
Windsor takes Pathological Liar Federal Judge William S. Duffey to the U.S. Supreme Court


This is Federal Judge William S. Duffey of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

He lies. 

He lies a lot. 

He lies intentionally.

On October 19, 2011, William M. Windsor took Judge William S. Duffey to the U.S. Supreme Court in a Petition that is simply about the impact of the lying of Judge Duffey….


Judge Evans Look-Alike

I sued Judge Orinda D. Evans and others who were involved in fraud-upon the-court in Civil Action 1:09-CV-02027-WSD. 

It was assigned to Judge Duffey. 

I have been told by a supervisor in the Clerk of the Court’s Office that the assignment was not random. 

My case was specifically assigned to Judge Evans’ good friend, Judge Duffey.

On October 19, 2010, my lawsuit was dismissed.  In the dismissal order, Judge Duffey said that it was dismissed because I failed to file responses to the motions to dismiss.  That’s a lie.  He lies a lot.  He lies intentionally.

This is a lie that is EASILY proven because the two responses to the motions to dismiss were filed, on time, and they are shown on the Docket!

Judge Bill Duffey is such a liar and such a crook that issues such as absolute proof that he is a liar simply don’t matter to him.  He just lies and lies and lies.  When he gets bored with lying, he destroys evidence and court filings.  And someone, either Judge William S. Duffey, or someone in the Clerk of the Court’s Office, has also stolen hundreds of dollars in filing fees that my wife and I have paid to the Clerk of the Court.

So, I appealed Judge Duffey’s frigging ridiculous order to those “sweethearts” at the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

And the Eleventh Circuit dismissed my appeal as FRIVOLOUS.  Frivolous my a$$.  I was never even allowed to file an appellate brief!  They dismissed the appeal based upon nothing but their corrupt motives.

Judges call something “frivolous” when they need to make a valid case go away.  They simply say “frivolous,” and never explain why (because they are naturally hesitant to admit they are criminals in their own court orders).

I filed a Petition for Rehearing, and I listed 65 points of error.  That Petition was dismissed in one word “DISMISSED.”  Eleventh Circuit Judges Rosemary Barkett, Frank M. Hull, and Stanley Marcus are corrupt.  They have committed obstruction of justice and perjury against me before.

So, off I go to the United States Supreme Court.  99% probability the Supreme Court will simply ignore it.  Lying, cheating, corrupt judges are not something they deal with — hits too close to home.

Here’s the simple proof that Judge Duffey lied to end my lawsuit:

Judge Duffey’s Order, P. 12: “All defendants…filed a motion to dismiss [131] to which Windsor did not respond.  This Court’s Local Rules provide that “Failure to file a response shall indicate that there is no opposition to [a] motion. LR 7.1,B. NDGa.  Because Windsor failed to respond to that motion to dismiss, it shall be granted.”

Docket #142 — My Response to the Motion to Dismiss by Judge Evans, Pages 1 and 2: “William M. Windsor hereby files this RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISMISS OF USA AND JUDGE ORINDA D. EVANS AND A MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RESPOND (“Response to Judge Evans”).” [emphasis added.]  (See Docket Pages showing the Motion to Dismiss (Docket #130) and my Response (Docket #142).)

Docket #144 — My Response to the Motion to Dismiss of the other Defendants, Page 2, Paragraph 3: “A motion titled “Motion to Dismiss by Carl Hugo Anderson, Marc W. Brown, Sandra Carlson, Christopher M. Glynn, Hawkins Parnell Thackston Young, Maid of the Mist Corporation, Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company Ltd., Phillips Lytle LLP, Timothy P. Ruddy, Arthur Russ, and Robert J. Schul was filed on August 4, 2010 [Doc. 131] as was a Motion for Joinder by Judith L. Berry [Doc. 132]. These motions will be referred to as “Motions for Summary Judgment.” These Defendants will be referred to as the “MAID DEFENDANTS.” This response will be referred to as RESPONSE TO MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT.”  Page. 3, Paragraph 4: “A “Motion to Dismiss” was filed by the USA and Judge Evans on August 4, 2010 [Doc. 130] (“Evans Motion”). Windsor’s RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISMISS OF USA AND JUDGE ORINDA D. EVANS AND A MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RESPOND (“Response to Judge Evans”) filed contemporaneously with this Response/Motion.  This RESPONSE TO JUDGE EVANS is referenced and incorporated herein as if attached hereto.” [emphasis added.]  (See Docket Pages showing the Motion to Dismiss (Docket #131) and my Response (Docket#144).)

So, Judge Duffey simply lies for the sole purpose of damaging me (and undoubtedly others).  Needless to say, I called his glaring lie to his attention, and he ignored it.  Now, what does that tell you?  He can’t skate away from this claiming it was an “innocent mistake.”  He knew.

And Judge Rosemary Barkett, Judge Frank M. Hull, and Judge Stanley Marcus knew.  I told them — twice.  They looked the other way, and shouted “FRIVOLOUS.”  People like this should be locked up, and they should throw away the keys.

William M. Windsor

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