For more information on GRIP or for help or information on government dishoinesty and corruption issues in your state, contact your State Chairman:
Alabama |
Nancy Swan |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Darla Dawald |
Arkansas |
James Twoeagles |
California |
Joseph Zernik* |
Colorado |
Wesley Hoyt |
Connecticut |
Diane Connors |
Delaware |
District of Columbia |
George McDermottt |
Florida |
Joe Norman* |
Georgia |
Ed Dolt* |
Hawaii |
J.P. Grund |
Idaho |
Cyndi Steele |
Illinois |
Dr. Linda Shelton |
Indiana |
Zena Crenshaw |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Melanda Adams |
Louisiana |
Sue Bell |
Maine |
Paula Michaud |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
David Grossack* |
Michigan |
David Schied |
Minnesota |
Don Mashak |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Montana |
Ilio Jones |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
Zahra Ali El |
New Mexico |
Dan Jeffre |
New York |
Richard Cordero* |
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
Ohio |
Christopher House |
Oklahoma |
Dana Lawhon |
Oregon |
Larry Reid |
Pennsylvania |
Larry Hohol |
Rhode Island |
South Carolina |
South Dakota |
Marshall Prichard |
Tennessee |
Don Acree |
Texas |
Jon Roland* |
Utah |
Vermont |
Virginia |
Washington |
Kimberley Manrique |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
* indicates many people.
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