
Bill Windsor is getting serious about INjustice in Texas.


Bill Windsor is getting serious about INjustice in Texas.

People say Bill Windsor is always smiling.

Generally, that’s true, but he was caught in a more serious mood tonight….

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Cyberstalking and death messages regarding Bill Windsor intensify


Cyberstalking and death messages regarding Bill Windsor have intensified.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America is receiving messages about death wishes directed at him, and cyberstalking of him has intensified…..

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Bill Windsor is unshaven in Texas with chipped front teeth.


Bill Windsor is unshaven in Texas with chipped front teeth.

I didn’t accomplish much today.  I’ll be working hard starting tomorrow on my Motion for a New Trial as well as gearing up to go after the Joeyisalittlekid Gang with every legal effort possible.

Continue reading Bill Windsor is unshaven in Texas with chipped front teeth.

Bill Windsor now lives in a storage room in Lawless America


Bill Windsor now lives in a storage room in Lawless America.

After two men broke into his vehicle and stole all of his motion picture equipment and most of his photography equipment, he had to move everything out of the broken car into his little hotel room.

He hasn’t heard from the detective.  He has secured the serial number for the big motion picture camera, and he is providing it to the police who will check this against all pawn records…

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Bill Windsor’s car has been broken into – All Motion Picture Equipment Stolen.


Bill Windsor‘s car has been broken into – All Motion Picture Equipment Stolen.

Bill is not a happy camper — Life’s Hell in Lawless America – $100,000 Hell Today.

Bill Windsor’s car was broken into, and he has been informed that auto insurance does not cover the contents of his vehicle.

As he had to give up his apartment while in jail, his homeowner’s insurance was canceled as he had no home.

Continue reading Bill Windsor’s car has been broken into – All Motion Picture Equipment Stolen.

Judicial Misconduct Complaint by Bill Windsor against Judge James A. Haynes of Ravalli County Montana


Bill Windsor has filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge James A. Haynes of Ravalli County Montana.  

When you are standing trial on criminal charges, the last thing most people want to do is piss off the judge.

Bill Windsor isn’t “most people.”  Read what he reported about the judge who will preside over his January 5, 2016 trial…

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Bill Windsor asks Supreme Court to declare Montana laws unconstitutional


Bill Windsor asks Supreme Court to declare Montana laws unconstitutional.

Bill Windsor is being prosecuted for alleged crimes of sending an email and having a website.  These aren’t crimes.

Judge James A. Haynes has been given many opportunities to dismiss the unconstitutional charges, but he has failed to do so…

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Where’s Bill? Where’s Bill Windsor? Is he in prison? Is he dead?


Where’s Bill?  Where’s Bill Windsor?  Is he in prison?  Is he dead?

Rumors are flying.  Why hasn’t William Michael Windsor posted anything lately?  Is it true that he has been arrested?  Is it true that he is being held in an undisclosed location as a political prisoner?

He’s alive.  He’s free.  Just has his head down kickin’ a$$ and takin’ names…

Continue reading Where’s Bill? Where’s Bill Windsor? Is he in prison? Is he dead?

Bill Windsor Criminal Trial is a Travesty – INjustice


Bill Windsor‘s Criminal Trial is a Travesty – INjustice.

Rarely given much opportunity to speak at hearings, Bill has been keeping a running tab of the wrongdoing in his case.

Concerned that Judge James A. Haynes may deny him the opportunity to raise these objections at trial, Bill Windsor has filed his laundry list of objections to the INjustice….

Continue reading Bill Windsor Criminal Trial is a Travesty – INjustice