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William M. Windsor is back! Bill Windsor has returned to fight corruption. My family asked me to stop several years ago, but I was essentially disowned for my efforts to help people, and I’ve had enough.
I need something to want to live for, and exposing corrupt judges is just the ticket for me.
I am currently experiencing massive corruption in the Lake County Florida courts… all over my attempts to get my condo association to operate lawfully. They’ve spent $300,000 fighting my efforts so they’ve got to have something big to try to hide. And they’ve got all the corrupt judges helping them (Judge Dan R. Mosley, Judge James R. Bagley, Judge G. Richard Singletary, and all of the judges of the Fifth District Court of Appeal). They are currently preparing to try to foreclose on me with the corrupt assistance of the judges. I’m being forced to file bankruptcy to stop the foreclosure.
I was hit at 70-miles-per-hour by an 18-wheeler and disabled. Four herniated discs in my back, five herniated discs in my neck, and an allegedly inoperable abdominal injury. AIG Insurance won’t pay, so I had to sue. That judge, Judge Jeffrey Ashton, has made me one of only 20 citizens in the history of Florida to be denied the right to represent themselves in court. Makes me one-in-a-million. Sooo proud.
Needless to say, both of these things pissss me off to no end.
I still get contacted regularly by people wanting help. I haven’t been able to. But a nice Mom managed to get my attention recently, and I spent the last three months helping her try to get her son out of jail for the horrendous crime of briefly expressing romantic interest in a co-worker. It caused me to resurrect my press credentials, begin writing the story, and begin preparations to film.
One man has been in solitary confinement in the Ellis County Jail for over a year without a trial anywhere in sight. He has never been convicted or charged with a crime before — not even now. It’s an incredible story. I was held in the Ellis County Texas Jail unlawfully for 53 days, so I love the idea of helping bring down what I call the Ellis County Mafia.
I will begin telling John Eric Armstrong’s story here with a 44-page letter he sent to people with power, and nobody did a damn thing.
Please spread the word that those needing legal or corruption help should email me at windsorinmontana@yahoo.com. I’m always busy, so type a summary in the email or send a Word file.
I’m not an attorney. THANK GOD. Just a paralegal and a friend helping his friends with what he has learned and experienced and what he has learned from interviewing 1,500 people who consider themselves victims of government, judicial, or law enforcement corruption.
P.S. How ’bout them Texas Tech Red Raiders!
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