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Now that we have presented undeniable evidence of nationwide corruption to every member of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, the next phase in the Lawless America Revolution is to file criminal charges against the corrupt government officials, judges, attorneys, perjurors, and others in our cases.
Our best hope, perhaps our only hope, to get judicial corruption and government corruption addressed is with our local grand juries.
People all across America will file corruption charges with their local grand juries in May. This is what you need to prepare…
We are moving the date to May 1 — May Day — as many people have asked for additional time to prepare.
You need to draft letters that will be used in your efforts. Find your elected officials here. Please review these letters, and do a first draft your own:
LETTER #1 — Letter to your State Representative — 60 days prior to May Day
This letter requests a letter from your state rep to be used in your efforts to present evidence to the state/county grand jury.
LETTER #2 — Letter to your State Senator — 60 days prior to May Day
This letter requests a letter from your state senator to be used in your efforts to present evidence to the state/county grand jury.
LETTER #3 — Letter to your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives — 60 days prior to May Day
This letter requests a letter from your U.S. Congressman to be used in your efforts to present evidence to the federal grand jury.
LETTER #4 — Letter to your United States Senators — 60 days prior to May Day
This letter requests a letter from your U.S. Congressman to be used in your efforts to present evidence to the federal grand jury.
LETTER #5 — Letter to Your Local District Attorney or Prosecuting Attorney — 45 days prior to May Day
This letter is your initial request for the prosecuting attorney to bring charges. Your goal is to establish that the prosecutor ignored your information.
LETTER #6 — Letter to Your Local U.S. Attorney — 45 days prior to May Day
This letter is your initial request for the prosecuting attorney to bring charges. Your goal is to establish that the prosecutor ignored your information.
LETTER #7 — Letter to Your Local District Attorney or Prosecuting Attorney — 21 days prior to May Day
This letter is your second attempt to get action from the prosecuting attorney. Your goal is to establish that they ignored your information.
LETTER #8 — Letter to Your Local U.S. Attorney — 21 days prior to May Day
This letter is your second attempt to get action from the prosecuting attorney. Your goal is to establish that they ignored your information.
LETTER #9 — Letter to District Attorney’s Receptionist — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This letter is to attempt to influence the receptionist to refrain from interfering with the distribution of your evidence to each grand juror.
LETTER #10 — Letter to U.S. Attorney’s Receptionist — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This letter is to attempt to influence the receptionist to refrain from interfering with the distribution of your evidence to each grand juror.
LETTER #11 — Letter to District Attorney — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This letter is to attempt to influence the District Attorney to refrain from interfering with the distribution of your evidence to each grand juror.
LETTER #12 — Letter to U.S. Attorney — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This letter is to attempt to influence the U.S. Attorney to refrain from interfering with the distribution of your evidence to each grand juror.
LETTER #13 — Letter to the County Grand Jurors — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This is it. This is your two-page letter pitching the Grand Jury to allow you to present your evidence.
LETTER #14 — Letter to the Federal Grand Jurors — May Day – Day you take EVIDENCE for the Grand Jury
This is it. This is your two-page letter pitching the Grand Jury to allow you to present your evidence.
LETTER #15 — Letter to District Attorney the day after Evidence was delivered for the Grand Jurors — May Day + 1
Assuming you didn’t get to see the grand jurors personally to distribute your evidence letters, this is a letter to warn the District Attorney not to interfere with distribution of the evidence.
LETTER #16 — Letter to U.S. Attorney the day after Evidence was delivered for the Grand Jurors — May Day + 1
Assuming you didn’t get to see the grand jurors personally to distribute your evidence letters, this is a letter to warn the District Attorney not to interfere with distribution of the evidence.
When you have prepared your first drafts of these letters, email the Microsoft Word files to nobodies@att.net, and we will edit and critique them for you.
Understand the Goal and the Obstacles
The goal is to get your fellow citizens (the grand jury) to agree that criminal charges should be pursued against judicial corruption or government corruption — whatever you have valid CRIMINAL complaints about. You cannot take civil complaints to a grand jury — only criminal complaints. So, make sure you have a valid criminal complaint.
Know that just about everyone with any government authority will be out to stop you. That goes from the receptionist to the bailiff to the janitor. They will ignore you, refuse to help you, refuse to do their duty, lie to you, and more. Your mission must be to overcome all obstacles. It takes PERSISTENCE, creativity, and guts.
The District Attorney and U.S. Attorney will claim that you do not have the right to present charges to the grand jury directly. This is not true. Any citizen has the right to notify a grand jury of criminal charges. When the DA and/or U.S. Attorney make such a claim, demand in writing that you be shown the statute and case law to support this position. The DA and U.S. Attorney will be unable to do so.
First, know everything that you can about what you are going to be doing. Lay all necessary groundwork.
1. Research your state’s statutes on grand juries. Determine what types of grand juries exist in your state, and determine what the laws are relative to grand juries. A Yahoo search for (your state) criminal statutes will probably return what you need. The searches to do are: (your state name) grand jury — (your state name) grand jury presentment — (your state name) grand jury procedures. (This is the State by State Analysis of Right of Citizens to present Criminal Charges to a State or County Grand Jury.)
2. Find out where the grand juries meet. Call or visit the county district attorney’s office and U.S. Attorney’s office for where the crimes took place. (This isn’t your home…but where the bad guys committed the crimes.)
Press *67, and call the appropriate office. Call at 12:15 so you get backup receptionists. Don’t identify yourself or provide any information if you don’t have to. Simply ask: When and where does the grand jury meet? Is there a grand jury inn session now? What days do they meet, and what time do they start each day?
Visit the grand jury areas before you do anything else just so you will have the lay of the land for when you or an agent delivers your sealed envelopes. You will need to be able to tell an agent where the grand jury room is, where there is someone posted who may deny access, etc. Casually ask the name of any receptionists or security people. Take notes of everything.
3. Research the state and federal statutes for the crimes that you feel were committed. Note the statutes as you will need to cite them. Identify the specific federal and state statutes that you believe were violated and the names of the people who violated each. Index to each state’s statutes.
If your state has a RICO Act, study carefully the predicate acts. These are crimes that must have been committed for RICO to be applicable. Those state and federal statutes will be the key ones for you.
Now, make sure the statute of limitations has not expired on your claims. (In Georgia, RICO is five years from when you discovered the criminal racketeering enterprise, so that was the critical date for me.)
If you missed the February 17 and/or February 24 Lawless America Show, I encourage you to listen to the recordings — Episodes 100 and 101.
Do a first draft of your letters.
Tune in Sunday, March 3, 2013 from 9 pm to midnight Eastern Time for the next TalkShoe show discussing how all of this will be done.
If you have questions about this process, please email them to nobodies@att.net with TALKSHOE QUESTION as the subject in all caps. All of these questions will be answered on March 3.
State by State Analysis of Right of Citizens to present Criminal Charges to a State or County Grand Jury and Links to Statutes, etc.
State RICO Statutes
Grand Jury Statutes
State Codes
Size of Grand Juries by State — Grand Jury Term by State — Other Helpful Grand Jury Information
Previous Lawless America Grand Jury Articles
Grand Juries — Constitution Society
Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights
Opening the Grand Jury — Constitution Society
Federal Statute on Grand Juries — 18 U.S.C. § 3332
I am not an attorney. I cannot give legal advice. Please make your own determinations or seek legal advice should you know an honest attorney.
This manual is intended purely as a communication of information in accordance with the right of free speech. It does not constitute either general or specific legal advice. Anyone seeking legal advice should consult a competent professional. Neither the author, editor or publisher guarantee that using this information will result in success or protect the reader from harm. The reader must accept that risk, and thoroughly study the law before using any of this material. Readers must take full responsibility for the consequences of any actions taken based on the contents of this manual.
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