
Windsor speaks about Corruption at Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners’ Meeting


On August 3, 2011, William M. Windsor gave an impassioned presentation to the Fulton County Georgia Board of Commissioners.

The presentation made quite an impact on the audience.

Time will tell if the Commissioners were even listening….

Whenever I run into a brick wall, I always think of how I can go over it, under it, around or through it…or how I might get whatever I want on the other side of the wall to come over to my side.

In that vein, I have taken my battle to reach the Fulton County Grand Jury all the way to the top — the Board of elected officials who are the superiors to all the corrupt government employees who I have run into thus far.

After I was threatened with arrest again last Friday as employees of the Fulton County District Attorney and Fulton County Sheriff committed jury tampering and obstruction of justice, I stopped to think who is the boss of the DA and Sheriff.  Fulton County is run by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, and they are where the buck stops.

I checked their website to discover that the next public meeting of the Board was today, August 3, 2011.  So, I immediately made plans to attend and speak. 

I emailed each Commissioner in advance with evidence of corruption by their employees and the federal judges.  No response.

I confirmed that I was allowed two minutes, so I wrote a script and managed to get it down to two minutes, which was one of the more difficult tasks that long-winded me has tackled in my life. Laughing

I showed up an hour early as I learned that only the first seven people to fill out a speaker card get to speak.  I was #1.

When I was called, I got straight to the point:

Six years ago, I was sued here by some people from New York.  The entire lawsuit was completely made up.  I obtained deposition testimony from the Yankees in which they admitted everything in the lawsuit was false. Judge Orinda D. Evans ignored the undeniable evidence and said I lost.  I have been fighting this for six years, and it has cost me over $1.5 million.

As a result of this, I’ve discovered that the federal court system in Atlanta is a corrupt operation in which the judges commit crimes on a regular basis.  I set out to document the corruption.  I have massive proof.  I have an envelope for each of you with a CD containing evidence.

I want each of you to be aware of the crimes because this forces you to report this to law enforcement – felony if you don’t (18 U.S.C. 4).

The federal judges are doing everything they can to stop me to avoid indictment, conviction, imprisonment, disgrace, and impeachment.  A federal prisoner has reported that he was approached with a deal to get out of prison if he killed me.  So, this may be a matter of life or death for me.

Your District Attorney and Fulton County Sheriff’s Deputies Betts, Noye, and English are guilty of jury tampering and obstruction of justice and have made outrageous threats against me as part of their efforts to block me from speaking to the Fulton County Grand Jury to present my criminal charges.  Their actions are totally illegal as neither the DA nor the Sheriff’s Department have any authority over the Grand Jury, which is totally independent.  You are the DA and Sheriff’s superiors, so I am here demanding that you instruct them to cease and desist and give me an immediate audience with the Grand Jury where I will present my charges of criminal violations by federal judges, the DA’s Office, and the Sheriff’s Office. 

I have also prepared a petition for each of you to sign asking Chief Judge Cynthia Wright to impanel a special grand jury to investigate.

This affects thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of residents of Fulton County Georgia.

Attached is the package (less the CD-ROM) that was presented to each of the seven Commisisoners.  Fulton County TV broadcast the meeting, and I am trying to get a copy of my portion.  The meeting will be rebroadcast August 15 – 21 at 8 pm each eveningMy presentation is after the proclamations were presented.  I would guess this is 20-30 minutes into the meeting.

I followed up with an email with this information to each Commissioner, and I faxed the County Manager.  No response.

After I spoke, I got a lot of thumbs up and nods of encouragement from the audience.  Several people gave me their names and numbers and asked me to call.  A reporter with the newspaper approached me, and I emailed him, but there has been no response.

I will be calling these people daily until they speak with me.  I am told by one woman in the audience that the Commissioners are all corrupt, so we shall see….

The next meeting is August 17.  If you have corruption complaints against Fulton County government officials or federal judges in Atlanta, please plan to attend and speak.  If we can get seven people to speak, we will have a 15-minute block of time on TV to paint a picture of just how bad the corruption is.  I expect Jeff Goolsby and Scott Hintz.  I am hoping for Brenda Peppers, Bill Moore, James Stegeman and Janet McDonald, and others.  Please contact me, and let’s get this organized.

We must fight these corrupt people anywhere and everywhere we can.

William M. Windsor

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