Latest from Bill Windsor – Death Threats, Grand Jury, Suing Judges, and More


I have been unavailable for several days, so I thought a general update was in order.

I’m still alive.

I’m worried about the Grand Jury, so I am moving into action again.

There is real progress on my lawsuit against seven judges and nine judicial employees in Fulton County Georgia. 

And much more….

Continue reading Latest from Bill Windsor – Death Threats, Grand Jury, Suing Judges, and More

Grand Juries should be the Answer to Corruption — State Representative Harry Geisinger meets with Bill Windsor



Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights gives grand juries the power of Presentment.  In a Presentment, the grand jury independently brings charges, usually against corrupt government officials.

Bill Windsor spent the afternoon of March 28, 2011 at the Fulton County Courthouse trying to get the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury to consider criminal charges against 14 Atlanta federal judges.

The Grand Jury has been presented with the facts regarding judicial corruption and criminal acts by federal judges with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Now the effort is to get the necessary elected official to sign the petition.  That meeting is tomorrow…

Continue reading Grand Juries should be the Answer to Corruption — State Representative Harry Geisinger meets with Bill Windsor

Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury asked to consider Criminal Charges against 14 Federal Judges



The Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury has been asked to consider criminal charges against 14 Atlanta federal judges.

The Grand Jury has been presented with the facts regarding judicial corruption and criminal acts by federal judges with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit….

Continue reading Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury asked to consider Criminal Charges against 14 Federal Judges