Dr. Robert Pfluger testifies to Congress about Government and Judicial Corruption as part of Lawless America…The Movie

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Dr. Robert Pfluger testified to Congress on August 2, 2012 in Springfield, Illinois. 

He presented his testimony before William M. Windsor, Producer/Director of Lawless America…The Movie and a candidate for the United States House of Representatives from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District.

Dr. Robert Pfluger is a victim of Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption.  One of our fundamental rights is supposed to be to petition the government for redress of grievances, but Dr. Robert Pfluger merely protested what he believes are illegal acts by the U.S. Government, and a state court judge took away his license to practice dentistry solely because Dr. Robert Pfluger exercised his Constitutional rights.

Continue reading Dr. Robert Pfluger testifies to Congress about Government and Judicial Corruption as part of Lawless America…The Movie

Arrest Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan and Corrupt Judge Patricia Gardner NOW


Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan, is a child molester according to his ex-wife, Sharon Cole.  This is an update of a previous article.

I have heard some horrible stories as I tour the country filming a documentary about government and judicial corruption, but this is absolutely the most horiffic story.  

Sharon Cole is one of the victims of judicial corruption and government corruption who is being featured in Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Arrest Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan and Corrupt Judge Patricia Gardner NOW

Willita Bush testifies to Congress about Civil Court Corruption and Family Court Corruption as part of Lawless America…The Movie

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Willita Bush testified to Congress on August 2, 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri. 

She presented her testimony before William M. Windsor, Producer/Director of Lawless America…The Movie and a candidate for the United States House of Representatives from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District.

Willita Bush is a victim of Family Court Corruption and Civil Court Corruption.

Continue reading Willita Bush testifies to Congress about Civil Court Corruption and Family Court Corruption as part of Lawless America…The Movie

Michigan family court Judge Kevin Cronin gets his own Music Video

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Judge Kevin Cronin of Alegan County, Michigan is the latest recipient of a music video produced, directed, and performed by infamous judicial lampooner, Kevin Patrick Brady

Judge Kevin Cronin is perhaps best-known for giving custody of children to a man who broke his wife’s back and killed her. 

Other notable misdeeds of Judge Kevin Cronin include ordering $1,300 per month in child support to be paid by the disabled woman and sentencing her to jail six times due to her inability to pay.

Continue reading Michigan family court Judge Kevin Cronin gets his own Music Video

Detroit Police Officer Michael Woody accused of choking and raping ex-wife while the Police Department covers it up

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Detroit police officer Michael Woody was abusive and violent to his wife and children, according to his ex-wife, Kimberly Holt.  

She says Michael Woody kicked Kimberly and her children out of their home.  Later, she says he showed up at Kimberly’s new home, threatened her, choked her, held her down, and raped her.  

Kimberly Holt is one of the victims of law enforcement abuse and government corruption who has been filmed for Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Detroit Police Officer Michael Woody accused of choking and raping ex-wife while the Police Department covers it up

St. Joseph, Michigan Pediatrician Dr. Donald Jeffrey Tynes is accused of sexually assaulting all six of his children

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St. Joseph, Michigan Pediatrician, Dr. Donald Jeffrey Tynes, sexually abused all six of his children, according to his ex-wife, Adrienne Tynes-El, and his daughter, Kamille Tynes-El.  

Kamille Tynes-El said: “I was sexually abused by my father, and no one listened.”  Adrienne Tynes-El says all six of her children were sexually abused by the pediatrician.  

Kamille and Adrienne Tynes-El and are being featured in Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading St. Joseph, Michigan Pediatrician Dr. Donald Jeffrey Tynes is accused of sexually assaulting all six of his children

Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan is accused of committing the worst act of sexual abuse of a child that I have ever heard

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Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan, is a child molester according to his ex-wife, Sharon Cole.  

I have heard some horrible stories as I tour the country filming a documentary about government and judicial corruption, but this is absolutely the most horiffic story.  

Sharon Cole is one of the victims of judicial corruption and government corruption who is being featured in Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan is accused of committing the worst act of sexual abuse of a child that I have ever heard

Don Meehan testifies to Congress through Lawless America Movie — See one of the over 750 videos that will be presented to Congress on January 9, 2013


This is an example of the short testimony to Congress that Bill Windsor is filming all over the country for Lawless America…The Movie.

Each person filmed for Lawless America…The Movie is asked to record such testimony.

Bill Windsor will be joined by hundreds of people in Washington, DC on January 9, 2013 when the testimony will be presented to Congress.

Continue reading Don Meehan testifies to Congress through Lawless America Movie — See one of the over 750 videos that will be presented to Congress on January 9, 2013

Lawless America…The Movie needs State Coordinators


Lawless America…The Movie needs a little help.

If you will serve as a State Coordinator for Lawless America, please email Dottie Lafortune — assistant@LawlessAmerica.com

We need state coordinators for Wisconsin, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado – Colorado Springs, New  Mexico, Texas — Austin, Texas – Houston, Texas – Dallas, Arkansas, Tennessee – Memphis, Mississippi, and Alabama.   We also need South Carolina, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Indiana.

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie needs State Coordinators