
Windsor BANNED from Mailing Letters to Judicial Corruption Witnesses by Defendant Judge


Ah yes the land of the free….  It’s a Fig Newton of our imaginations.

The latest in the Saga of William M. Windsor is that on July 22, 2011, Judge Thomas Woodrow Thrash, a defendant in RICO Actions filed by me, issued an order denying my right to use the U.S. Postal Service to mail letters to witnesses, his co-Defendants, or anyone who may have evidence of the corruption.

This is a gross violation of the First Amendment rights to free speech as well as a violation of a criminal statute.

Here is the order issued by Thomas Woodrow Thrash.

Here is the letter to judicial employees that he wants to block.

Here is the letter to his fellow judges that he presumably wants to block as well.

Here is my letter to the FBI with my criminal complaint.

Thomas Woodrow Thrash is a criminal masquerading as a federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia.  I have sued him and his cronies for operating a racketeering enterprise and committing a wide variety of crimes.  So, Defendant Thrash is doing everything illegal that he can think of to try to stop me and make my lawsuits vanish.  He knows that if I get to a jury, they will crucify him and his fellow criminals.

This order is simply amazing to me.  Denying me my First Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech.

While I find it beyond belief, I love that he did it because this will offend a lot of people who won’t take the time to read about judicial corruption.

William M. Windsor

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