
Windsor does it – He is BEFORE the Grand Jury


After months of trying, William M. Windsor’s charges of judicial corruption were formally presented to the Fulton County Grand Jury on August 12, 2011.

The Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury voted on August 9, 2011 to consider my evidence of hundreds of crimes and criminal racketeering by federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia.

As requested, I hand-delivered my evidence to the Grand Jury at 10:00 am on August 12….

I was immediately notified that I have been scheduled to testify before the Grand Jury on Friday, August 19, 2011. 

My Letter to the Grand Jury dated August 12, 2011

My Presentation to the Grand Jury

RICO Charges against every Federal Judge in Georgia and many Judicial Employees

Charges against Judge Thomas Woodrow Thrash for Obstruction of Justice for acting as judge in cases where he is a Defendant

Charges against Judge Thomas Woodrow Thrash for Due Process Violations and Obstruction of Justice

Charges against Judge Thomas Woodrow Thrash and Clerk of the Court James N. Hatten for Theft of Mail

Charges against Fulton County Deputy Sheriff and Fulton County District Attorney’s Employees for Jury Tampering

Charges against Judge Orinda D. Evans for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice

Charges against Maid of the Mist, Christopher Glynn, Robert J. Schul, Timothy P. Ruddy, and Sandra Carlson for RICO — Criminal Racketeering

Charges against Carl HUGO Anderson and Hawkins Parnell Thackston Young for Perjury, Subornation of Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, and RICO — Criminal Racketeering

Charges against Clerk of the Court James N. Hatten for Obstruction of Justice — Not Docketing or Processing Appeal

Charges against James N. Hatten for Obstruction of Justice — Not Docketing Documents Filed by Windsor

Charges against Judge William S. Duffey for Obstruction of Justice

Charges against Clerk of the Court James N. Hatten for Obstruction of Justice – BOGUS ACTION

Charges against Clerk of the Court James N. Hatten for Obstruction of Justice — Not Docketing or Processing Filings

Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated August 11, 2011

IMPORTANT: They seem to be interested in hearing about other people who have similar complaints.  So, I encourage everyone, especially people in Georgia, to send me a sworn affidavit  Here is an example Affidavit.  I want to have as many affidavits as I can get from people saying that they have been victims of criminal acts by judges.  Please add or delete anything that you choose from the Affidavit.  Please do not go into the details of your story.  Please sign, scan, and email your affidavit to me at  Please mail the original signed copy to me at 3924 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068.

William M. Windsor

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