Bill Windsor has filed a Petition for Extraordinary Relief with the Montana Supreme Court


Bill Windsor has filed a Petition for Extraordinary Relief with the Montana Supreme Court.

The facts and the law are overwhelming in William M. Windsor’s case, but Bill has already experienced the corruption of the Montana Supreme Court, so hope is not high.

Here is the Petition that Bill Windsor has filed in Helena, Montana…

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Bill Windsor has filed his Appellant’s Brief regarding his illegal detention as a political prisoner in Ellis County Texas


Bill Windsor has filed his Appellant’s Brief regarding his illegal detention as a political prisoner in Ellis County Texas.

On October 28, 2014, Bill Windsor was handcuffed and taken to jail from a hearing in a civil suit that he filed against the people who have viciously defamed him in what is the largest case of defamation in U.S. history.  He was held for 53 days while he attempted to get someone/anyone to help.  There was a clear conspiracy to keep William M. Windsor in jail.  Bill Windsor finally got before Ellis County Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger, and despite undeniable facts and law, his Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus was denied

This is the appeal of that wrongful denial…

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Bill Windsor has filed a motion to have corrupt Judge John W. Larson removed as the judge in his criminal trial for Tweeting and Emailing


Bill Windsor has filed a motion to have corrupt Judge John W. Larson removed as the judge in his criminal trial for Tweeting and Emailing.

Corrupt people in Montana and Texas are attempting to put Bill Windsor in prison for life for the crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, and filming a documentary movie exposing corruption.  If you have not yet read the report of the five crimes he is charged with, please read it.  And no, this isn’t a joke.

The Motion for Susbtitution of Judge…

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William M. Windsor has published the MOTION TO QUASH BENCH WARRANT that he filed in the Missoula County Montana District Court on January 21, 2015


William M. Windsor has published the MOTION TO QUASH BENCH WARRANT that he filed in the Missoula County Montana District Court on January 21, 2015.

The MOTION is long and references a great deal of evidence.

It has been published in 15 parts.

Continue reading William M. Windsor has published the MOTION TO QUASH BENCH WARRANT that he filed in the Missoula County Montana District Court on January 21, 2015

Bill Windsor charged with Crimes in Landmark Case that voids Freedom of Speech in Montana

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Bill Windsor’s criminal charges have been revealed thanks to the work of Mountain Goat Couriers in Missoula, Montana.

Bill Windsor is charged with three felonies and two misdemeanors in an action that essentially means Montana law enforcement and Montana courts have voided the Constitutional right of Freedom of Speech.

William M. Windsor has no intention of taking this…

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Bill Windsor Charges Revealed — charged with 3 Felonies and 2 Misdemeanors for Filming and Filing Legal Actions


Bill Windsor’s criminal charges have been revealed thanks to the work of a courier service in Missoula, Montana.

Bill Windsor is charged with three Felonies and two Misdemeanors for Filming and Filing Legal Actions.

Stay tuned for complete information later today…

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Bill Windsor does not have Herpes, Tuberculosis, or a Staph Infection from his 53 Days of Illegal Incarceration in the Ellis County Texas Jail


Bill Windsor was exposed to staph, MRSA, Herpes, and Tuberculosis when he was illegally held in the Ellis County Texas Jail as a political prisoner.

First stop when William M. Windsor was finally released was Snuffer’s in Dallas for one of America’s best cheeseburgers and the World’s Original and Best Cheddar Fries.  Second stop was the doctor for a complete physical, TB test, lots of blood drawn, urine sample, unnatural probing, etc..

There is only one problem….

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No Legal Basis for Judge Karen Townsend to Order $100,000 Bond for William M. Windsor


Meet Judge Karen Townsend.  She is a District Court Judge in Missoula, Montana who is responsible for William M. Windsor spending 53 days in the Ellis County Jail.

Bill Windsor was detained illegally, incarcerated illegally, denied bond illegally, and denied discharge illegally.

Why did Judge Karen Townsend do what she did?


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Bill Windsor requests Documentation and Legal Authority for 53 Days in Jail from Missoula Montana District Attorney Jennifer Clark


William M. Windsor has written to Jennifer Clark, the Chief Deputy District Attorney for Missoula County Montana.

This is Jennifer Clark.  She is responsible for William M. Windsor spending 53 days in the Ellis County Jail.  Bill Windsor was detained illegally, incarcerated illegally, denied bond illegally, and denied discharge illegally.

Jennifer Clark probably committed a number of violations of the Code of Professional Conduct and perhaps criminal statutes as well.  Bill Windsor was falsely imprisoned because of Jennifer Clark.

Continue reading Bill Windsor requests Documentation and Legal Authority for 53 Days in Jail from Missoula Montana District Attorney Jennifer Clark

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 6


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 6 of my story.  Ellis County Judge Cindy Ermatinger is shown here.  She set me free after 53 days.  Judge Cindy Ermatinger is my favorite judge in Ellis County Texas.

Continue reading 53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 6