President Obama proves he is Clueless

President Obama is CLUELESS.

William M. Windsor wrote to President Barack Obama on February 1, 2011 about the most serious problem this country has ever faced.  POTUS responded on March 23.  I guess we should be glad I wasn’t conveying news of a nuclear disaster or some other imminent danger.  51 days to respond….

This is not Obama-Bashing.  I believe this would have happened with ANY of the Presidents in recent history.  Read all about it…. 

Continue reading President Obama proves he is Clueless

Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers


One of my hundreds of phone calls from the last three weeks was from Orly Taitz.

 I was finally able to return her call today, and we had a great chat.

If you don’t know the name “Orly Taitz,” you will know about the efforts of the birthers with President Obama’s birth status.

Orly wants to team up with us in the battle against governmental corruption….



Continue reading Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers