Judge Craig L. Schwall, Sr. of the Fulton County Georgia Superior Court appears to have BAILED on William M. Windsor’s lawsuit.
It appears that the necessity that he render a decision on whether a Temporary Restraining Order will be issued against 58 federal judges and judicial and government employees pursuant to a lawsuit charging them with racketeering and corruption motivated Judge Schwall to do a disappearing act.
On June 29, 2011 just after 5:00 pm, the docket in the case shows “TRANSFER” dated June 28, 2011.
Here’s the Transfer Order received via email on June 30, 2011.
This is an extremely important case for those who care about the fight against judicial corruption. Hundreds of non-attorneys (for the most part) have dedicated time to researching case law to assist me.
This Fulton County Superior Court case presents an opportunity to get a court ruling here in Georgia that will pave the way for federal judges to be prosecuted for their corrupt criminal acts!
I have sued 58 federal judges, judicial employees, and the local Fulton County District Attorney in Fulton County Georgia Superior Court. Here is the Verified Complaint. I have filed a Georgia RICO action — racketeering and corruption statute in GEORGIA, not federal RICO. My claims are totally state court causes of action, including perjury, subornation of perjury, and obstruction of justice. I used only state court causes of action as part of my precautions for keeping the case in state court. I specifically sued the judges as individuals in individual capacity, not in their official capacities as judges.
In my TRO presentation in the courtroom on Friday, I told Judge Schwall that I had bad news and good news.
Tha Bad News was that if he handles my case, he will probably never be a federal judge in Atlanta.
The Good News was that if he handles my case, he could be the next Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (because he will prove to the country that he is one of the only judges with integrity in all of America).
Judge Schwall’s staff has never returned my calls, and when I have spoken with them, they have given me false information. So, I have to now assume that Judge Schwall never wanted any part of this. I can respect that. At least he didn’t play the corruption game and just screw me as all others have done. I respect Judge Schwall…for now.
I’ll go down to the courthouse first thing tomorrow to see what the “Transfer” says. The only thing the docket says is that the case is now in the court of Constance C. Russell. She doesn’t appear to like to have her photo taken as I cannot locate one online.
This likely means that the TRO hearing will be held again. Judge Schwall bailed before issuing an order.
I’m sure Judge Schwall and Judge Russell hope the bad guys will remove the case to federal court so they can let the criminals there make it go away. I hope I have outfoxed them all on that point. Time will tell.
I issued my first subpoena for a deposition today. I have subpoenaed the Foreman of the Fulton County Grand Jury. I want to find out what the District Attorney’s Office did to tamper with my effort to testify.
Here are my filings in this case: Verified Complaint — Motion for Temporary Restraining Order — Motion for Temporary Retraining Order #2 — Motion for Leave to Conduct Discovery
Motion for Further Consideration of Motions for Temporary Restraining Order. Exhibit 1 — Exhibit 2 — Exhibit 3.
Microsoft Word Files: Motion for Further Consideration of Motions for Temporary Restraining Order. Proposed Temporary Restraining Order — Memorandum of Law on Judicial Immunity.
William M. Windsor
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