Facebook May Be A Key to Combatting Government Corruption



After my wife and I enjoyed The Social Network (movie about Facebook) over the weekend, I came up with an idea. We are all seriously worried about various and sundry things going on in our country.  But whether we are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, or otherwise, almost all Americans can agree that we support the rights we were all granted in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!  So, I believe there is a way to reach the masses we need on Facebook….

Continue reading Facebook May Be A Key to Combatting Government Corruption

Take the Pledge – Simply state You want Honesty in Government


We should all be seriously worried about various and sundry things going on in our country.  Whether we are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, or otherwise, almost all Americans can agree that we want government officials to tell the truth and support the rights we were all granted in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!  Please Take the Pledge!

Continue reading Take the Pledge – Simply state You want Honesty in Government