17 State Leaders needed to coordinate activities in Battle Against Corruption


One of the organizational elements that I believe will be essential in further organization of the battle against corruption is to identify people in each state who can be our “State Chairmen.”

These will be people who will coordinate coalition efforts in their state.  I have prepared a list of volunteers thus far and/or people who I know to be quite active.

If your name is on the list, please email me at Bill@LawlessAmerica.com to let me know if you agree to be a State Chairman.  If you would like to be a State Chairman or Co-Chairman, please email me as well….

Continue reading 17 State Leaders needed to coordinate activities in Battle Against Corruption

Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP




We have just launched our effort to get organizations, websites and bloggers that are focused on improving government to help themselves and us by forming an affiliation relationship.

The affiliation plan was announced in a video on the LawlessAmerica Channel on YouTube ….


Continue reading Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP

Government Corruption Movement is MOVING


The Second Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday March 6, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.

The Conference is now a weekly event every Sunday — same time same place — Shovio.

The audience doubled from 650 participants last week to 1,300 this week ….

Continue reading Government Corruption Movement is MOVING