
Court Records Scam gets Scammier in Georgia Federal Court


On May 17, 2011, I demanded copies of my own court records from the Office of the Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.  I was not given anything.

On June 2, 2011, I received a letter from the Clerk of the Court, James N. Hatten, stating that the U.S. government will not provide my records to me.

It’s all part of a big SCAM where court records are manipulated to defraud honest folks like you and me….

Continue reading Court Records Scam gets Scammier in Georgia Federal Court

Latest from Bill Windsor – Death Threats, Grand Jury, Suing Judges, and More


I have been unavailable for several days, so I thought a general update was in order.

I’m still alive.

I’m worried about the Grand Jury, so I am moving into action again.

There is real progress on my lawsuit against seven judges and nine judicial employees in Fulton County Georgia. 

And much more….

Continue reading Latest from Bill Windsor – Death Threats, Grand Jury, Suing Judges, and More

Family Court Judge Accused Of Domestic Violence


Family Court Judge and Pinal County Commissioner, Theresa Ratliff, has been arrested and is accused of domestic violence and may be charged with kidnapping, stemming from a fight with her husband, according to the Pinal County Arizona Sheriff’s Department.

CBS-5 News obtained the 911 tape from the night of April 30, 2011, when Ratliff’s husband called for help while the couple was driving along Interstate-10, south of Phoenix.

The woman who is supposed to protect people from family violence faces serious charges including family violence….

Continue reading Family Court Judge Accused Of Domestic Violence

IRS Agent gets Three Years in Prison for filing False Tax Returns


Uncle Sam has always taken a dim view of tax cheats, but the government went after a crooked IRS agent with gusto.

An Internal Revenue Service agent, Albert Bront,  was sentenced on May 25, 2011 to three years in prison for filing false tax returns.

Bront, 51, formerly of Santa Clarita, California, also was ordered to pay more than $12,000 in restitution to the government. for himself and unwitting relatives whose tax refunds he then stole, federal prosecutors said.

Continue reading IRS Agent gets Three Years in Prison for filing False Tax Returns

Federal Judge Richard J. Leon covers up Corruption

leon-richard j

Judge Richard Leon and Clerk Nancy Mayer-Whittington conducted simulated litigation, as part of a pattern seen in the U.S. Courts from top to bottom: Refusal to protect the rights of individuals against rampant corruption of state and U.S. judges in collusion with large corporations and financial institutions.

Corruption of the U.S. justice system is a central cause of the current financial crisis, which is often overlooked.

U.S. Congress should perform its duties.

Continue reading Federal Judge Richard J. Leon covers up Corruption

Sue the Judges and Get Proof of their Crimes


There are tools available to us in battling government corruption.

I am suing federal judges and their staffs.  Lurking in their computers will be the proof needed to convict them.

We must get access to their computers….

Continue reading Sue the Judges and Get Proof of their Crimes

Senator John Edwards to face Criminal Charges


The U.S. Department of Justice has given the thumb’s up for prosecution of ex-presidential candidate, John Edwards, for allegedly violating campaign law  while attempting to cover up his affair with mistress and baby mama Rielle Hunter.

Sources close to the investigation told ABC News that the government is gearing up to indict the former North Carolina senator.

A plea deal could be reached to avoid a lengthy, expensive and highly publicized trial.

Continue reading Senator John Edwards to face Criminal Charges

How to Fight Judicial Corruption


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

The following article indicates the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption…

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption

Corrupt Attorney Threatens William M. Windsor


Corrupt Atlanta Attorney, Carl Hugo Anderson, has threatened William M. Windsor.

Check out this email received from HUGO, the attorney for two of the mandatory Defendants in my Declaratory Judgment action about Georgia law on power of attorney. 

Criminal charges against Mr. Anderson are part of what has been presented to the Fulton County Grand Jury…. 

Continue reading Corrupt Attorney Threatens William M. Windsor