Indiana Election Chief found Guilty of Voter Fraud


Indiana’s top elections official could lose his job and his freedom after jurors convicted him of multiple voter fraud-related charges on February 4, 2012, leaving in flux the fate of one of the state’s most powerful positions.

Republican Secretary of State Charlie White has held on to his office for more than a year despite being accused of lying about his address on voter registration forms.

A Hamilton County jury found White guilty of six of seven felony charges, including false registration, voting in another precinct, submitting a false ballot, theft and two counts of perjury. He was acquitted on one fraud charge.

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Obama Atlanta Hearing Video Now Available & Judge indicates Ruling may come by February 1, 2012


I was at the Obama Hearing in Atlanta on January 26, 2012, and Lydia Swain and I videotaped the entire proceeding for Producer William Wagener of On Second Thought TV.

The first of the videos from the hearing is now available on the next page.

I learned late today from Plaintiffs’ Attorney Orly Taitz that the judge has accelerated the schedule, and he may announce his decision as early as February 1, 2012….

Continue reading Obama Atlanta Hearing Video Now Available & Judge indicates Ruling may come by February 1, 2012

Obama & his Attorney fail to appear for Trial — 2 Hour Hearing provides Strong Evidence that Obama is not qualified for Ballot


President Barack Obama and his attorney refused to appear for a trial in Atlanta, Georgia on January 26, 2012 despite subpoenas requiring Obama’s attendance and documents as well as a letter from the Georgia Secretary of State saying their failure to appear would be at their peril. 

Judge Michael Malihi presided over the two-hour hearing in which significant evidence was presented to show that Obama is not eligibile to be a candidate for President of the United States.

I was there in the media group with videographer Lydia Swain, and the entire hearing was videotaped .

Continue reading Obama & his Attorney fail to appear for Trial — 2 Hour Hearing provides Strong Evidence that Obama is not qualified for Ballot

William M. Windsor approved to Video Obama Trial January 26 in Atlanta


Judge Michael Malihi has ordered President Obama to submit proof to the court concerning his eligibility to be  President of the United States.

The hearing will be Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 9:00 am at 230 peachtree Street N.W. in Atlanta, Georgia.

William Wagener, producer for On Second Thought TV in California, filed a motion for approval to video the hearing, and I’m going to be there to handle the video….

Continue reading William M. Windsor approved to Video Obama Trial January 26 in Atlanta

Obama to Stand Trial — Picket in Atlanta to Gain International Attention


We have a special opportunity to picket in Atlanta to gain international attention to government corruption.

Please join William M. Windsor and many others in Atlanta on January 26, 2012 outside the building where President Obama is set to stand trial on his eligibility to be on the ballot in Georgia.

Judge Michael Malihi has ordered President Obama to submit proof to the court concerning his eligibility to be  President of the United States.

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SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – brings Many Pledges to Join Coalition to fight Government Corruption


SOCK – The Save Our Constitution Konvention – resulted in many pledges to join the coalition to fight government corruption.

The Konvention was watched by many hundreds of people from all across the country.

The event was not without its challenges, but progress was made….

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Obama must stand trial in Georgia to PROVE he is eligible to be on the ballot


Barack Obama will have to stand trial in Georgia and prove (if he can) his eligibility for office.

HUGE news.  Congratulations to Orly Taitz, Carl Swensson, and others who refused to give up….

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Article II Super Pac formed to fight Obama’s Eligibility for Election


Carl Swensson and others have formed the Article II Political Action Committee to fight Barack Obama’s eligibility for election. 
The information about the Article II SuperPac has been provided by the Committee:

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Activist Siobhan Reynolds dies in Plane Crash – Victim of Government Corruption


The attractive, diminutive woman who drove into my driveway on the last Saturday in October hardly looked to be the person that federal authorities desperately were trying to find a way to throw into prison.

Her lovely eyes had a sparkle in them, and she hardly looked to be a threat to the life and liberty of anyone.

Yet, here was a woman coming into my home who was being targeted by the feds because she had the audacity to openly question the Drug War in general and the government’s war on people taking pain medications and the doctors that prescribe them.

Continue reading Activist Siobhan Reynolds dies in Plane Crash – Victim of Government Corruption

Puerto Rico Senator Robert Arango resigns


A Puerto Rico lawmaker has resigned following reports that explicit photos of him surfaced on an iPhone application for gays and bisexuals.

The head of the U.S. territory’s Senate announced this on August 28, 2011.


Senator Roberto Arango, a Republican who represents the capital of San Juan for the island’s governing party, presented his letter of resignation…


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