Bill Windsor of Lawless America issues Warning on Dating Site Scams

victims losing millions dating scam 1 200w 

Bill Windsor of Lawless America is preparing an expose of online dating site predators.

Dishonesty and crimes in America are not limited to government, judicial, and law enforcement personnel.

It is shocking what scammers get away with online.  I am working on matters involving men who use dozens of names and a myriad of web pages to scam women all over the world…

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Lawless America Website Hacked Again


Lawless America’s website has been hacked

The website is finally back online.

Some articles were posted at, but is the best source of news when this site is hacked.


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Bill Windsor leaves Montana for the next to last time

Bill Windsor visited Glacier National Park for a spectacular weekend following his Kangaroo Court Pre-Trial Conference in Missoula Montana on November 20, 2015.

And he enjoyed the Mission Mountains Wilderness on his return South.

My mind was racing on trial preparation and Things To Do, so I didn’t appreciate the beauty of the drive as much as I should have…

This should be the next-to-last time I leave Montana.  I will be there for the Trial of the Century on January 5-6, 2016, and I hope I never go back.  Except perhaps for the premiere of Lawless America…The Movie.

The so-called Pre-Trial Conference was a joke.  Here’s the article about the Pre-Trial Conference.

It’s a shame such a beautiful place is terminally corrupt.


I scribbled notes as I drove. 

I took a different route out of Montana than planned.  When I woke up this morning and checked my email, I received a message from someone from Ravalli County Montana (the hangout of Sean Boushie and Judge James A. Haynes).  This person wanted to arrange a secret meeting for me with someone from Ravalli County who has a lot of information about the corruption there.  We met at an undisclosed location very near to the world’s largest naked woman taking a bath in a bathtub on the roof of a bar.  Seriously.  VERY INTERESTING.  The meeting, not the mannequin in a bathtub.

I will be announcing a special filming after the trial in Missoula.  I want to try to get as many victims as possible to come to the trial.  Then we will film a group session followed ny filming of individual stories.  So, if you are in Montana or have friends there, please ask them to participate.

Bill Windsor has been suspended from Facebook for 30 days for publishing something that he didn’t publish.  So, for all the news, come here.

As always, there is a lot to do.

Image copyright Friends of Bill Windsor

For a quick update on Bill Windsor’s saga and his trial, see this summary on

If you want to reach Bill Windsor, his home address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108.  That mail gets forwarded to him once a week.  His email is Pro-Se-1@outlook.comThis. His phone is currently confidential, but it is not answered; messages are checked by dialing in to Verizon from a state far, far away, and Bill receives an email with the name, number, and one-sentence summary of each message.

For the Lawless America videos, see  Bill Windsor’s Facebook page is  Bill Windsor’s Twitter account is  And click here for the Lawless America Facebook page that has just magically reappeared.

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William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.


Bill Windsor of Lawless America Update September 4, 2015


Bill Windsor of Lawless America provides this update on September 4, 2015. 

Hi folks.  I thought I’d take a few minutes to provide a general update.

As usual, there is a LOT going on…

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America Update September 4, 2015

Jody Herring, mom who lost custody, kills children’s Child Protective Services worker


A woman who was upset about losing custody of her daughter used a hunting rifle to fatally shoot a child-welfare agency worker who had handled her case.

The shooting happened Friday outside a state office building in Vermont that houses the Department for Children and Families, Governor Peter Shumlin’s office said.

The mother, Jody Herring, was detained by people in and around the building after the shooting, police said.

Continue reading Jody Herring, mom who lost custody, kills children’s Child Protective Services worker

Lion-Killer Dr. Walter James Palmer missed his calling – should’ve been a judge


Lion-Killer Dr. Walter James Palmer missed his calling – should’ve been a judge.

What a horrible story about this Minnesota dentist, Walter James Palmer, who paid $50,000 to violate the law and kill Cecil, the Grandpappy King of the Jungle.

Continue reading Lion-Killer Dr. Walter James Palmer missed his calling – should’ve been a judge

Two-year-old Dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours


Two-year-old dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours.

On Friday July 24, 2015, the Hot Springs Arkansas Fire Department and ambulances responded to a call of a toddler being left in a hot car.

When they arrived he was unresponsive. 

They attempted to revive him but were unsuccessful. 

Continue reading Two-year-old Dead after Juvenile Court Judge Wade Naramore leaves him in hot car for four hours

Cyberstalking – Online troll destroys a family’s offline life


Sharon and Richard Moreno were awakened by a phone call from a police negotiator around 2:30 a.m. one night last May.

He told them to get out of their home immediately and leave their adult son behind.

Officers with rifles greeted the couple on their front lawn in Sterling, Virginia

Continue reading Cyberstalking – Online troll destroys a family’s offline life