Montana Judge asked for protective order for Bill Windsor and confiscation of an arsenal of weapons.
Sean Boushie attempted to murder Bill Windsor on August 4, 2013. Sean Boushie had previously threatened him 147 times. Sean Boushie had cyberstalked him for two years. But William M. Windsor was denied a protective order from four different Montana courts.
On August 17, 2015, Sean Boushie wore a National Rifle Association T-shirt and apparently had a concealed handgun when he met face-to-face with Bill Windsor for the first time in Missoula Montana. This is frightening…
Bill Windsor was to spend the night in Missoula, but he hurriedly packed his belongings and took the fastest route out of Montana so he could feel safe. Bill Windsor then prepared a Petition for Temporary Order of Protection with a sworn, notarized affidavit.
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Bill Windsor is asking the court to keep Sean Boushie at least 1,500-feet away from him and to confiscate the arsenal of weapons that he owns until after Bill Windsor’s trial and he is out of Montana.
Sean Boushie has published online that he has weapons galore.
Bill Windsor was denied a protective order by four courts in 2013, but Bill Windsor has witnesses this time. Five witnesses were in the room.
Bill Windsor hopes the protective order will be granted. Sean Boushie is a scary dude.
Here is Bill Windsor’s sworn affidavit:
I, William M. Windsor, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
I am over the age of 21, am competent to testify, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein. I provide this affidavit to be used in this matter and in any other legal proceeding.
I fear for my life in Montana. Sean Boushie says he shot at me once, and I fear that he will do it again.
I have documents to support each statement made herein. I am not including them at this time to keep the volume of paper being provided to the Court at a minimum. The documents are included with the Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated January 16, 2015 on Exhibit A on the Flash Drive attached to the MOTION TO QUASH filed in Case #DC-14-509 in the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula County. I ask this Court to take judicial notice of that Motion, the AFFIDAVIT, and the exhibits thereto.
On August 17, 2015, Sean Boushie wore a National Rifle Association T-shirt to a witness interview in the office of the Missoula County Attorney. I am confident that this was deliberate to communicate a threat to me. Sean Boushie previously threatened me approximately 147 times. Sean Boushie apparently brought a concealed handgun to the witness interview. I did not see it, but when I asked about it, Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark and Missoula Police Department Detective Chris Shermer objected loudly and would not allow Sean Boushie to respond. Sean Boushie’s wife, Wynette, was also there. I understand that she also has a concealed handgun permit, and I have no doubt that she also had a gun. I certainly feared that both had guns. Sean Boushie previously attended one of my hearings, laughed at me and pointed his right hand at me as if it was a gun.
Sean Boushie is responsible for me being jailed for 134 days and facing five criminal charges. He invented a story for Judge Sam Warren to obtain a Temporary Order of Protection against me. I did nothing wrong. Sean Boushie is a pathological liar who is capable of anything. I sincerely believe that he will kill me. I am asking that he be ordered to stay away from me, and I ask that all of his weapons be deposited with the Missoula Police Department until after my trial and after I have left Montana never to return.
Sean Boushie’s threats have been detailed in the Affidavit in paragraphs 16, 19, 37, 38, 46, 47, 49, 57, 58, 63, 66, 72, 80, 82, 84, 87, 96, 97, 98, 113, 117, 118, 122, 133, 134, 138, 139, 141, 146, 149, 151, 157, 159, 161, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 195, 217, 220, 223, 224, 229, 241, 247, 275, 277, 279, 284, 290, 304, 306, 307, 309, 311, 313, 314, 318, 320, 322, 326, 332, 338, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 350, 352, 368, 371, 376, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 393, 396, 397, 402, 403, 405, 406, 408, 412, 426, 431, 433, 435, 438, 440, 441, 445, 447, 451, 458, 459, 460, 461, 464, 469, 478, 494, 495, 504, 509, 513, 519, 523, 528, 532, 534, 540, 549, 558, 559, 561, 566, 568, 569, 570, 573, 580, 581, 582, 585, 596, 606, 624, 631, 632, 635, 647, 652, 655, 657, 712, 736, 765, 767, 768, 778, and 782. In paragraphs 47, 187, 217, 736, he talks about his Glock. In paragraph 48, he talks about using the Montana Castle Doctrine for justification for shooting William M. Windsor. In paragraph 66, he indicates he will shoot William M. Windsor, paragraph 80 – bullets waiting, paragraph 87 – guns are loaded, paragraphs 122 and 133 – used Charles Manson photo, paragraph 408 – says he has a doll of William M. Windsor, stabbing it with his knife, paragraph 632 — He should be very afraid. In paragraph 519, he talks of conspiring with Claudine Dombrowski: “Claudine, bring that .45 over, let’s go shootin, ill bring 2 or 3 of my 45s.” In paragraph 513, he said William M. Windsor’s bulletproof vest won’t do him any good, and in paragraph 494, Sean Boushie published: “Don’t waste $ on body armor billy, what I shoot goes right thru like buttter.” Sean Boushie has said many times that he wishes William M. Windsor were dead – paragraphs 191, 631, 568, 371, 635, and 768. In paragraph 549, he talks about when William M. Windsor is in Missoula: “I hope it’s somewhere I can get a good head shot.” In paragraph 320, he said” I am your #1 threat you fat fuck. In paragraph 396, he said, it’s “just a matter of time before William M. Windsor is murdered.” In paragraphs 393, 405, 451, Sean Boushie talks about a reward if William M. Windsor is sent to the morgue. In paragraph 241, another of the Joeyisalittlekid users, his fellow cyberstalkers, said Sean Boushie published a video with a threat to kill William M. Windsor. In paragraphs 157, 347, 352, and 581, Sean Boushie talks about shooting William M. Windsor. In paragraph 582, he gives advice to his co-conspirators on what ammunition to use to shoot William M. Windsor. In paragraph 504, Sean Boushie says he was having a “Kill Bill’ movie marathon. Paragraph 647 provides the email that Sean Boushie sent to William M. Windsor saying he shot at him on Interstate-90 in Montana that day and missed. [A true and correct copy of the email is on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 28 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.]
I have never committed a crime in my life. I do not even have a traffic ticket or parking ticket in the last 15 years. I don’t smoke, rarely drink socially, don’t drink and drive, have never struck anyone, have never killed an animal, have never shot at anything but a target, am absolutely non-violent, and have never used drugs of any type (not even a puff of marijuana).
I publish online publications, and am the producer of a documentary film and pilot for a proposed weekly TV series that will feature (expose) Sean Boushie. I am a card-carrying member of the press; have been a magazine publisher for most of my career; began my media work in high school; have been a radio and TV announcer and radio news reporter; formerly hosted a weekly TV news show. For the last several years, I have published online, and I have produced online radio and TV shows. I have over 1,200 news videos active at www.YouTube.com/lawlessamerica. I worked for several months on a TV special about Sean Boushie and the University of Montana.
In 2010, I had been married since college, with two grown children and two grandchildren, and had retired from a successful career as an entrepreneur and corporate CEO. I began to use the Internet to join with like-minded individuals in pursuit of my interest in exposing government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption. I developed a website called Lawless America. In furtherance of these interests, I spent over 200 days traveling across 49 states filming a documentary, and I spent in excess of $200,000 on production of videos and the film. But in 2012, I learned that I and my work had been targeted for destruction by Sean Boushie, some other individuals, a group of people on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com, and two related groups, the so-called American Mothers Political Party and the We the People Family Preservation Rally.
Sean Boushie is a serial cyberstalker who has terrorized me and my family. Sean Boushie is a serial liar, libeler, defamer, harasser, and criminal who has committed significant perjury in his Petition for a Temporary Order of Protection (“PTOP”).
Sean Boushie began stalking me on March 7, 2012. He cyberstalked me mercilessly until August 23, 2013 when he obtained a Temporary Order of Protection against me, issued by Missoula Municipal Court Judge Sam Warren. This was after Sean Boushie shot at me and attempted to kill me, and I was ignored by the Missoula Police Department, the University of Montana Police Department, the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Department, the Ravalli Justice Court, the 21st Judicial District Court in Ravalli County, the Missoula Municipal Court, and the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula County.
I am the victim of by far the largest case of defamation in U.S. history. Sean Boushie has been a major participant in this. Sean Boushie is a member of a gang called Joeyisalittlekid. 497 articles had been published on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com through September 2014, with many more since then – targeting me with thousands and thousands of false and defamatory comments. The totality of the wrongdoing by the “Joeys,” which includes Sean Boushie, is simply immense. The 497 articles contain approximately 8,580 pages (printed in a very small font size) with approximately 48,935 comments from Joeys and others. [A true and correct copy of each of the articles and the comments published through September 2014 is an AFFIDAVIT exhibit in the folder on the Flash Drive named Blogspot.] [A true and correct copy of a list of the titles of the various articles and the comments published through September 2014 is an AFFIDAVIT exhibit. Sean Boushie published at least 648 statements on this website between December 2012 and September 30, 2014. Sean Boushie published comments on 148 of the 227 days between January 2, 2013 and August 17, 2013. On or about April 10, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I had herpes and was cheating on my wife. This is absolutely false. Here’s one of Sean Boushie ‘s YouTube posts: “Anything Wiliam Windsor is involved with is bound to be a complete lie and a distorton of any reality. He is only showing his mentally disturbed and distorted one sided view of every story, most of it lies and less than half truth. Anyone stupid enough to support a extortionist, scam artist, eldery abusing scum like Crystal Cox is obviously not very intellegent and ov dubious morals character. My bet is he wants payoffs from people to not extort them on you tube a trick learned from crystal Cox.” In August and September 2012, Sean Boushie published that I was a liar, a nutcase, mentally disturbed, not very intelligent, and of dubious moral character. On January 5, 2013, Sean Boushie (using the alias of John Smith) published that I had a psychotic break and threatened me if I come near him. On January 6, 2013, Sean Boushie (using the alias of John Smith on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com) implied that he will shoot me if I come to Montana. On January 19, 2013, Sean Boushie slandered me with online posts that I am a dickless koward, mentally ill, and a pedophile. He also said: “bite me, asshole,” and the email address used is gofuckyourself@yahoo.com. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie emailed me calling me a worthless piece of shit, an ass hole, a pie loving fat ass, a scum sucking megalomaniac who is a perpetual liar and a sociopath….and more. Sean Boushie terrorized my wife (now ex-wife) with threats of arrest. On February 10, 2013, Sean Boushie sent yet another email to me. He says shove it, go fuck yourself, suck my balls, bye asshole, and other obscenities. On March 9, 2013, Sean Boushie threatened to run over me with a Mack truck. On March 18, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I should suck his balls. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I am a fraud, a con artist, and a liar. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie published that my wife (now ex-wife) and I were going to jail. On March 21, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I am psychotic, and he announced that he would be Allie Overstreet’s bodyguard when I was in Missouri. On March 28, 2013, Sean Boushie published that I need to go fuck myself, and more. On May 12, 2013, Sean Boushie published on the Lawless America Mississippi Facebook page that he predicted it is just a matter of time before I was murdered. Sean Boushie offered a reward for my murder. On June 14, 2013, Sean Boushie offered a reward if I was sent to the morgue in Arizona. There are hundreds of these. There are dozens of hate websites and Facebook pages and over 50 horrible videos. It is beyond comprehension that evil people like Sean Boushie can get away with publishing such things. All of the Montana judges were provided this evidence, and they all ignored it — Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey, Judge James A. Haynes, Judge Kathleen Jenks, Judge John W. Larson, Judge Michael E. Wheat, Judge Beth Baker, Judge Laurie McKinnon, Judge Patricia Cotter, and Judge Jim Rice. And now Judge Karen Townsend has charged me with five crimes for publishing the words “Sean Boushie” four times, sending an email to an attorney, allegedly sending a Tweet that contained the words “Sean Boushie,” and having a website for the TV show that exposes Sean Boushie as a criminal and exposes Montana as the most corrupt state in America. Scurrilous.
Among the published statements about me that are false and defamatory include that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, a bigot, a tax evader, a criminal operating a scam, anti-American, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, have had sex with animals, a liar, a con man, a con artist, a huckster, created my movie as part of a con game, conning people, a fraud, a Hitler, Hitler-like, claim I have a movie but it a fake, had a psychotic break, threatened people with physical harm, a dickless coward, mentally ill, psychotic, insane, want payoffs from people to not extort them on YouTube, have published complete lies, have published a distortion of any reality, mentally disturbed, showing a distorted one sided view of every story, showing lies, showing less than half truths, not intelligent, of dubious moral character, my business has died, have no significant intellectual skills, a sociopath, had a woman sitting on my lap during filming in Michigan and was grabbing her on the ass, get convicted sex offenders to do my filming, a maniacal monster, have herpes, falsify information, was cheating on my wife; my wife (now ex-wife) and I are going to jail; support cold-blooded killers; my Washington DC event was a disaster; a terrorist, have lost my mind; “has hurt so many through black mail, coercion and has threatened the safety of so many mothers and their children by sharing their intimate and confidential information.” Other published statements that are defamatory include that my movie does not and will not exist; I had been making up information about Sean Boushie for years; the itinerary with the movie was filled with pedophiles; I am a sexual deviant, a sick animal, moral-less, unethical, and a freak; am a psychopath; was fired for being a crook, am operating a scam, lie about anything and everything; there is no movie; am a monster; anything with me involved is bound to be a complete lie and a distortion of any reality; I am only showing my mentally disturbed and distorted one sided view of every story, most of it lies and less than half truth; anyone like me who is stupid enough to support an extortionist, scam artist, elderly abusing scum like Crystal Cox obviously is not very intelligent and of dubious moral character; “has scammed people all his life.” These are just a fraction of the defamatory statements and criminal accusations made by Sean Boushie and his online friends.
I am not now and never have been involved in criminal activity. I did not create my movie as part of a con game. Publishing that I am a terrorist is false. Publishing that I am crazy or have lost my mind is false. I am not a fraud. I am not a liar. Publishing that I am a con man is a criminal charge, and it is false. I am not a maniacal monster. I do not now and never have had herpes. I was not cheating on my wife. I am not a terrorist; terrorism is a crime. I have not committed any such crimes. I am not a sexual deviant. Publishing that my movie does not and will not exist is false. Publishing that anyone who works with me will have their case destroyed at is tortious interference. My movie is not a fake. I was never fired for being a crook. I am not now and never was operating a scam. I am not a monster. I am not a terrorist. My business has not died. I have not “scammed people all his life.” I have not scammed people at all. A report about me on Rip-Off Report contains statements that are false. I have never killed anyone, have never tried to kill anyone, have never planned to kill anyone, have never discussed killing anyone, have never proposed killing anyone.
I was happily married since college. My relationship with my children and grandchildren was always ideal. Now I am divorced, have no contact with my children, and am not allowed to communicate in any manner with my grandchildren. This devastation was caused by the cyberstalking, defamation, and threats of Sean Boushie of the University of Montana and a group of others.
I do not know Sean Boushie. I have never attempted to be in his presence except when Sean Boushie was subpoenaed to appear for depositions (that he failed to attend) and on August 17, 2015 when he appeared for a witness interview in my criminal case.
Sean Boushie has sent approximately 88 unwelcome emails to me. These emails were sent using aliases such as killbill@yahoo.com, gofuckyourself@yahoo.com, and other graphic terms. Sean Boushie was sent 24 cease and desist notices, usually when copied on a complaint to Google or Yahoo. These emails are detailed in paragraphs 20, 27, 63, 141, 153, 175, 177, 184, 185, 193, 197, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 217, 259, 266, 268, 270, 273, 276, and 725 in the Affidavit. I also published Cease and Desist notices online that I know Sean Boushie has seen. Under Montana law, Sean Boushie’s repeated unwelcome electronic communications constitute the criminal act of stalking, one of the most serious cases in history, but Sean Boushie is allowed to do anything he chooses.
Websites have been set up in the stolen identities of my deceased parents. I believe Sean Boushie was involved in the set up these web pages. Photos taken from my late father’s tribute website include him in his death bed and is coffin at the funeral home. Another page shows what is allegedly my father’s skeleton, and another page has a photo of him on his death bed allegedly having phone sex with his deceased wife, my mother.
A Facebook site set up in the name of my deceased mother, Mary Windsor, shows what is allegedly this wonderful mother’s skeleton bones wearing a wig.
These stolen identities were then used to publish defamatory comments on Facebook about me as if they were being made by my deceased parents. [A true and correct copy of the Facebook page set up in the name of William M. Windsor’s deceased mother is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 51 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] [A true and correct copy of the Facebook page set up in the name of my deceased father is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 53 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] Facebook has continued to allow these pages despite complaints, so I live every day with the desecration of the memories of my wonderful parents.
Sean Boushie has definitely been involved in setting up Facebook pages using stolen identities. He apparently set up Facebook pages in the name of Bill Windsor. He erected a large 3-foot x 8-foot sign at his home in Stevensville, Montana welcoming me to his home. The photo on the sign is the one on the fake Facebook page. [A true and correct copy of the Facebook page set up in the name of Bill Windsor is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 54 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] [A true and correct copy of the welcome Bill Windsor at the home of Sean Boushie is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 55 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.]
Sean Boushie attempted to murder me. As I was driving down Interstate 90 on my way to Missoula Montana on August 4, 2013, a car in the lane to my right burst into flames and smoke filled the road. I slowed up as did a car just ahead of me and undoubtedly everyone behind us. When the smoke cleared, I saw that the driver had pulled his car off onto the side of the road, and the car ahead of him pulled over as well.
Sean Boushie emailed me to take credit for shooting: “Here kitty kitty kitty.. Come on big fat kitty kitty… Come to mamma, you fat lying, asshole. Too bad I missed and hit that other car huh, I didn’t know it would explode like that… By Coward.”
I grabbed my camera and snapped a photo through the windshield after I stopped my Jeep and waited for the smoke to start to clear. [A true and correct copy of the Photo of the smoke-filled highway is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 27 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] [A true and correct copy of the email sent to me by Sean Boushie admitting that he had shot at him and hit the other car is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 28 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.]
Between August 5, 2013 and August 10, 2013 while I was in Montana, I filed complaints with the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Department, the Missoula Police Department, the University of Montana Police Department, and the FBI about the stalking, harassment, defamation, attempted murder, and criminal activities of Sean Boushie. I filed petitions for protective orders against Sean Boushie in the municipal courts in both Ravalli County Montana and Missoula County Montana, and in the district courts in both counties. All were denied. The evidence was staggering. The only explanation for ignoring all of these crimes is that law enforcement and the courts in Missoula County Montana and Ravalli County Montana are corrupt, and they protect Sean Boushie who apparently does this type of criminal activity for them.
I filmed and worked on my movie and the pilot for my television show from August 4, 2013 until August 23, 2013 in Missoula County Montana and Ravalli County Montana. I wore a bulletproof vest with giant letters TV on the back, and I drove a boldly-signed Jeep painted with Lawless America movie artwork all over it. Not exactly stalker looks. [A true and correct copy of my photo in my bulletproof vest is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 37 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] [A true and correct copy of a photo of my Jeep at the University of Montana Police Department in Missoula Montana when I was there filing a complaint against Sean Boushie is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 34 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.]
[A true and correct copy of a photo of the back of my Jeep is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 19 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.]
On August 21, 2013, to obtain a protective order, Sean Boushie swore under penalty of perjury before a notary that he never emailed me. He wrote: “I have never emailed Mr. Windsor, contrary to his claims.” [A true and correct copy of this is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive, Exhibit = 2013-08-21-Boushie-v-Windsor-Petition-for-Protective-Order – 10th unnumbered page.] The Affidavit provides evidence that proves Sean Boushie lied massively. He sent approximately 88 emails to me. On August 21, 2013, to obtain a protective order, Sean Boushie swore under penalty of perjury that he and his wife “do not feel safe at home or at work.” [A true and correct copy of this is on the Flash Drive, Exhibit = 2013-08-21-Boushie-v-Windsor-Petition-for-Protective-Order – 9th unnumbered page.] The Affidavit reprints 38 published statements where Sean Boushie expresses that he does not fear me or where he invited me or taunted me to come to Montana. These are detailed in paragraphs 49, 64, 66, 80, 87, 120, 123, 146, 147, 159, 187, 189, 216, 217, 223, 224, 247, 306, 326, 335, 374, 386, 390, 392, 411, 533, 540, 549, 617, 624, 645, 653, 658, 695, 699, 722, 730, and 733 in the AFFIDAVIT. Here are some highlights:
“At this point I’m only worried about my coworkers, I can take care of myself.” “I had some lead filled little pies all ready for him…” “We are locked and loaded here and ready.” “fat ass Pie man, with his newly bought little gun. So scarred…” “Do you think hes going to come to Montana and do some filming?? Oh I hope so… better make it the last scene in your crapumentary…” “my wifes glocks are bigger than my glocks (note plurals). But my shotgun is bigger so its ok. Lol” ““I justglad he didn’t bring up my tank, or howitzer, or claymores, or hand grenades, or cannon….. Not kidding about the cannon.. 3″ bore.” “My Killing tools became necessary at that point.” “I’m your biggest threat Bitler!!! Come get me koward.” “Its going to get exciting soon, Ive only got 5 weeks to get ready!! Ive got things to sharpen, ammo to load, claymores to place, cannons to prime, adn land mines to lay down!! And a wife to control who is going to frag his fat ass at his first appearance!! I want firstiess!!!” “Quit picking on women you dickless coward!!!!! Montana!!! Come to montana!!!!” “Come get me asshole, there won’t be any drive by picture taking at my house asshole.” “Pfffftttt whatever fat man, bring it. I was born ready….” “I hope its somewhere I can get a good head shot!! Lol” “Ya fatass, I’m weally weally scarrwed.” “I sleep like a baby, with a baby. the motion activated claymores woulda taken care of him…. :-)” “What a lying asshole.. Se are all sooo worried.. NOT. You are a coward and we all know it.”
In paragraphs 695, 699, and 733 in the AFFIDAVIT, Sean Boushie admits physically stalking me while I was in Missoula Montana:
“I should mention, I found bitler tonight on my way home. I put 2 and 2 together from his little clues and swung through the parking lot. He’s staying at a flea bag motel that the locals call the hooker hangout. Its had several escort and drug busts and several murders. Oh how far we have come…. I was going to get a picture but he was loading the toybota. Looks like he’s outa here…. By by pietard.” “The little pic is from his fb a day or so ago. “an interesting location” my truck is one space back from where the toybota was. The location was right behind the city police shop. I’m going to go see if we can file a false charges claim tomorrow.” “Amazing!!!! I saw him in town today. I thought it was a regular missoula kook…”
30. And, on the day that Sean Boushie later went to the court to seek a temporary order of protection, he came outside his office building and paced around while talking on his cellphone just 100-feet or so from where my unmistakable Jeep was sitting next to the street. Sean Boushie came out after he saw my Facebook message that explained I had been outside filming to prove Sean Boushie was on campus when he was sending unwelcome emails to me and after the University of Montana Police advised him that I had filed a complaint. He knew I was there. [A true and correct copy of a photo of Sean Boushie near my Jeep on August 21, 2013 after I reported him to the police for stalking is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 20 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case.] Sean Boushie may be seen from 1:00:15 to 1:03:00 on the video taken and again at 1:06 pm. I immediately called the police. At 1:11:30, the University of Montana Police arrived. [A true and correct copy of the video is attached to the AFFIDAVIT – Bill Windsor sting of Sean Boushie at the University of Montana.] [A true and correct copy of the police report is on the Flash Drive, Exhibit = 2013-08-21-11-13-00-AM-University-of-Montana-Police-Report.]
31. On August 21, 2013, to obtain a protective order, Sean Boushie swore under penalty of perjury that I had a gun in Montana. He wrote “he claims to be carrying a firearm” and that he was carrying a firearm “on person.” [A true and correct copy of this is on the Flash Drive marked as Exhibit A, Exhibit = 2013-08-21-Boushie-v-Windsor-Petition-for-Protective-Order – unnumbered pages 1, 3, 11.] As I have said before and will be happy to say while connected to a polygraph, I did not take a gun to Montana in August 2013 or at any time, and I never said I claimed to be carrying a firearm. I made this known to Judge Sam Warren and Missoula County Montana Judge John W. Larson attached to the AFFIDAVIT in Exhibit 41 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal case, the Motion for Modification, ¶¶17 and 30. The Affidavit includes two published statements where Sean Boushie notes that I published that I did not have a gun, paragraphs 638 (“First he said he no longer carried his judge gun.”) and 642 (“I thought he got rid of his little gun….”). These statements were published on July 29, 2013 and July 31, 2014, when I was just about to arrive in Montana. [A true and correct copy of an article where I published that I would not be bringing a gun to Montana is attached to the AFFIDAVIT attached to the AFFIDAVIT tinyfeetnhands – July 29, 2013 at 9:25 PM tinyfeetnhands – July 31, 2013 at 12:00 AM .] My ex-wife can testify that the gun that I purchased for protection was in her home in Atlanta, Georgia from April 4, 2013 to December 6, 2013, and it was not in Montana in August 2013. This information was filed in the case. [I swore that my ex-wife could testify that she had the gun in Georgia is attached to the AFFIDAVIT on the Flash Drive — Exhibit 29 in the folder named Missoula Montana Criminal Case, ¶23. Exhibit 56 is the Motion for Discovery filed August 18, 2014, and it explains this in paragraph 2 as a deposition by telephone is requested with my ex-wife.]
32. On August 21, 2013, to obtain a protective order, Sean Boushie swore under penalty of perjury in his PTOP that he was in fear when I filmed at the University of Montana. Sean Boushie is a serial liar as is shown in paragraphs above.
33. The Affidavit provides massive evidence of cyberstalking, stalking, harassment, threats, and much more by Sean Boushie. Each numbered paragraph represents a separate incident, and there are 606 paragraphs detailing cyberstalking, stalking, harassment, threats, and much more by Sean Boushie. Paragraph 869 in the Affidavitexplains how the many email addresses used, and the IP addresses from which they were sent, tie together to establish that virtually all of the emails sent were sent by Sean Boushie. Proving that Sean Boushie is the person who made approximately 462 published statements on Joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com is even easier. (Each statement is in a separate paragraph in the Affidavit). In paragraphs 47, 68, 69, and 119, he admits the screen name of “John Smith” is actually Sean Boushie. In paragraph 253, 329, 429, 480, and 693, he admits the screen name of “tinyfeetnhands” is actually Sean Boushie or admits the email tinyfeetnhands@gmail.com.
34. Sean Boushie has repeatedly threatened to hurt or kill me. [For example, see the AFFIDAVIT, Exhibit 41, P.3, ¶8.] Sean Boushie sent me approximately 88 emails and published approximately dozens of defamatory, harassing, and stalking comments online. Sean Boushie was sent numerous cease and desist notices to stop the stalking. Sean Boushie has committed approximately 300 counts of criminal acts. That I am a victim of stalking by Sean Boushie is easily proven. See AFFIDAVIT, Exhibit 41, P.4, ¶11-13; and Exhibit #’s thereto 3, 4, 11, 15, 16-A, 16-B, 16-C, 22, 24, 28 and Supreme Court records in DA 13-0540 and DA 13-0618.]
35. Sean Boushie has committed many crimes. These were identified in each of the four petitions for temporary protective order that I filed. The criminal charges include the following:
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-220. Stalking “Defined As: Purposely and knowingly causes another distress or apprehension by repeatedly following or harassing, threatening, or intimidating.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-8-213. Privacy in communications. (1) “Except as provided in 69-6-104, a person commits the offense of violating privacy in communications if the person knowingly or purpose” (a) “with the purpose to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend, communicates with a person by telephone or electronic mail and uses obscene, lewd, or profane language, suggests a lewd or lascivious act, or threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to the person or property of the person. The use of obscene, lewd, or profane language or the making of a threat or lewd or lascivious suggestions is prima facie evidence of an intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-201.Assault: Aperson commits the assault iftheperson: purposelyknowinglycauses bodilyinjurytoanother; negligentlycauses bodilyinjurytoanother with a weapon; purposelyknowinglymakes physical contact of an insultingorprovokingnature with anyindividual; or purposelyorknowinglycauses reasonableapprehension ofbodilyinjuryin another. Aperson convicted assault shall be fined not to exceed $500 orbe imprisoned in thecountyjail foranyterm not to exceed 6 months, orboth.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-202.Aggravated assault. “Aperson commits the aggravatedassault ifthe person purposelyorknowinglycauses serious bodilyinjuryto anotherorpurposelyor knowingly, with theuseof physical forceor contact, causes reasonable apprehension ofserious bodilyinjurydeath in another.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-8-21.Criminal Defamation. “Defamatorymatteris anythingthat exposes aperson oragroup, class, association tohatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, ordisgracein societyinjuryto the person’s oritsbusiness or with knowledgeofitsdefamatory character, in writing, orby anymeans, includingby electronic communication, as defined in 45-8-213, communicatesany defamatorymatterto a third person withouttheconsentoftheperson defamedcommits the offenseofcriminal defamationand maybe sentenced to imprisonment for notmore than 6 months in thecountyjail orafineofnot more than $500, orboth.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-8-220. Criminal Invasion of Privacy. “Except as provided insubsection a personcommits the offenseofinvasion personalprivacy ifthe person knowingly or purposely or attempts to obtain personal orconfidentialinformation aboutan individual while posing as the individual. A personconvicted under this section shall be incarcerated fora term not to exceed 1year orfined anamount not to exceed $10,000, orboth.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-213.Assault with weapon. “Aperson commits the offense of assault with aweapon iftheperson purposelyorknowinglycauses: bodilyinjurytoanother with a weapon; or reasonableapprehension of serious bodilyinjuryin anotherbyuseofa weapon orwhatreasonablyappears to bea weapon.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-208. Negligent endangerment. “Aperson who negligentlyengages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death orserious bodilyinjuryto another commits theof negligent endangerment.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-5-203. Intimidation. “Aperson commits the intimidation when, with the purpose to cause anothertoperformcircumstancesthatreasonablytend to producea fear thatit will be carriedout, a threattoperform without lawfulauthorityanyofthe followingacts: inflict physical harm on the person threatened oranyother person; subject anypersonto physical confinementor restraint; or commit anyfelony.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-7-202. False swearing. “(1) A person commits the offense of false swearing if the person knowingly makes a false statement under oath or equivalent affirmation or swears or affirms the truth of a statement previously made when the person does not believe the statement to be true and: (a) the falsification occurs in an official proceeding; (b) the falsification is purposely made to mislead a public servant in performing an official function; or (c) the statement is one that is required by law to be sworn or affirmed before a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths.”
- Montana Annotated Code § 45-7-201. Perjury. “(1) A person commits the offense of perjury if in any official proceeding he knowingly makes a false statement under oath or equivalent affirmation or swears or affirms the truth of a statement previously made, when the statement is material.”
36. I have been OUTRAGEOUSLY charged with five “crimes” by the “State of Montana” via the Missoula County Attorney’s Office. Sean Boushie is responsible for this with lies to the Missoula Police Department and the Missoula County Attorney’s Office.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Item |
Sean Boushie |
William M. Windsor |
Threats Made |
147 |
0 |
Murder Attempts |
1 |
0 |
Stalking Emails Sent |
88 |
0 |
Stalking Online Posts Made |
648+ |
0 |
Cease & Desist Notices Received |
24 |
0 |
Defamatory Online Posts Made |
90 |
0 |
Perjured Statements Made |
30 |
0 |
Protectors in Montana |
1000 |
0 |
Protective Orders Granted |
1 |
0 |
Crimes Committed |
300+ |
0 |
Criminal Charges Received |
0 |
5 |
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 24th day of August 2015.
William M. Windsor
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Photo copyright DiegoCriminalDefense.com
For a quick update on Bill Windsor’s saga and upcoming trial, see this summary on LawlessAmerica.com.
If you want to reach Bill Windsor, his home address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108. That mail gets forwarded to him once a week. His email is Pro-Se-1@outlook.com . His phone is currently confidential, but it is not answered; messages are checked by dialing in to Verizon from a state far, far away, and Bill receives an email with the name, number, and one sentence summary of each message.
For the Lawless America videos, see www.YouTube.com/lawlessamerica. Bill Windsor’s Facebook page is www.facebook.com/billwindsor1 Bill Windsor’s Twitter account is www.twitter.com/lawlessamerica. And click here for the Lawless America Facebook page that has just magically reappeared.
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I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.