Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Wanted by Some – End of Day 5


Bill Windsor is alive and well at 5:00 pm Mountain Time on January 2, 2015 en route to somewhere, but maybe not where originally planned.

This guy may have been knocking on the door earlier, but Bill Windsor says he doesn’t feel comfortable opening doors anymore, so he can’t be sure.  Could have been Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown out on a manhunt, or Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson, or Jennifer Clark, or Tyler Dugger, or Adam Walsh, or Housekeeping…  

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Wanted by Some – End of Day 5

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Disguised – Day 5


Bill Windsor is alive and well at 5:00 am Mountain Time on January 2, 2015 en route to somewhere, but maybe not where originally planned.

Bill Windsor is doing his best to be inconspicuous as he works on court filings, prepares a civil rights lawsuit for his illegal incarceration as a political prisoner, and prepares information to publish to expose a number of government officials and others as evildoers. 

Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Disguised – Day 5

Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Disguised – End of Day 4


Bill Windsor is alive and well at 8:30 pm Mountain Time on New Year’s Day en route to somewhere, but maybe not where originally planned.

This isn’t Bill Windsor, but he did buy a hoodie jacket today, and with it on, all you can see are his sunglasses.  Not meant as a disguise, but it does serve dual purposes.

Bill Windsor continues to drive slowly and very cautiously in hopes of avoiding any contact with law enforcement.


Continue reading Bill Windsor is Still Alive and Free and Disguised – End of Day 4

Bill Windsor is Alive and Well en route to Missoula, Montana – Day 4


Bill Windsor is alive and well at 9:30 am on New Year’s Day en route to Missoula Montana.

Leaving one state and soon to enter another.  Taking a slight change of route.  There probably aren’t any warrants out for him where William M. Windsor is now and where he will be later today.

Bill Windsor is driving slow and very cautiously in hopes of avoiding any contact with law enforcement.


Continue reading Bill Windsor is Alive and Well en route to Missoula, Montana – Day 4

Bill Windsor says Don’t Leave Home Without It


Bill Windsor is shown here showing his personal edition of the Bail Bond Directory, a gift from Ruby and Victoria at Act Swift Bail Bonds in Waxahachie, Texas.  Bill says “Don’t leave home without it.”

Of course, the corrupt law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, and judges may not let you have a bond by inventing some outlandish story.

Bill Windsor is alive and reasonably well at 7:00 pm on New Year’s Eve en route to Missoula Montana.

Continue reading Bill Windsor says Don’t Leave Home Without It

Bill Windsor is Alive and Well en route to Missoula, Montana – Day 3


Bill Windsor is alive and well at 8:00 am on New Year’s Eve en route to Missoula Montana.

There probably aren’t any warrants out for him where William M. Windsor is now and where he will be later today.

Bill Windsor is driving slow and very cautiously in hopes of avoiding any contact with law enforcement.


Continue reading Bill Windsor is Alive and Well en route to Missoula, Montana – Day 3

Bill Windsor is Alive and Well between Dallas, Texas and Missoula, Montana


Bill Windsor is alive and well between Dallas Texas and Missoula Montana.

The Gestapo is out trying to arrest Bill Windsor at this time.

Bill Windsor is driving slow and very cautiously in hopes of avoiding any contact with law enforcement.


Continue reading Bill Windsor is Alive and Well between Dallas, Texas and Missoula, Montana

Melanie White, Mel Mel, Yappy Correction and Retraction Demand from William M. Windsor


This is Melanie White, Mel Mel, or Yappy, or at least what I believe she may currently look like.  I believe she’s all puckered up because she knows she is about to be found liable for tens of millions of dollars in my defamation action against her.  I don’t know Melanie White aka Mel Mel aka Yappy, but she has defamed me hundreds (perhaps thousands) of times.

If you haven’t been keeping up with Lawless America and me , you may be surprised to learn that a gang of cyberstalkers has viciously defamed William M. Windsor with thousands of false and defamtory statements online 

Continue reading Melanie White, Mel Mel, Yappy Correction and Retraction Demand from William M. Windsor

Cease & Desist Notice and Correction and Retraction Demand Clarification from William M. Windsor

0-background-roller red blood concept-cropped-cease-retraction-200w

To those who have published false and/or defamatory information about me: CEASE AND DESIST.  Continued false and/or defamatory statements about me should be viewed by law enforcement as stalking and should be viewed by judges and juries as evidence of malice, bad faith, and reckless disregard.

As to my demands for corrections and retractions, it is too late for anyone to correct and retract statements made over 30 days ago.  But if you have made false and/or defamatory statements about me in the last 30 days, I demand that you correct and retract.


Continue reading Cease & Desist Notice and Correction and Retraction Demand Clarification from William M. Windsor