Lawless America Movie Road Trip Schedule is Completed


Bill Windsor has announced changes to the schedule as he continues to travel America filming victims of government and judicial corruption.

Please note the dates for Georgia, Portland, Olympia, Juneau, Anchorage, Honolulu, and Maui.

Everyone who is on the schedule to be filmed will receive an email with the date and time.

Continue reading Lawless America Movie Road Trip Schedule is Completed

Gravett Kent Law Firm Threatens Bill Windsor over Lawless America…The Movie


I have received several threatening communications from attorneys, spouses, and others.

Clayton W. Kent of Gravett Kent in Napa California has been especially active.

I invited Mr. Kent’s client, John Hefelbauer, to appear on camera to tell his side of the story, and I asked him to take a polygraph test as his ex, Melissa Barnett, has agreed to do.  Clayton W. Kent and John Hefelbauer have said no to both…

Continue reading Gravett Kent Law Firm Threatens Bill Windsor over Lawless America…The Movie

Be in Lawless America…The Movie or on the New Weekly TV Show — Submit Your Video

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Be in Lawless America…The Movie or on the New Lawless America Weekly TV Show — Submit Your Video.

That’s right.  If Bill Windsor hasn’t filmed you in your town yet, you can film yourself, or be filmed through the magic of the Internet.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Continue reading Be in Lawless America…The Movie or on the New Weekly TV Show — Submit Your Video

9-Year-Old Girl plans to run for President after being taken away from her Mom and put in Foster Care. Brianna will fix this!


Brianna Lemmo is 9-years-old.  She plans to be a candidate for President of the United States.

Brianna is one of the victims of the family court corruption in America.  She was filmed for Lawless America…The Movie.

Brianna was taken away from her mother and put into foster care.  She knows what needs to be done to fix the system, and she tells the government in her Congressional Testimony.

Continue reading 9-Year-Old Girl plans to run for President after being taken away from her Mom and put in Foster Care. Brianna will fix this!

700 Videos now posted exposing Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption by the Lawless America Revolution


700 videos have now been posted exposing government corruption and judicial corruption.

These videos are available at

The 700 videos represent less than half of the videos to be posted from the Lawless America Road Trip to all 50 states.

Continue reading 700 Videos now posted exposing Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption by the Lawless America Revolution

Bill Windsor to be sued by We the People Family Preservation (WTP), L. Wilson, WTP

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Bill Windsor has received notice of the intent of this woman, Lena (L) Wilson, and her “organization,” We the People Family Preservation, to sue for libel and slander.

These are some of the same folks who misappropriated Lawless America’s confidential database, hijacked Lawless America’s Washington DC event, misappropriated Lawless America’s registration database for the event, have falsely and maliciously advertised that Bill Windsor was working with their group and speaking at their event in DC, and who have posted online that Bill Windsor is a liar and is operating a scam.

Continue reading Bill Windsor to be sued by We the People Family Preservation (WTP), L. Wilson, WTP

Meet Me in DC on February 5-6, 2013 to present Testimony to Congress — RSVP’s Needed NOW


 Meet Me in DC.  February 5-6, 2013. 

I (Bill Windsor) have been traveling all across America to gather information about corruption within this country.  I have filmed victims of government and judicial corruption in every state.  The 50-state trip Lawless America Road Trip started on June 14, 2012, and filming will continue into January 2013. 

The movie has become a revolution…The Lawless America Revolution.  Please join our efforts by attending this event in Washington, DC.

Continue reading Meet Me in DC on February 5-6, 2013 to present Testimony to Congress — RSVP’s Needed NOW moves way up in the Ranks of the Top Websites in America

 blog-keyboard-dreamstime 12774793-200w has moved high in the ranks of the top websites in America 

Of 118 million websites registered in America, has broken the Top 100,000.

As of November 26, 2012, the web traffic service,, ranks at #84,510. This is a BIG DEAL because it proves that Lawless America is getting really significant web traffic.

Continue reading moves way up in the Ranks of the Top Websites in America

Can 750 Nobodies Save America? See the Nobodies talk about Lawless America…The Movie


Lawless America…The Movie asks the question: Can 750 Nobodies Save America?

Each of the Nobodies is asked to film a promo for the movie.

These videos will give you a taste of the stories you will see in Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Can 750 Nobodies Save America? See the Nobodies talk about Lawless America…The Movie

Lawless America…The Movie – Important Message

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All of the Lawless America Movie and Lawless America Revolution friends and supporters are asked to read this article and do a few things. 

This is especially important for those who have been filmed or will be filmed for the movie.

It’s the Lawless America Revolution, and we must have your support and help.

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie – Important Message