Bill Windsor is Alive and Well between Dallas, Texas and Missoula, Montana


Bill Windsor is alive and well between Dallas Texas and Missoula Montana.

The Gestapo is out trying to arrest Bill Windsor at this time.

Bill Windsor is driving slow and very cautiously in hopes of avoiding any contact with law enforcement.


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The High Cost of Fighting Injustice and trying to help Save America: Bill Windsor has lost almost everything


The cost of battling injustice and trying to help save America is extremely high.  Bill Windsor has now lost almost everything.

But you know what they say:  Never get in a fight with someone who has nothing to lose.  All the dishonest and corrupt people should know that nothing will stop me in my efforts to get them all indicted, arrested, imprisoned, disgraced, impeached, and bankrupted…

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Sick Stalkers steal Bill Windsor’s deceased father’s identity and post photos of his coffin on Facebook


Sick stalkers have stolen Bill Windsor’s deceased father’s identity and have posted photos of him in his death bed as well as photos of his coffin on Facebook (photo reprinted here).

From messages sent to me, Mark Supanich and Allie Overstreet appear to be involved.

This is the same Mark Supanich and Allie Overstreet involved when someone previously sent me a false, malicious message in the name of a mother who was filmed for the movie indicating that her son (also filmed) was dead.  I believe it was Allie Loraine Yager Overstreet (known to those outside Facebook as Lori Overstreet).  I know that Allie has posted one lie after another about me, and Mark Supanich is Allie’s new boyfriend as of Meet Me in DC.

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America has requested corrections and retractions to defamation, libel, and slander

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I, William M. Windsor, have been defamed, libeled, and slandered by many people. 

I request that each defamatory, libelous, and slanderous statement be corrected and retracted in as conspicuous and public a manner as that in which the statements were published, and that the retractions and corrections be accompanied at the same time by an editorial in which the statements are specifically repudiated. 

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Lawless America has changed its Facebook Page


Lawless America’s Facebook page has been converted to a new format.  We have been trying to get this done for two months.

So, go to  

Please click LIKE unless it shows you have previously LIKED  or were a Friend on the old page..

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Bill Windsor has filed Criminal Complaints against 37 Cyberstalkers


 On February 25, 2013, Bill Windsor filed criminal complaints against 37 cyberstalkers..

Included were Allie Overstreet, Mark Supanich, Sean Boushie, Claudine Dombrowski, Lorraine Tipton, Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez, Jennifer Herbert aka Jennifer Dotson, Kimberly Wigglesworth, Brannon T. Bridge, Connie Bedwell, Justin Thompson, Loryn Ryder, Cheryl Sosby, Gail Lakritz, L. Wilson, Lisa Jones, Trinity Baker, Diane Gochin aka Diane Rose aka Diane Rostesky, Curtis Butler, Edward Hernandez, Jay Roland, and others.

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America announces plan for combatting Liars and Cyberstalkers


Bill Windsor and Lawless America have been attacked, libeled, slandered, and threatened by people associated with the American Mothers Political Party, and others.  These people are doing this to damage a movement that seeks to save America.

These horrendous liars just keep going and going and going.  So, here’s my new standard operating procedure.  I will be filing complaints and requests for restraining orders in the courts where these liars are active.  This may help some honest spouses to gain custody, etc. or at least serve to set the record straight about the dishonesty of people appearing in that court.  There’s more than one way to obtain “justice” from a court.

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Lawless America Movie Road Trip was a Fraud – So says posting of Nancy Goates of Winnie Texas


A posting in the name of Nancy Goates of Winnie Texas has publicly declared that Lawless America is one big lie.  I believe Nancy Goates is a sick woman who is lying in an attempt to damage Lawless America and me.

She says the photos are false, Bill Windsor wasn’t really where he said he was, and that the photos were stolen off the Internet.  The posting by Nancy Goates claims she has done extensive research on Bill Windsor, and she says “he is a fraud.

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Fox News addresses Child Abuse and includes the Lawless America Revolution’s CRIME SCENE Banner

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Fox News in Los Angeles has been giving extensive coverage to the abuses of the family courts and so-called “child protective services.”

Fox was there when a group of the Lawless America Movie Stars came out to protest, hold the CRME SCENE banner, and be filmed for the movie. 

Take a look at this video, and see how impressive the 150-foot long 4-foot high banner is.

It’s the Lawless America Revolution, and it’s up to us to Save America.

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Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network Files Against State Supreme Court


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Andy Ostrowski and PCRLN file federal action based upon violations by courts and authorities in Attorney Don Bailey disciplinary proceedings.

A federal civil rights lawsuit was filed today by Andy Ostrowski and the Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network raising claims for violations of, and interference with, their rights under the United States Constitution.  See PRCLN website.

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