It’s Day 301, and this is the Lawless America Movie Road Trip #2 Report from Bill Windsor – April 10, 2013.
I’m still in the Kansas City, Missouri area. I have had several law enforcement and legal matters to deal with in this area involving Allie Overstreet.
I still have one legal matter to handle the morning of the 11th, and then I am off…
RV News
It does appear that we are finally going to get an RV — a Thor Serrano 31V.
The bedroom in the back will be set up as a small film studio — perfect size for the interviews. I will install permanent lighting in the ceilng and a permanent backdrop. The side walls will have desk areas built-in.
This particular model has much more storage space than most other models. We have a lot of gear, so this was a key factor in the decision. It’s a diesel built on an excellent chassis. 31-feet long.
I hope we can afford to paint it solid black, and then wrap it with our Lawless America road logo and messages
I will have to head back to Atlanta with it to pack up the rest of the gear, set up the studio, and get it painted and wrapped.
This means I won ‘t do much filming before that is done.
Having the RV set up as a permanent studio will make me far more productive, and it will make the work much easier on me. For 200+ days, I unpacked the Jeep every morning, set up, tore down, and loaded the Jeep the next morning as I then headed to the next stop. That’s at least an hour of work every day, and a lot of lifting and carrying some relatively heavy stuff. All of that will basically be a thing of the past. Most interviews will be done in the RV, so I can drive right up to someone’s house, interview them, and drive off an hour later.
This will make it simple to do location filming as well, because everything is always in the RV. So, we go to a location, remove a camera, microphones, and anything else we need, and film.
Inside the mobile studio, we will have multiple computers operating, so we can convert film to video all the time. With our piece of equipment that turns the RV into a Wi-Fi hotspot, we can also be doing email blasts to victims, the media, and more as we drive or when we are filming. We’ll have a printer, copier, and high-speed scanner, so we can load 50 sheets at a time into the scanner and scan the evidence that victims bring.
If all goes as planned (and I have been to the altar twice before on an RV only to be left alone there), the RV will be ready either Friday or Monday. I will probably go to Illinois to film as planned, then get the RV, and head to Atlanta. I hope the work there will take no more than a week, and then I will be off for two to three months.
I am planning to travel alone. I don’t know how comfortable I would be cooped up in a small space for a long time with one or more others. But on the other hand, I could accomplish at least twice as much if someone was with me. So I’m going to think about this some more. If you would like to be considered as driver and assistant, please email me at nobodies@att.net with TAKE ME FOR A RIDE in all caps in the Subject line.
Upcoming Filming
If you haven’t been filmed and want to be considered for filming, you must email Nobodies@att.net immediately to indicate (or reconfirm) that you wish to be filmed. Please include a link to your Facebook page in the email, if you have one (and any other website or blog that you have). This is part of the security screening. You will then need a driver’s license or passport for identification at the filming.
Some of you have already provided me with a list of locations that are meaningful to your story, but with 50,000 emails that I haven’t had time to review, I need to ask everyone interested to send me an email — nobodies@att.net — with the subject line in all caps: LOCATION FILMING. Please provide the following:
1. Your name and all contact phone numbers.
2. A list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers (if applicable) of every location that would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
3. A list of the key documents or other things that you feel would reinforce your story.
4. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of people who I might confront who would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
5. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses who I might interview who would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. I am traveling alone, and I need for everyone to make this as easy as possible for me. I will not have time to track you down or hunt for addresses.
I will not be able to do this for everyone who has been filmed — only for those stories that I have deem to be the most compelling. We will not be able to feature those who fail to respond.
The filming locations will only be provided by email to those who confirm their attendance.
Anyone who belongs to a hate group need not attempt to be filmed.
Higginsville, Missouri
I went to Higginsville, Missouri today to see the police about the charges against Allie Overstreet.
Following the trial when Allie Overstreet was shown to have committed perjury, Judge John Frerking directed me to present my criminal charges against Allie Overstreet to the Sheriff of Lancaster County.
And so I did, and the Sheriff’s Deputy directed me to file some of the charges with the Higginsville Police Department.
So, I traveled to the rural town of Higginsville, and I saw the police.
I drove quickly by Allie Overstreet’s house at 1208 N. Main, and then I snapped a few shots around town.
Mark Supanich’s car was in Allie Overstreet’s driveway. Mark Supanich became quite the media-hound after he was on America’s Most Wanted as a fugitive. He has claimed that his daughter was being abused, so he kidnapped her and disappeared with her. A jury found him not guilty of kidnapping, but the family court judge refused to change her orders. Due to his outrageous lies, I now suspect that Mark Supanich lied in court and to the authorities about what happened with his daughter. He played a tape recording of him with his daughter allegedly recorded right before they went on the run. It all seemed very contrived to me as I think back on it knowing as I do now how dishonest Mark Supanich is. I plan to talk with his ex-wife and perhaps his daughter to find out their stories.
You can see the photos from Lawless America’s visit to Higginsville, Missouri on Facebook.
Allie Overstreet is simply a pathological liar.
In response to the completely bogus complaint filed against me by Allie L. Overstreet, I filed a Petition for a Protective Order against Allie L. Overstreet.
I also have a pending Complaint for Damages against Allie Overstreet, Mark Supanich, and John Does
I have established that Allie Overstreet has committed crimes, so I am asking that she be charged and arrested for the following crimes:
Perjury — Missouri Code 575.040. A person commits the crime of perjury if, with the purpose to deceive, he knowingly testifies falsely to any material fact upon oath or affirmation legally administered, in any official proceeding before any court, public body, notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths. [Allie Overstreet swore under a statement that said “under penalty of perjury” that I published many times that I had bought a gun to use on a group of people, including her. That was a bald-faced lie. She had no proof whatsoever. When she tried to present proof, the judge lauged off a photo of a 1800’s pistol with a Happy New Year message. I didn’t need to show it, but I had downloads of the entire LawlessAmerica.com website and the entire Facebook site plus every email or Facebook message that Allie Overstreet could have ever seen, and these prove there was never any such thing. I also had over 100 affidavits from users of the website and the Facebook page saying they never saw any such thing. Allie Overstreet lied. She lied intentionally. She committed perjury, and much more. Then she lied a number of times under oath in the courtroom, all easily proven as lies.]
False declarations — Missouri Code 575.060. 1. A person commits the crime of making a false declaration if, with the purpose to mislead a public servant in the performance of his duty, he: (1) Submits any written false statement, which he does not believe to be true (a) In an application for any pecuniary benefit or other consideration; or (b) On a form bearing notice, authorized by law, that false statements made therein are punishable; or (2) Submits or invites reliance on (a) Any writing which he knows to be forged, altered or otherwise lacking in authenticity; or (b) Any sample, specimen, map, boundary mark, or other object which he knows to be false. [Allie Overstreet violated this criminal statute, as explained in the paragraph above.]
Stalking — Missouri Code 565.225. A person commits the crime of stalking if he or she purposely, through his or her course of conduct, harasses or follows with the intent of harassing another person. [Allie Overstreet and Mark Supanich have stalked me online, and they have done so after they were served with cease and desist notices.]
Harassment — Missouri Code 565.090. 1. A person commits the crime of harassment if he or she: (1) Knowingly communicates a threat to commit any felony to another person and in so doing frightens, intimidates, or causes emotional distress to such other person; or (2) When communicating with another person, knowingly uses coarse language offensive to one of average sensibility and thereby puts such person in reasonable apprehension of offensive physical contact or harm; or (3) Knowingly frightens, intimidates, or causes emotional distress to another person by anonymously making a telephone call or any electronic communication; or (5) Knowingly makes repeated unwanted communication to another person; or (6) Without good cause engages in any other act with the purpose to frighten, intimidate, or cause emotional distress to another person, cause such person to be frightened, intimidated, or emotionally distressed, and such person’s response to the act is one of a person of average sensibilities considering the age of such person. [Allie Overstreet threatened IN WRITING to blow a hole in me. That’s a felony in many states. Allie Overstreet has made repeated unwanted communications to me. And in filing an absolutely bogus claim that I committed multiple felonies as a would-be serial killer or mass murderer, she most definitely caused me distress. Mark Supanich participated as well.]
False reports — Missouri Code 575.080. 1. A person commits the crime of making a false report if he knowingly: (1) Gives false information to any person for the purpose of implicating another person in a crime; or (2) Makes a false report to a law enforcement officer that a crime has occurred or is about to occur; or (3) Makes a false report or causes a false report to be made to a law enforcement officer, security officer, fire department or other organization, official or volunteer, which deals with emergencies involving danger to life or property that a fire or other incident calling for an emergency response has occurred or is about to occur. [Both Allie Overstreet’s false report to the Higginsville Police Department and the false report to the Court violate this criminal statute.]
False affidavit — Missouri Code 575.050. 1. A person commits the crime of making a false affidavit if, with purpose to mislead any person, he, in any affidavit, swears falsely to a fact which is material to the purpose for which said affidavit is made. [Allie Overstreet’s affidavit to the court was absolutely false, and that was well-established in court.]
Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241 — conspiracy against rights. If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured— They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. [Allie Overstreet, Mark Supanich, and others have clearly conspired against my rights.]
Allie Overstreet also committed obstruction of justice and probably violated some other criminal statutes by falsely accusing me of being a would-be serial killer.
After speaking with people who are aware of the claims that Allie Overstreet made against the biological father of her youngest child, and knowing how she lies incessantly and is quite the amateur actress, I am pretty well convinced that Allie Overstreet made up the stories about her ex sexually abusing their daughter. He passed a polygraph. She told me that she refused to take one. He has custody. I hope I can return and testify at the hearing on termination of her parental rights. I believe that little girl needs to be protected from what Allie Overstreet has done in the past and undoubtedly will do in the future.
If you are involved in any manner with Allie Overstreet and Mark Supanich, please cease any and all involvement with Lawless America. I believe anyone who would work with them, be friends with them, or support them doesn’t have good sense, and I simply don’t want to work with such people. Mark Supanich says he is organizing a class action suit against me. I believe this guy is a miserable excuse for a human being. I guess I’ll be sued for identifying and outing pathological liars.
Other Sickos
I am planning to pursue the comparable criminal charges in every applicable state against these sickos I am dealing with. And I have said it before, I plan to expose every one of these people that I can. I know that Claudine Dombrowski, Loryn Ryder, Connie Bedwell, Sean Boushie, Diane Gochin, and others are liars. I want to expose them for the world to see, and I hope I can get law enforcement to act against these people and others.
Sickness hot a whole new level with this alleged photo of my deceased mother:
Within a few hours after Allie Overstreet was humiliated in court, a Facebook account was set up in my deceased mother’s name allegedly showing a picture of her taken from her casket: https://www.facebook.com/mary.windsor.520.
My father on his death bed and in his casket were previously published on a page claiming to be him. The sicko responsible said “it” was planning to publish photos of my deceased parents having sex.
April 6 Report from Bill Windsor
I will be taking calls at currently confidential when I am driving. Short calls only, please. If there is no answer, that means I am on the phone with someone else, so please call back.
If you would like to be filmed somewhere along or near Route 66 in Illinois, please email me at nobodies@att.net with the subject in all caps: BE IN THE MOVIE.
This will be an exciting trip because I will be going to the scenes of the crimes…places like the Costco in Las Vegas where William Scott’s son was murdered by the Las Vegas Police who then claimed the 30+ witnesses who said Erik was holding a Blackberry were mistaken. The Police pretended it was a gun. So, I will meet Mr. Scott and eyewitnesses right there where it happened. To learn more about this horrendous case, go to www.williambscott.com. Mr. Scott has written a book titled “The Permit” that is available at amazon.com.
The odometer showed 9,000 miles when I departed for the first trip on June 14. I believe it shows 33,000 now, so the first trip ended up at 24,000 road miles in the Jeep, plus a rental car and some air miles.
It is time for us to gear up our effort with the state legislatures. We have no money for producing DVDs for every state legislator. So if you and the folks in your state want actual DVDs for every member of your state legislature, raise $500, and send it to Lawless America Association, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068. We need to update our database for each state’s legislators. If you will update your state, please email nobodies@att.net with the subject in all caps: STATE LEGISLATORS, and I will send you the Excel file of the 2012 legislators. Just replace those who lost with the new legislators.
I filed a complaint against Allie Overstreet, and it will be heard in Lexington, Missouri on April 8 at 1 pm.
April 4, 2013 Report from Bill Windsor
I will be in Lexington, Missouri on Monday, April 8. The festivities begin at 1 pm. I have filed a motion seeking to have an armed law enforcement officer assigned to protect me.
I continue to receive threatening emails from KillBill@yahoo.com. So, I am not going to telegraph where I am headed on this trip. I will only report after I have filmed and am headed for the next undisclosed location. There is not a doubt in my mind that there are a number of people who would be delighted to see me dead. So they’ll have to work a little harder trying to figure out where I will be.
Serial Stalker Sean Boushie has emailed me to say he has a warrant waiting for me in Missoula, so my first stop in Missoula will be the Sheriff’s Department to “turn myself in.” Sean Boushie is, of course, a complete wacko, in my humble opinion.
But the really important news is that I am about to depart for more Lawless America Movie filming on location. I will be on the road for at least two months.
The phone number on the road is currently confidential. I will take calls when I am driving, and the phone will usually be turned off when we are filming. If you leave a voice mail, please make it short, and please leave only one. If you leave more than one message, the voice mail will fill up quickly, and many people will be denied the opportunity to leave a message.
I plan to film in the Kansas City area on April 9, and then hit the road for MANY states.
I have not yet decided where I will go from Kansas City. I will announce my next stops to those I will be filming as soon as possible after April 8. My itinerary will depend in large part on how many people who were already filmed respond to my request for the information listed below.
I am planning to visit the locations that are meaningful to important stories. For example, I will film outside the courthouse where subjects were screwed; outside the home that was foreclosed; at the CPS office that stole your children; etc., etc.
I definitely plan to be in these locations over the next two months: Montana, Nevada, Utah, California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, District of Columbia, Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota.
Some of you have already provided me with a list of locations that are meaningful to your story, but with 50,000 emails that I haven’t had time to review, I need to ask everyone interested to send me an email — nobodies@att.net — with the subject line in all caps: LOCATION FILMING. Please provide the following:
1. Your name and all contact phone numbers.
2. A list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers (if applicable) of every location that would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
3. A list of the key documents or other things that you feel would reinforce your story.
4. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of people who I might confront who would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
5. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses who I might interview who would be meaningful to your story, with a sentence to explain the importance.
This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. I am traveling alone, and I need for everyone to make this as easy as possible for me. I will not have time to track you down or hunt for addresses.
I will not be able to do this for everyone who has been filmed — only for those stories that I have deem to be the most compelling. We will not be able to feature those who fail to respond.
I like to use every waking moment when traveling to film as many people as possible. If you haven’t been filmed and want to be considered for filming, you must email Nobodies@att.net immediately to indicate (or reconfirm) that you wish to be filmed. Please include a link to your Facebook page in the email, if you have one (and any other website or blog that you have). This is part of the security screening. You will then need a driver’s license or passport for identification at the filming.
The filming locations will only be provided by email to those who confirm their attendance.
Anyone who belongs to a hate group need not attempt to be filmed.
For the latest updates, see www.facebook.com/lawlessamerica
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The Basics
Lawless America…The Movie is all about exposing the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.
The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. Corrupt judges and corrupt government officials will be exposed, and we will confront a number of the crooks.
If anyone has ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the corruption report was true. In fact, there are probably tens of millions of victims in the United States who never realized what happened to them.
One feature length documentary movie is being produced. It will be shown in theaters, on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places, and the movie will be presented at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals, if we are chosen.
In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor, founder of LawlessAmerica.com and a recent candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.
Approximately 5,000 people asked to be scheduled to be interviewed for the movie. Approximately 1,300 were filmed on the first Lawless America Road Trip that started June 14, 2012 and lasted 241 days. We will continue to accept as many requests to be filmed as possible.
Here was the itinerary for the 50-state road trip for Lawless America…the Movie.
It is our plan that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken. We will expose many corrupt judges and government officials. We hope to generate a lot of publicity about corruption that the mainstream media usually hides from the public.
We will deliver proposed judicial reform legislation to the governor and legislators at each state Capitol.
We will make room in the film schedule for anyone with a great story of corruption. Email nobodies@att.net.
Lawless America…The Movie: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
We need Volunteers to HELP with the Movie
PLEASE login to Facebook, and then click on the “Share” button to the right. This will send this story all over the Internet.
William M. Windsor — Bill Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms. Bill Windsor
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