Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives presents legal reform legislation to the governors and legislators in every state


Candidiate for the U.S. House of Representatives, William M. Windsor, Lawless America, and GRIP are presenting proposed legislation to every state and the federal government.

Bill Windsor is hand-delivering the proposed legislation to the governor’s office and to the house/assembly and senate in each state capital.

Many of these proposals are common sense no-brainers that only dishonest elected officials could oppose…

Continue reading Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives presents legal reform legislation to the governors and legislators in every state

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 17 — File Motions for Recusal


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the seventeenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 17 — File Motions for Recusal

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 16 — File Criminal Charges with the District Attorney and U.S. Attorney


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the sixteenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 16 — File Criminal Charges with the District Attorney and U.S. Attorney

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 15 — Appeal Early and Often


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the fifteenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 15 — Appeal Early and Often

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 14 — Put your Proof on a Website


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the fourteenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 14 — Put your Proof on a Website

Bill Windsor announces his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives — He will Shake Things Up!


Friends, Neighbors, and Countrymen: I am a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives.

I am America’s Candidate.  I am an Independent candidate.

Please take five minutes to see what I propose, and PLEASE help me get elected. 

It won’t be business as usual in Washington if I am there.  They won’t know what hit ’em.

Continue reading Bill Windsor announces his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives — He will Shake Things Up!

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 13 — Check the Orders in Your Case


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the thirteenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 13 — Check the Orders in Your Case

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 12 — Always have Witnesses at Hearings


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the twelfth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 12 — Always have Witnesses at Hearings

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 11 — File Motions for Conferences and Hearings


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the eleventh in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 11 — File Motions for Conferences and Hearings

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 10 –Take Advantage of Every Opportunity to Generate Proof of Corruption


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the tenth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 10 –Take Advantage of Every Opportunity to Generate Proof of Corruption