Video explains Proposed Legislation for U.S. Congress and State Legislatures by Lawless America

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On behalf of Nobodies all across America, Bill Windsor of Lawless America has recorded a video explaining Proposed Legislation for U.S. Congress and State Legislatures by Lawless America.

This proposed legislation has been compiled over the last two years with input from thousands of Americans.

These common sense proposals will reform the legal system and rescue Americans from dishonesty and corruption.

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Criminal Charges that you may have against Corrupt Government Officials and Others


The Lawless America Revolution is leading an effort to file criminal charges against the corrupt government officials, judges. attorneys, perjurors, and others in our cases.

Our best hope, perhaps our only hope, to get judicial corruption and government corruption addressed is by filing crimial charges with our local grand juries.

Here is an analysis of various criminal statutes that may be applicable to your case….

Continue reading Criminal Charges that you may have against Corrupt Government Officials and Others

Open Letter to every member of the U.S. Congress from Bill Windsor of Lawless America


On behalf of Nobodies all across America, Bill Windsor of Lawless America asks every member of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to ask that public hearings be held immediately to expose the corruption in the judiciary.

Congress has been presented with massive evidence, so it is time for them to act or be recognized as dishonest and/or corrupt public officialsThis letter was faxed to every member of Congress

Continue reading Open Letter to every member of the U.S. Congress from Bill Windsor of Lawless America

Lawless America organizing Nationwide Filing of Criminal Charges against Corrupt Government Officials and Others

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Now that we have presented undeniable evidence of nationwide corruption to every member of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, the next phase in the Lawless America Revolution is to file criminal charges against the corrupt government officials, judges. attorneys, perjurors, and others in our cases.

Our best hope, perhaps our only hope, to get judicial corruption and government corruption addressed is with our local grand juries.

People all across America will file corruption charges with their local grand juries in April.  Here’s some background information on how….

Continue reading Lawless America organizing Nationwide Filing of Criminal Charges against Corrupt Government Officials and Others

State by State Analysis of Right of Citizens to present Criminal Charges to a State or County Grand Jury

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The Lawless America Revolution has studied the statutes in each state and has published this report to make it easy for citizens to determine if their state allows citizens to file criminal charges against the corrupt government officials, judges. attorneys, perjurors, and others in their cases.

Our best hope to get judicial corruption and government corruption addressed is with our local grand juries.

Continue reading State by State Analysis of Right of Citizens to present Criminal Charges to a State or County Grand Jury

State of the Union Address – Response of The Revolutionary Party

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On February 12, 2013, President Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union Address.

Bill Windsor of The Revolutionary Party delivered this response to the State of the Union.

The State of the Union is as bad as it has ever been...

Continue reading State of the Union Address – Response of The Revolutionary Party

Congressional Testimony from Lawless America – Exposing Corruption


Congressional Testimony of Over 750 Americans

presented to the United States Congress

Continue reading Congressional Testimony from Lawless America – Exposing Corruption

Unique Testimony will be presented to Congress on February 5, 2013


Washington, DC – January 28, 2013 – Unique testimony will be presented to Congress on February 5, 2013.

For 217 days, one man has traveled over 30,000 miles to every state filming people who have been harmed by judicial corruption and government corruption.  Upon compiling over 1,000 hours of video testimonials from over 750 ordinary citizens from all across the United States, the Lawless America project provides overwhelming evidence that the Constitution and laws written by the Legislative Branch are being disregarded by the Judicial Branch of government.

This rampant disregard for the law and the fundamental rights of Americans is captured in the video testimonials from every state in the nation.


Continue reading Unique Testimony will be presented to Congress on February 5, 2013

Lawless America asks the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to Meet and hold Public Hearings about Judicial Corruption


Bill Windsor of Lawless America asks the House and Senate Judiciary Committes to reign in the out of control judiciary.  Bill Windsor calls for publc hearings.

Bill Windsor has requested meetings with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees during Meet Me in DC, February 5-6, 2013 in Washington, DC.  

Congress will be presented with horrendous cases of judicial abuse and corruptionWill Congress ignore this as they usually do?

Continue reading Lawless America asks the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to Meet and hold Public Hearings about Judicial Corruption