Roxanne Grinage of www.HireLyrics.org is the latest person to attempt to interfere with production of Lawless America…The Movie.
Roxanne Grinage of HireLyrics.org has sent me threatening emails, and she is sending them to a variety of other people.
I have deduced one thing. Most of the people who have attempted to undermine our efforts are people who, in my opinion, are trying to make money off victims by practicing law without a license.
Lawless America does not charge a plug nickel for anything on our site or any help that we may be able to offer anyone. I do all of this for no compensation of any type. I do it out of the goodness of my heart — trying to battle corruption and help victims.
I have absolutely no tolerance for liars and extremely rude people, and I classify Roxanne Grinage in this category.
I object to almost all websites that ask for donations so the website owner can further their “legal education,” or who charge for training programs, or who charge for videotapes and other things to be used in setting up local grand juries that will serve no purpose whatsoever. I object to people who pretend to be Private Attorney Generals; there is no such thing. And I stronly object to people like Paul Andrew Mitchell, Luis Ewing, Roxanne Grinage, and others who appear to me, at least based upon my understanding of the law in Georgia, to be practicing law without a license and charging people money for their alleged services.
So, please beware. I believe the reason so many websites have not embraced wanting to join together in a colaition on efforts to do a few things in common to battle corruption is because they are simply in this to try to make some money.
To anyone who feels they may need to pay someone other than an attorney to obtain help, please email me at Bill@LawlessAmerica.com, and I will direct you to numerous resources available at no charge.
Lawlesss America…The Movie
There is no charge to be in Lawless America…The Movie. Each person who is filmed for the movie will, however, receive at no charge a copy of the video of their testimony, the video of their interview, the video of everyone who testifies in their state, and the video of everyone who testifies in their special interest are (family court, probate court, etc.) They will also receive a commemorative whistleblower’s whistle, and their names will appear in the credits of the movie. The most important thing everyone will receive is exposure of the corrupt.
I am being paid nothing for the 6 months to a year out of my life that this project is taking. I have no legal entity of any type. This is not a non-profit entity; it is a no profit, no money entity. I won’t receive any pay for producing and creating the movie or any theoretical profits from the movie, and I probably won’t even get donations to cover any of the gas and travel expenses. We have not received one cent in donations.
No one will be in the movie unless they provide their name, address phone number, email, and employment status. Anyone who takes the utterly ridiculous position that such information is identity theft needs mental help, in my opinion. These are people out to undermine this movie because the movie has the greatest chance of exposing the corruption and getting something done about it that any of us have yet seen. So, if you are unwilling to provide this information, it’s very simple — you are not in the movie. Please do not ask to be in the movie because it will not happen. This is a dictatorship; I set the rules. If you don’t like the rules, don’t participate. EVERYONE who appears in the movie will have to sign a release that allows us unlimited use of your likeness in promotion of the movie. Don’t sign the release, and you won’t be in the movie. This is a legal requirement that every movie must follow.
Roxanne Grinage of HireLyrics.org
I received several email from Roxanne Grinage at roxannegrinage@yahoo.com today. I consider these emails dangerous and threatening. I am printing the email below as it was received in one giant clump of text.
I am asking anyone associated in any manner with Roxanne Grinage to simply withdraw from participation in the movie.
I published the following on Roxanne Grinage’s Facebook page. I replied to Roxanne Grinage of HireLyrics.org as follows:
I have never and will never claim that I am in any way involved with you. I never contacted anyone claiming I was in any way associated with you. I am not associated with you, and I never will be associated with you. I want to get as far away from you as humanly possible.
You will not be in the movie, and I believe from what you are sending around that you are a misguided danger to those of us trying to actually do something good.
I will publish all of this garbage that you have sent to me.
I am deleting you from my email address book. Do not use any of my websites, Do not ever email me again.
This email is one of the craziest things I have ever received in my 63 years.
William M. Windsor
Office: currently confidential
Fax: 770-578-1057
P.O. Box 681236
Marietta, GA 30068
Candidate for Chief Magistrate Judge in Cobb County, Georgia
Corruption Activist, Paralegal, Grand Jury Consultant
Founder – Facebook Cause – Support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Honesty in Government
Please join the cause: http://www.causes.com/causes/593708-support-the-constitution-bill-of-rights-honesty-in-government
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. My website and emails express my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. My website and my emails do not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. My website and my emails are to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever my website and emails say about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on my website or in my emails. The law is a gray area at best.
Here is Roxanne Grinage’s email to me and others:
From: Roxanne Grinage [mailto:roxannegrinage@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 12:20 PM
To: Bill@LawlessAmerica.com; Rhonda Palmer
Bill Windsor: This [people that I have a collaborator, client or prospective client relationship] having the impression that you are contacting them via me damages my credibility and is adverse to my Companies Practice Models and Reporting Responsibilities. Whatever you have done to indicate to these people, like Rhonda Palmer here, and Mary August, Michael Nazario, Ms. Motheral, Debbie Tucker Williams that I am in agreement with your method of gathering sensitive information from people without any written accountability, contract, recognition, compensation and maximum liability for data security breach and subsequent retaliation – HAS TO CEASE AND DESIST. PLEASE CORRECT IMMEDIATELY WHATEVER FORM LETTERS, EMAILS POSTINGS YOU HAVE CAUSED TO GIVE ANYONE THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU AND I ARE IN ANY KIND OF ASSOCIATION. I responded one time to your email request to share what I know about Citizens Signature Gathering Campaigns. You have not acknowledged me my companies HireLyrics Administrative Services or U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database as having any kind of relationship whatsoever. You have no right to imply a relationship with me as people like Rhonda Palmer here are responding to you providing you with the very same cautions I issued in HireLyrics Official Policy Statement with Regard to work product contributions to Bill Windsor’s Lawless America Movie. You have indicated that you are overwhelmed with so many emails. I believe now that is an excuse for not taking responsibility to account to those whose contribution you would consume for the concerns and cautions I issued in HireLyrics Official Policy Statement Pasted again here for Rhonda Palmer. Rhonda Palmer I expressed advised anyone interest in my option that there are grave quality of life impacting considerations with regard to Bill Windsor’s one-sided approach to gathering input for his movie project listed again below. I am working on an amended complaint to be filed in Minnesota RICO Monday. I do not have any more time for this. Bill Windsor, if one more person indicates to me in any forum that they are responding or interacting with you attached in any way to my good credible name, I am going to sue you personally and your Movie Project. CEASE AND DESIST.
Roxanne Grinage — On Sat, 3/24/12, Rhonda Palmer wrote: From: Rhonda Palmer Dear Mr. Windsor: Thank you so much for contacting me via Roxanne Grinage and extending the opportunity to possibly participate in your documentary about the on-going corruption, dishonesty and greed that is rife today in our state and federal government and runs the gamut on all levels. The last 3 + years has been a surreal nightmare for myself and the members of my family. Today, I am a different person because of the pain and suffering I endured and when reflecting back at my outlook and naiviete prior to this experience I am just a little embarrassed for my ignorance. I would never have believed that the hellish existence of the last 3 + years could happen to me and in our country and the fine state of Alaska where I have always been so proud to reside until now. During this time, my civil rights and those of my family’s (to include my significant other’s) have been violated by numerous officials in numerous ways, for a very long time. What happned to us here in this small community of Kodiak, AK was truly comparable to the Salem Witch Hunts, just throw some conflict of interest, greed, ignorance, negligence and a good dose of arrogance and add the dishonesty for a modern day twist. Some of the key players that persecuted my family and I would include Office of Children Services, Office of Public Advocacy for Children from which the conflict of interest, money grubbing, fraudulent GAL and the attorney who represented the source of all these false allegations, my daughter’s father, Jason Albert Tandler and a Superior Court Judge who allowed slander, perjury and wild tales of murder to sexual abuse into the CINA and Custody case of my child as fact without the accused allowed to attend or submit documentation to dispute these outlandish tales after the fact.
So here is the basic information you have requested of me to be considered for your documentary:
(information deleted by me)
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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