livestream.com/LawlessAmerica. Verizon assures me that this piece of equipment we are getting to give us the uplink will handle the bandwidth and speed needed. I will test it here to be sure. These broadcasts will stream around-the-clock on Livestream and will also be available for selcted viewing there and on www.LawlessAmerica.com.
Each person who is filmed will receive a commemorative Lawless America whistle. ALL whistleblowers need a good whistle!
Each person filmed will be listed in the cast for The Movie in the credits at the end of The Movie.
How can I Help you with The Movie?
A lot of people are very excited about what we can accomplish with the movie, the testimony, and the 567 videos that will be generated form this effort. This is a big project with no budget. Those working on the movie are all unpaid volunteers. So, we really need your help. We can’t begin the movie trip until we have the three-minute testimony scripts prepared for every person. We don’t have the staff to chase these down, so it’s up to you to get it done for us.
The other thing that we need is your help identifying other people who should be interviewed for the movie. Please email Bill@LawlessAmerica.com with the name and contact information for any people you know who should be considered for the movie. We need a good number of people in each state, and we need a good representation of victims from the variety of forms of judicial corruption and government corruption. For example, we hope to have at least one person in each state to testify about children and family court corruption, foreclosure fraud, divorce court corruption, probate corruption, law enforcement abuse or corruption, etc. I will be on the road for over four months, so we really need to make this time totally productive with a lot of victims interviewed!
What can we do to help make the filming an event in our state?
We would love to have it be an event when we are filming.
Getting as many people as possible to show up while we are filming will be a big help as a camera with a crowd will create an event. So, encourage people to come, and encourage them to bring signs with messages against judicial corruption, government corruption, and dishonesty in government.
You can help by trying to get any groups/organizations with an important message to join us while we are filming.
We also need help getting the media out to cover it. If we have a big crowds with signs, that will certainly help us get coverage. We will be traveling with a dozen generic signs that we will allow those interested to carry while we are in town.
I am open to trying to schedule a speaking engagement in each capital city.
What ideas do you have to help make the filming an event? Please email Bill@LawlessAmerica.com with your ideas.
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This map shows the itinerary — starting in Atlanta and heading West, traveling clockwise around the United States. From Olympia, Washington, we will head up to Juneau, Alaksa. Upon the return to Atlanta, I will fly to Honolulu as the 50th state.
The itinerary has been carefully planned to allow one weekday for protesting at the courthouse and the Capitol in each state. I have driven to all 50 states previously on one continuous trip called Round America, so I know what it takes.
What other help is needed?
We need people with motion picture production skills to volunteer their skills. This will be a unique project, and it will look good on a resume, but there will be no pay to anyone. All revenues generated will be donated to GRIP. Especially helpful will be people who can volunteer to help with the production work in each capital city; we will need a camera operator, lighting assistant, and audio assistant at each stop. We will also need one production assistant who can ensure that we get talent waivers signed by those who appear on camera.
I can do it alone, but it would be great if some folks would volunteer to join up for a week or more at a time to help out and share driving.
The PR Director and will send out news releases and coordinate media coverage. She could use volunteers in each state to help generate media coverage.
Donations will be appreciated. You can donate by mailing a check to B.G. Windsor, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068, or donate by PayPal to williamwindsor@bellsouth.net. All donations received will be used solely for movie expenses. All donors will be listed as Financiers in the movie credits.
Stars of The Movie
This chart shows the people scheduled thus far in each state:**
State | Capital | Date** | Interviews |
Georgia | Atlanta |
William M. Windsor, Tammy Harner, Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, Ed Dort, Evelyne Ennis, Anne Batte, Leonard Rowe, Sabrina Felton, Jeff Goolsby, Scott Hintz, Alex Higdon, Kimberly T. Spence, GB’s daughter, Barbara Rose, Gege Odion, Michael Blascoe, R.N. McGhee, Ulysses Cooper, Wendy Lewis, Bill Moore, Ms. Sophia, Jennifer Lane, Tom Coleman, Keith Davidson, Wanda Spann, Jim Cunningham, Torrey Coleman, Angela Leonard, James W. Anderson, Ed Kramer, Gary Brown, Lee Fowler, Susan Porter, Cher of Cobb County, Wendy Tiffany Williams Jenkins, Judge Watson L. White, Betty Scott, Dara Speegle, Randy Jones, David Sutherland, Victor Gomez, David Turner, Mary Neal, Larry Crandall, Frank Maxwell, |
Florida | Tallahassee | Gloria Helman, Joe Norman, Michelle Christenson, Bob Hurt, Bill Corbin, David Harbin, Eliot Bernstein, Larry Hohol, Francesca Moore, Karen Shaw, Charlie Grapski, Jay Koffler, Linda Parlato, Marty Parlato, Mark Glasser, Drew Baas, Bill Waldron, Randy White, David Callihan, Marian Scirrotto, Alicia El, Randall Townsend, James Petruska, William Dunn, Randy Kluge, John Bazzo, Mitchell J. Albrecht, Paul Webb, Meryl Lanson, Marv Jhonson, Marsha Maines, Douglas Sharpe, Reverend Rocky B. Hunt, Ricardo Rivero, Carl Bowens, Dan Mas, |
Alabama | Montgomery | Michael Caraway, Nancy Swan, Henry David Walker, Lesley Pacey, Roger Shuler, Max Shelby, Joseph Blackburn, Angela Turner Drees, Sherry Carroll Rollins, Susan Raybon, Jacqueline Maier, Todd Brown, Quesha Powell, Jessie Tompkins, Jene Walker Roy, Christina Cottrell, Perry Berens | |
Mississippi | Jackson | Perry Berens, Lynda Pearson Barnett, |
Louisiana | Baton Rouge | Sue Bell, Carl Bernofsky, Ashton O’Dwyer, Katherine Conner, | |
Arkansas | Little Rock | James Twoeagles, Kenneth Hunt, Teresa Register, David Vandenberg | |
Missouri | Jefferson City | Robert Gipson, Allie Overstreet, Ken Auman, Ray Herron, Ron Stoufflet, |
Kansas | Topeka | Spencer C. Young, Marlene Jones | |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | Dana Lawhon, Kelley Casey, Jessie Dilbeck, Piper Accettella, Steve Muller | |
Texas | Austin & Dallas |
Latifa Ring, Jon Roland, Jessica Mejorada, William R. Noack, Jeff Baron, John Margetis, David Rodriguez, Kathie Seidel, Thot Criminill, Tracy Peterson, Lupe Sarabia, Beverly Williams Donias, Debbie McNulty-Dittman, Kerry Max Cook, Michael Collins, Hope McClendon, Kathy Hastings, Joe Keegan, Patrick Capps, Steven T., | |
New Mexico | Santa Fe | Dan Jeffre, Stephen Blanco, Teresa Shaw, Georganne Bixler Meyers, Rene Ostochovsky, Martin de la Garza | |
Colorado | Denver | Wesley Hoyt, Charles E. Corry, Lydia Joy Chichester, Jessica Garay, Ethel Lopez, Leon Moyer, Serena LeeAnn Hendrickson, Stacy Slayton, Donna Taylor, Mark Taylor, Ron Agner, Bill S. |
Wyoming | Cheyenne | Jesse Adam Kasky, Crystal Cox, | |
Utah | Salt Lake City | Velayna Jeunessa Howard, Rhonda Dzierzon, Steve Murphy, Pat Murphy, Deborah Jesus, |
Arizona | Phoenix | Karla Johnson, Darla Dawald, Bruce Olsen, Walter Burien, Tiffani Johnson, Ted King, Christine Porter, | |
California |
Sacramento & Los Angeles |
Erin Baldwin, Ron Branson, Joseph Zernik, Richard Fine, Larry Mendoza, Kelly Z. Mordecai, Sharon Stephens, Daniel Cooper, Michael Warnken, Karen Harold, Ronald Pierce, Lawrence John, William D. Goble, Robert James Patterson, Peter Clark, Kathryn J. Gentry, Geary Juan Johnson, Donna Doolin-Larsen, Emily Ann Kidwell, Tammy Wall, Tammy Hardesty, Charles Lincoln, Kathleen Dearinger, Anthony Lingle, Lorraine Schaffer-Haake, Lisa Williams, A. Jones, Deborah Davis, D. Sanchez, Bryan Reeder Burnett, Deborah Breuner, Tina Jackson, Stacey Hart, Megan McWhorter, Pamela Barnett, Diane Vigil, |
Nevada | Carson City | Phil Stimac, Penny Brock, Mary Lupton, Jim Duensing, Lily Gonzalez, Tammy Hardesty | |
Oregon | Salem | Larry Reid, Karellen Stephens, Beth Wallace, Karen Bitz, Delilah Michael, Miriam Krause, Melissa Gaston, John Ross, Erna Boldt, Diane Firestone, Tammy Graham, Barbara Montrond, Tanya Kelly, Rod Souza, Rod Schmidt, | |
Washington | Olympia | Doug Schafer, Kimberly Manrique, Pamela Taylor, Avis Hamlin, Ann Tontini, Bill Scheidler, Mark Supanich, Mary Lupton, Adam Assenberg, Keith Walker, Joli Pesek, Connie Bauer, |
Alaska | Juneau | Roger Silook, Shannon Silook, Tawni Marie Roark, Eulah Mae Rivers, |
Idaho | Boise | Cyndi Steele, Diane Anderson | |
Montana | Helena | April Gates, Iolio Jones, Chris Thompson |
North Dakota | Bismarck | Darin Kasprowicz, Ed Curtis, |
South Dakota | Pierre | Gene Paulson, Marshall Prichard, Rouse Family, |
Nebraska | Lincoln | Eric Sage | |
Iowa | Des Moines | Colleen A. Collins, Deb McIntosh Heiar, Brandy Nunley, Paul Webb, |
Minnesota | St. Paul | Don Mashak, Sharon Anderson, Mollie Malone, Marlena Fearing, Jill Clarke, Linda Simon, Bill McGaughey, Angela Ehlers, Cynthia Bassett Hartwig, Paul Vollkommer, Bill Dahn, | |
Wisconsin | Madison | Kay Sieverding, Basia Kowalik, Steven Wilson, |
Illinois | Springfield | Lydia Price, Aaron Wemple, Sue Bridgman, Gayle Ayala, Kim Dillon, David Bambic, David Bruce, Pastor Scott Wallis, |
Indiana | Indianapolis | Dave LeForge, Steve Gilmore, Roger Shindell, Gary Helman | |
Michigan | Lansing | David Schied, Sally Borghese, Freddie Pinkney, Debbie Tucker Williams, Ahmed Ramer, Rehab Amer, Dale Trowbridge, Fraczek Family, McConnell Family, Charles Wright, Carrie Strickland, David Irons, Kevin Yarber, Wendy Beal, Greg Karam, Valerie Convertino, Tammy Watson, Brenda Blue, Daniel Blue, Dennis Lawrence, Kevin Yarber, Daniel Quinn, Dave Taylor, Kimberlee Sue Stevens, Melissa L. Johnson McNutt, Mike Shelly, Julia for Peter McWilliams, Beth Berryhill, |
Ohio | Columbus | Christopher House, Nancy Rolfe, C. Prater, Rosanna Miller, James W. Anderson III, Brian Kinter | |
Pennsylvania | Harrisburg |
Margaret Motheral, Sandy Fonzo, Ben Vonderheide, Richard Hvizdak, Lindsey Anne Griffiths, Mary Ann Lubas, Rik Little, Carla Johnson, Deborah Justice Young, |
New York | Albany | Pat Brady, Will Gallison, Bob Schulz, Betsy Combier, Carl Lanzisera, Elena Sassower, John LoBianco, Sophie Ruffian, Kris Sergentakis, Nancy Evans Figat, Koontie Mohabir, Judge Brian Lindsay, Pastor Paul Waldmiller, Lauren Parker, Barbara Baumgarten, Jim Kultschizky, | |
New Hampshire | Concord | David Aiken, Ed Bryans | |
Vermont | Montpelier | Steven G. Erickson, Thomas J. Hackett | |
Maine | Augusta | Paula Michaud, Debby Reagan, Lisa Malta, Darlene Dreisch, Michael Collins, Dottie Lafortune, Jessica Cummings, |
Massachusetts | Boston | Laura J. McGarry, David C. Grossack, Kyung Trotter, Zed McLarnen, Adrienne McGlone, Robin Shaye, Deb Della Piana, Frank Karkota, Jay Noone Douglas Kinan, Paul Adams, |
Rhode Island | Providence |
Phyllis Stafford, Keven McKenna, Rebecca McLaughlin, Patrice Livingston, MINK Squad, |
Connecticut | Hartford | Andrea Wilson | |
New Jersey | Trenton | Zahra Ali El, Mohamed Khalil, Peter I. Militante, Lori Rogers, Ben Barlyn, Joyce C., Matthew Taylor, Tom Donahue, Terence Culpepper, Nick Purpura, Julian P. Heicklen, | |
Delaware | Dover | Gordon Smith, Catherine Gibson, | |
DC | Washington | Lori Saxon, Janice (Mary), Deanne Rose Upson, Gloria Ford, Curt Levey | |
Maryland | Annapolis | George McDermott, Torina Collis, Ted Palmer, David Carlin, Gary Michael Phillip, |
Virginia | Richmond | Ruth Chichester, Lori Saxon, Kit Slitor, Nancy Hey, Herb Lux, |
West Virginia | Charleston | Hugh Caperton | |
Kentucky | Frankfort | Marla Wright, Melanda Adams, Michelle Looney, Michael P. Green | |
Tennessee | Nashville | Dennis Schuelke, Kathy Watson, Christina Quinn, Karen Caldwell, Don Acree, Heather Russell Wilder, Charlotte Jeffries, Susan Gibson, Christina Quinn, |
North Carolina | Raleigh | Sonya Braxton, Rod Class, Ronald Reale, Pamela Lofland, Tonya Whitfield, Donna Pilch, Janet Hohmann Powell, Elizabeth M.T. O’Nan, David Yang, Amanda Harris, |
South Carolina | Columbia | Roslyn Holman, Paul Clements, Charles Ward | |
Hawaii | Honolulu | J.P. Grund, Diane Booth | |
** The dates for each city will be entered as soon as the start date is set.
February 12, 2012 Article announcing Lawless America … The Movie.
If you have not yet done so, make Lawless America a friend on Facebook. I will approve all friend requests. Just click on this link, and then click “Add Friend.” If you do not yet have a Facebook account, please set one up. It’s free. We will be using Facebook extensively to promote the movie.
- If you have not yet done so, please sign our petition.
- If you have not yet done so, go to the Home Page of www.LawlessAmerica.com, and click the “Like” button next to every story. This will send each story all over Facebook to a huge group of people.
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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