Bill O’Reilly Confronts Corrupt Montana Judge G Todd Baugh


Stacey Rambold repeatedly raped a 14-year-old girl.

The girl committed suicide.

Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced the rapist to 30 days in jail.

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Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge


Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge.

These are fairy tales that we are taught by teachers who probably don’t know better...

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Federal Judge Royal W. Furgeson found to have committed wrongdoing in Jeff Baron Case

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Every once in a while, the wrongdoing by a judge gets significant media attention and the wrongdoing is so egregious that fellow judges feel they have to do what’s right for a change.  This just happened with the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth District.  The appellate court found that Judge Royal W. Furgeson was wrong to do what he did to Jeff Baron.

Jeff Baron is an Internet pioneer who, at the age of 32, invented a technology in the early days of the Internet to make it easier to register Internet domain names.  Jeff quickly became successful.  His business was  profitable and  made money. 

But today, Jeff Baron does not even own the shirt on his back.  Tens of millions of dollars have disappeared due to the actions of two federal judges and a small army of unscrupulous Texas attorneys.

Continue reading Federal Judge Royal W. Furgeson found to have committed wrongdoing in Jeff Baron Case

How Judges Commit Crimes and Treason

Judges regularly commit the crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury. And I believe many judges regularly commit treason as their intentional violation of the Constitution makes them domestic enemies.

They obstruct justice by using various techniques to render decisions and issue orders that are intended to deny justice.

They do this to favor certain parties and law firms.   They may do it for money or other considerations, or they may do it simply because they favor certain attorneys….

For our purposes now, why they do it is not as important as the fact that they do obstruct justice.  They all belong in prison.

To pursue criminal charges against judges, you need to document everything that is improper.  It is my opinion that a pattern and practice of this wrongdoing can establish the crime of obstruction of justice.

It is vital for you to understand the techniques used so you may identify specific examples of these crimes being committed against you.  Crimes such as these may be pursued through grand juries.  In April 2013, Lawless America will be leading an effort to bring Criminal Charges against Every Corrupt Government Official in America.  Having your list of crimes and evidence ready will prepare you to participate in this nationwide filing of criminal actions.

These are some of the techniques the judges use:

Ignore the Law

One of the primary techniques used by corrupt judges is to simply ignore the law. One party cites the law and overwhelming case law. The favored party doesn’t have the law on their side. The judge simply ignores the law and rules against the party that was legally right. In one instance, I presented literally thousands of cases that proved that I was right. In fact, there had never been a case in any court where there was a ruling other than one that would be in my favor. But Judge Orinda D. Evans had one and only one motive, so she ignored the law and ruled against me. The same is true with Judges William S. Duffey, Thomas W. Thrash, Joel F. Dubina, Edward Earl Carnes, Rosemary Barkett, Frank M. Hull, James Larry Edmondson, Stanley Marcus, William H. Pryor, Gerald Bard Tjoflat, Susan H. Black, and Charles R. Wilson.

Cite Invalid Law

Sometimes a judge will feel like citation of case law is needed to support their ruling. So, they claim a case applies when it doesn’t. Judge William S. Duffey has done this a number of times. He cites a case in his orders, and then when I review those cases, I find that they actually proved my position. But he ruled against me because he needed to in order to shield his good friend, Judge Orinda D. Evans, from criminal prosecution and impeachment.

Ignore the Facts

Judges don’t address points raised by parties who aren’t favored. I find appellate judges are even more dishonest than lower court judges when it comes to ignoring the issues, facts, statutes, and case law. Lie about the Facts in Orders Lying under oath is perjury. Judges are always under oath, and a judge is supposed to never say or write anything that isn’t true. So, when a judge knowingly lies in orders for the purpose of ruling against a party for the judge’s criminal reasons, it is a criminal violation of perjury. Each such instance is a separate count. In my case, Judge Evans has committed hundreds and hundreds of counts of perjury. The record filed with the Court proves that she lied, but she gets away with it because the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals judges will lie to protect their fellow judge. I have many counts of perjury against Judge Duffey and Judge Thrash as well.

Ignore Issues

Another favorite technique is to simply ignore issues in orders. Judge Evans has not responded to motions on a timely basis, and then she takes many motions at once and rules on them. This buries the fact that she ignored motions where her ruling could not possibly be explained. So, rather than make up an explanation, she just ignores those tough issues. Judge Duffey often ignores the issues, and Judge Thrash always ignores the issues.

Conceal Evidence

A really dishonest judge like Judge Orinda Evans will simply conceal evidence. In my case, she has two documents that will prove fraud by the other party and their attorney as well as obstruction of justice by her. She simply conceals that evidence and refuses to allow it to see the light of day so her criminal efforts are not exposed. Approximately 12 other judges have aided and abetted her in this concealment.

Say Nothing in Orders

One of the favorite techniques of Judge Thrash and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals judges is to say nothing. They corruptly call an appeal “frivolous” and dismiss it with no explanation whatsoever. Sometimes the Eleventh Circuit writes a page or two simply reciting the history of the case, so it appears it is a real order, and then they write one sentence dismissing the appeal with no valid reason or explanation.

Block Filing of Motions and Evidence

By allowing the favored party to file anything they choose and blocking the filings and motions of the pro se party, judges commit the worst form of obstruction of justice. The pro se party is denied the information needed to defeat the other party, and there is no record of this evidence and these arguments on appeal. Judge Evans, Judge Duffey, and Judge Thrash have done this to me repeatedly.

Tamper with Evidence

Tampering with evidence is a crime. Judges commit tampering with evidence by causing evidence submitted for filing to disappear and not get added to the court record. Judge Evans, Judge Duffey, and Judge Thrash have done this to me repeatedly, in cahoots with the staff of the Clerk of the Court. I have proof that orders have been backdated. I suspect that we will discover that the two documents filed under seal in 1:06-CV-0714-ODE Docket #168 have been tampered with or destroyed. Maid of the Mist’s attorneys did a lot of tampering with evidence, and Judge Evans ignored it all.

Deny Constitutional Rights

The Constitution is meaningless to corrupt judges. They simply violate Constitutional rights with no regard for the people they damage. All of the judges that I have encountered have violated my Constitutional rights. I have been raped of my rights to due process. I have been denied the right to call witnesses, testify under oath, cross-examine witnesses, introduce evidence, file answers to motions filed by the favored party, file lawsuits, contact witnesses, and much more.

Violate and Ignore the Rules of Civil Procedure

By violating and ignoring the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Evidence, judges commit obstruction of justice. They allow the favored party to break rules and get away with it. For example, in my cases, the opposing parties have not filed a single affidavit as to facts for the last three years. The Local Rules of Civil Procedure require that all alleged statements of fact in motions and other filings must be supported by affidavit. This has not been done by the opposing parties since 2008, but every motion that I file has an affidavit or a sworn verification. Other rules are ignored as well so the favored parties can get away with just about anything.

Automatically Rule against Certain Classes of People

Judges automatically rule against certain classes of people. The concept of fair and impartial judges is a fairy tale. I have proven that people who represent themselves as plaintiffs in the federal courts in Atlanta always lose. We have a right to represent ourselves in court, but we automatically lose. Judges are simply attorneys in black dresses, and they seem to uniformly hate parties who aren’t spending a fortune with attorneys, so they screw them.

Order Monetary Sanctions against Parties they want to Damage

The criminal judges inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored by ordering monetary sanctions against them. They inflict financial punishment to break people. Judge Evans has done this to me several times, and judges of the Eleventh Circuit have done it to me as well. Judge Duffey is about to do the same to me.

Refuse to Disqualify Themselves

The Constitution and case law clearly provide that we are supposed to be entitled to a fair and impartial judge, but the corrupt judges simply ignore the law. They refuse to disqualify themselves so they can inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored. This has happened with Judge Evans, Judge Duffey, Judge Thrash, and every judge with the Eleventh Circuit.

Violate their Oath of Office and the Code of Judicial Conduct

Like the rules of civil procedure, a judge’s Oath of Office and Code of Judicial Conduct READ great. But the judges pay no attention to the Oath or Code. When they intentionally violate their Oath and the Code of Judicial Conduct, they are intentionally damaging a party.

Conspire with Fellow Judges and Judicial Employees

The corrupt judges commit conspiracy with their fellow judges and judicial employees. They often need help from other judges as well as law clerks, the employees in the Office of the Clerk of the Court, and others.

Allow Perjury

Dishonest judges allow a favored party to lie and cheat. The felony of perjury is ignored. This is an excellent way for a crooked judge to allow a favored party who is dishonest to obstruct justice. When the judge knows the testimony is perjured, the judge is suborning perjury when he or she does nothing about it and accepts the perjury as if it was fact. Judge Evans and Judge Duffey have done this as have the judges of the Eleventh Circuit.

Deny Hearings

In the federal courts in Fulton County, it is extremely difficult to get a hearing. In six years, I have never been granted a hearing. Hearings are dangerous for dishonest judges as courtroom observers, media, and the transcript of the hearing will force the judges to be a little more honest.

Practice Simulated Litigation

Dishonest judges don’t issue valid orders, and they do not maintain legal dockets. I guess this makes it easier for them to manipulate things. Judge Duffey and the Clerk of the Court have done this to me. None of Judge Thrash’s orders are legal.

Dismiss Cases or Grant Summary Judgments

Dishonest judges ignore the law and violate the law by dismissing cases or by granting summary judgment. This is done regularly. This keeps the honest party from the right to have a jury make the decision.

Deny Jury Trials

Judges corrupt the judicial process by depriving parties of a jury trial. Juries can’t be controlled by the judges to ensure that their favored party wins, so judges end cases before the people who should win can reach a jury. Judge Evans and Judge Duffey have done this to me, and Judge Thrash is about to do it four times.

Don’t Publish the Improper Orders

The Eleventh Circuit has NEVER published one of the orders in my appeals. When they are violating the law, they have protection by not publishing the order. This keeps it from the eyes of attorneys and other judges who would identify the wrongdoing. Publishing would also make their erroneous decisions precedents for other cases. The whole legal system would be turned even more upside down if this were to happen.

Judges are Corrupt

Corruption is the abuse of power by a public official.  As I see it, judicial corruption is dishonesty by a judge.  Corruption does not have to be economic in character.  A police officer who fabricates evidence against a person he believes to be guilty of pedophilia is not committing an economic crime; and he might do so because he believes the accused to be guilty, and does not want him to go unpunished.  Economics is not necessarily involved as an element of the officer’s crime or as a motivation.  When police do wrong they are often motivated by a misplaced sense of justice, rather than by financial reward.  Again, a person in authority motivated by sadistic pleasure who abuses her power by meting out cruel and unjust treatment to those subject to her authority, is not engaging in an economic crime; and she is not motivated by economic considerations.  Judges and many of those who occupy positions of authority are motivated by a desire to exercise power for its own sake, rather than by a desire for financial reward.  That said, bribery is generally regarded as the most serious form of public corruption.

William M. Windsor

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Attorney Richard Fine exposes Judicial Corruption for Lawless America…The Movie

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Dr. Richard Fine met with Bill Windsor and was interviewed for Lawless America…The Movie whehn the 50-state Lawless America Movie Road Trip visited Hollywood. 

Dr. Richard Fine presents perhaps the most significant case of judicial corruption at this time.

A portion of the interview has been placed on YouTube, and you can vgiew it right here.

Continue reading Attorney Richard Fine exposes Judicial Corruption for Lawless America…The Movie

Virtually Every Judge in America Regularly Commits Crimes

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I believe that just about every judge in America is a felon who needs to be arrested, convicted, imprisoned, disgraced, and removed from office.  

Judges routinely violate 18 USC 4 and much more.


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Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington charged with Falsifing Residence Affidavit and Violating Oath of Office

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Based upon information provided to me, I believe Gordon GODfrey filed a false residency affidavit and false oath of office when he was a candidate for Grays Harbor County Washington judge.

This is a crime, and I believe the County Commissisoners must immediately refer this matter to the prosecuting attorney.

I have submitted a letter to the County Commissioners with evidence to prove the charges.

Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington – Charges presented for Falsifying Oath and Residency Affidavit

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Charges have been presented to the Grays Harbor County Commissioners and the prosecuting attorney with evidence that seems to show that Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington filed a false sworn affidavit as to his residence.

He has also violated his sworn Oath of Office by repeatedly violating the Constitutions of the United States and Washington State, if information provided to me  by victims is accurate.

Judge Gordon GODfrey will be one of the stars of Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington – Charges presented for Falsifying Oath and Residency Affidavit