
Windsor does it – He is BEFORE the Grand Jury


After months of trying, William M. Windsor’s charges of judicial corruption were formally presented to the Fulton County Grand Jury on August 12, 2011.

The Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury voted on August 9, 2011 to consider my evidence of hundreds of crimes and criminal racketeering by federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia.

As requested, I hand-delivered my evidence to the Grand Jury at 10:00 am on August 12….

Continue reading Windsor does it – He is BEFORE the Grand Jury

UPDATE: Grand Jury asks Windsor to present his EVIDENCE of Criminal Racketeering by Federal Judges and Others


As regular readers know, the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury was to vote on August 9, 2011 on whether or not to consider my evidence (William M. Windsor) of hundreds of crimes and criminal racketeering by federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia.

I guess they voted TO HEAR IT, as I was handed a letter from the Grand Jury Foreman asking me to submit my evidence.


Continue reading UPDATE: Grand Jury asks Windsor to present his EVIDENCE of Criminal Racketeering by Federal Judges and Others

Windsor Grand Jury to Vote on Tuesday!


On Tuesday, August 9, 2011, the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury will vote on whether to investigate William M. Windsor’s charges of judicial and government corruption.

This exciting news came on the third week of my camp-out in the lobby of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office. 

Thanks to Mrs. Rebecca Keel of the DA’s Office for personally placing the sealed envelope containing my charges and evidence into the hands of the Foreman of the Grand Jury….  


Continue reading Windsor Grand Jury to Vote on Tuesday!

Public Guardian to Expand Powers to Seize Assets

By Janet Phelan

AB 1288, which is now in front of the California Legislature, would expand the time frame in which the Public Guardian’s office could take control of an elder’s assets, prior to filing for conservatorship over that individual.

Now hold on a minute. Does this bill actually state that the Public Guardian can come in and take over assets without a guardianship being in place? How in the world can that be allowed?

Well, the law authorizing this is already on the books, as PC 2900, which allows the PG to seize assets based on “intent” to file for guardianship. AB 1288 would just give the Public Guardian a bit more time to hit the bank. As written into law, PC 2900 allows the PG’s office fifteen days to mosey over to the savings and loan and take all of Grandma’s hard earned cash, based on “intent” and without an official determination of incapacity by any court of law. AB 1288 would give the PG an extra chunk of time to do exactly the same thing and would include the option to kick out family or friends living with the proposed conservatee.

And, most tellingly, without even telling Grandma. The only notice that needs to be given to the prospective ward is if the assets are in a Trust. Sans that document , the PG can simply drive up to the bank, grab Granny’s dinero and take off like a bandit, and Granny isn’t even entitled to be told what hit her.
According to Assemblyman Rich Gordon’s office (Gordon is the author of 1288), this is only to protect the elder’s assets from “injury or loss.” In an email on August 4, Gordon aide Margot Grant wrote:

“AB 1288 would provide that if the public guardian or public conservator determines that the requirements for appointment of a guardian or conservator of the estate are satisfied, and the public guardian or public conservator intends to apply for appointment as the public guardian or public conservator only if the real or personal property held in the trust is subject to loss, injury, waste, or misappropriation.”

We can only asssume that the folks in Sacramento are living in a bubble and haven’t gotten the skinny from Southern California yet. According to an aide in a Riverside County Supervisor’s office, who spoke under conditions of anonymity, “The Public Guardian’s office has been looting estates for years. That is old news.”

AB 1288 will be coming up for a vote shortly. It is only a matter of time before the hazy shroud of “intent” is lifted and the free- for- all begins, in earnest. I can foresee the day when turning sixty five will occasion an official “launch” party, as the birthday senior will make a run for the border . Getting out of dodge before one officially enters one’s “golden years” may turn into a race for the safety and security of a country which does not regard its elders as cash cows.

Mexico is looking better all the time….

Windsor speaks about Corruption at Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners’ Meeting


On August 3, 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience.

Time will tell if the Commissioners were even listening….

Continue reading Windsor speaks about Corruption at Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

RICO – I’ve filed State RICO Actions – Most States have a State RICO Statute


After the federal RICO statute became effective in 1970, states were initially slow to enact similar racketeering laws because the impact and effectiveness of the federal law was still unclear. 

Today, at least 30 states have State RICO Acts that enable a citizen to sue for racketeering, which means you sue to have peope found guilty of committing crimes, and you recover damages as well as expose the crimes.

Continue reading RICO – I’ve filed State RICO Actions – Most States have a State RICO Statute

Man Sentenced to 292 Days in Jail for Handing Out Information about Jury Rights


A Florida man will be spending some time in jail for activity that is usually allowed outside a courthouse.

Mark Schmidter was found guilty of “indirect criminal contempt” on July 26, 2011 for passing out pamphlets in Orlando during the Casey Anthony trial, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

He was sentenced to 292 days in jail.

Continue reading Man Sentenced to 292 Days in Jail for Handing Out Information about Jury Rights

How the Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition – Part 1


The right (of petition) embraces dissent, and “would seem unnecessary to be expressly provided for in a republican government, since it results from the very nature and structure of its institutions. It is impossible that it could be practically denied until the spirit of liberty had wholly disappeared and the people had become so servile and debased as to be unfit to exercise any of the privileges of freemen. [D]eprivation of it would at once be felt by every freeman as a degradation.”

This writer accepts the political wisdom and practical truth of the above quotation from a case that he presented and lost to the Court of Appeals. This Article examines the mechanisms by which the government has undermined and stolen the Right of Petition presently, and prospectively. To be sure, it has “practically denied” the Right of Petition.

Continue reading How the Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition – Part 1

Go Public with Your Report of Judicial Corruption


William M. Windsor is calling on everyone who has been the victim of judicial corruption to join the battle.

Please send your name, address, phone, and email with one paragraph summarizing how you were victmized.

These reports will be made into a newspaper story and a video on YouTube….

Continue reading Go Public with Your Report of Judicial Corruption

Another Congressional Pervert Resigns


Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) announced Tuesday he will resign from Congress following accusations he had unwanted sexual contact with a teenage girl.

“I cannot care for my family the way I wish while serving in Congress and fighting these very serious allegations,” Wu said in a statement.

Wu claims the incident with the daughter of a longtime friend and donor–who is now 18 years old–was consensual, and said he will continue to serve until the resolution of the debt ceiling battle.

Continue reading Another Congressional Pervert Resigns