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Allie Overstreet is the latest to lie, slander, and libel Bill Windsor and Lawless America

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Allie Overstreet is the latest to lie, slander, and libel Bill Windsor and Lawless America.

Sadly, Allie had become someone who I thought I could trust, and I asked others to trust her, too.  I was sooo wrong.

Someone sent me a false, malicious message in the name of a mother who was filmed for the movie indicating that her son (also filmed) was dead.  I believe it was Allie Loraine Yager Overstreet (known to those outside Facebook as Lori Overstreet).  I know that Allie has been posting one lie after another about me.

I know this may come as a shock to those of you who met Allie through Lawless America.  It was certainly a shock to me.  It is also a shock to me to find Mark Supanich making repeated false statements, and he is apparently now slandering me to others.  Allie became Mark’s new girlfriend at Meet Me in DC.

I stayed up all Saturday night to put this together.  It’s very, very long.  Read it all if you like grit.  But the bottom line is that those working with Lawless America need to know that Allie Overstreet has proven to be a pathological liar, and she is now apparently hell-bent on destroying Lawless America and me.  All she has to work with are her lies and the lies of her new strange bedfellows, but she plans to be workin’ those lies.  Mark Supanich is spreading the false information that Allie feeds him, and he has refused to acknowledge the lies.  In my book, Mark went from champ to chump.

I gave Allie Overstreet and Mark Supanich the opportunity to reply to an email that they received from me yesterday to indicate if their Facebook pages and email accounts had been taken over by someone who was posting such lies.  Each of them responded but did not claim that anyone had hacked their accounts and was posting using their identities.  (I blind copied several Lawless America State Chairmen and a few others so I would have proof that the email was sent.)  They did not offer a defense for the lies and false information.

Even if it was someone other than Allie who sent the bogus death notice (or someone conspiring with her), it doesn’t really matter.  Allie Overstreet immediately posted absolutely false information that she knew was false.  And she has been lying ever since.

Let me now go to the beginning of this saga.  Allie Overstreet has been an unpaid volunteer for Lawless America for several months.  Prior to that, she was the Lawless America Missouri State Coordinator.

Meet Me in DC was held February 5-7, 2013, and Allie Overstreet did a very good job helping make some of the arrangements.  After DC, she seemed to become obsessed with the haters at  She just kept sending Facebook messages and emails about it to me.  While she was regularly sending me anything and everything about haters, she wanted me to stop mentioning them.  On February 15, 2013, I sent a Facebook message to Allie Overstreet:

“Allie, I have made it very clear from the very beginning that I will not tolerate liars and slanderers. NOTHING will change that. Your continued messages about this in the last week are aggravating to say the least. If you don’t choose to support me, then I will accept that and wish you the best. If you want to continue to help, find “managers” who will actually do something.”

Allie responded, “huh?”  I replied: “If you are going to continue to be critical of my approach to liars and slanderers, then we are not a good fit.”  Allie’s reply ended with this: “You are defensive these days.  You mistake my messages.”  I responded: Okay, please just don’t direct me on what to say or not say about liars.  Fair enough?”  Allie sent several responses defending herself, including this: If you decide I’m worth keeping, I would like a little more clarification of your expectations from me. It is difficult out here guessing where the lines are sometimes. I do love ya, and love what you’re trying to do.”

The next two days brought more of the same from Allie.  I received little but messages about the Joeyisalittlekid hate site and people to block.  This is all quite clear from a review of the Facebook message blog.  At one point, she said most of the new LIKES on Lawless America’s Facebook were fake people.  So I took a few hours that I couldn’t afford to spend, and I checked every new LIKE that I could access.  I clicked on their page link and reviewed the page.  166 of 178 looked fine – many were people I know.  Only 12 were suspect, and I suspect some of those were probably haters trying to regain access to the site.  

On January 18, 2013, Allie continued to message about the Joeyisalittlekid site.  She must have spent hours reading the site.  I have never seen the site.  Then Allie messaged again claiming that I obsessed over them and everything they say. 

I replied: “I don’t know where you got the idea that I obsess over them. I would like to know who is who so I can sue them by name and file a restraining order.  I’m pretty sure I know, and they are now likely putting out misinformation (like Lori XXXXXXX emailing me to tell me the owner of the Joey site is Joey Dauben — laughable).  The only way I know anything on the blog is from you and occasionally Deb or one or two others.  I’ve never seen the blog, and I have never even done anything but skim stuff messaged or emailed to me.” [REDACTED]

Allie then claimed half of my posts were about the haters.  I replied: “Allie, come on now.  The Lawless America page has 29 posts in February, and only three of them are about haters.”  Allie responded: “I don’t speak in exact numbers.” 

Early Tuesday morning, February 19, 2013, I wrote:  “Allie, I will not change a thing that I am doing about the liars and haters. If you and others don’t like it, then politely bow out. I won’t hate you or post your photo. But ever since DC, you have not been at all supportive, in my opinion.”  Allie replied: “Your plan will never work because you refuse to listen to those who want you to succeed.  You view them as enemies if they simply want to help you. You are brilliant Bill.  But you are wrong about this.

I responded: “Well, Allie. Then the plan didn’t work. The bad guys accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Thank you for all of your help. If I can help you, please email me, but please don’t message me or email me with more of your negativity.  And at that, Allie called it quits.  She messaged: “Sigh. Don’t forget to take me off the state pages. You should probably make an announcement because 20-25 folks contact me daily. And if you use my film please use the edited version. I hope you get what you want accomplished. We are all wanting the same outcome.”

So, Allie ceased to be helping Lawless America as a volunteer on Tuesday, February 19.”  I didn’t block her, ban her, un-friend her, or any such thing.

But the next day, I received messages from people asking whether it was true that Allie Overstreet had been banned.  I messaged Allie to say: “Someone posing as you is sending this to people: Allie Overstreet — I was banned from Lawless America.”  Allie refused twice to answer the question whether she had sent the message.  The man who assured me he had gotten such a message gave me his login and password to Facebook, so I could logon and see for myself.  There was a message right in his Inbox where Allie Overstreet’s Facebook icon was shown and the message that she had been banned from Lawless America.  So, I sent it to Allie Overstreet and Mark Supanich with this message: “This screenshot shows Brian Long’s messages. Allie, can you explain how he got such a message from your computer? If Brian got it, how many other people received this false and damaging information?

Allie wouldn’t answer the question, which has proven to be her pattern.  She replied indicating Brian was a “nut” and me a nut chaser.  After two more exchanges and Allie Overstreet refused to answer the question, I told her I was banning her, and I did at 5:21 pm on February 20, 2013

At half past midnight on February 21 (actually February 22 at that point), I received a Facebook message from a mother who I filmed.   The message read: “Bill, I don’t know if you remember me or not.  I was filmed in XXXXXXXXXXXX on XXXXXXX.  You also interviewed my 16 yr old son XXXXXXXX who was illegally taken from me and horribly abused in foster care and and group homes.  They finally won.  My son took his own life yesterday morning.  He was afraid they would take him again and he wrote a letter saying he could not live through it again.  My fight is over.  They have won.  They have destroyed my son. Thank you for being so nice to him in XXXXXXXXX.  He really enjoyed the experience.  I hope your movie helps people.  I, however, have given up hope. Good luck and again thank you.” [REDACTED]

I immediately tried to respond to her message, but Facebook showed that the account was closed or that any response was blocked.  I absolutely recognized her Facebook name, because it is an unusual name.

I spent several hours preparing a tribute to the boy, posting an article, videos, Facebook posts, etc.  I believe these were posted at about 2:00 am.  There was an outpouring of love and prayers.

At 2:06 am on February 22, 2013, I received this private message from Mark Supanich that was a copy of a posting that he made online: “There Is a recent Post on Lawless America that XXXXXX Is dead I know for a fact that he is is alive and well. He just had a bologa sandwicth . last I checked dead people don’t eat. Whoever Is spreading this false information should be ashamed of themselves. At least check your stories for facts before devastating friends and families with untruths. Please share this with all your friends to put a stop to this!!”  [REDACTED]

This is false.  Mark Supanich did not know for a fact that XXXXXX was alive and well.  XXXXXX had not just eaten a bologna sandwich.  XXXXXX is indeed alive, but he has been ill, and he was in the hospital, so he clearly was not “well.”  Just the opposite.  This is proven in a telephone conversation with the boy’s mother, emails from the boy’s mother, and ultimately in postings by Allie Overstreet.

At 2:16 am on February 22, 2013, I received another private message from Mark Supanich: “Someone is really screwing up with this. XXXXXXXX his mother is a mess about this false news.”

This is false.  The mother knew nothing about any of this.  She told me so by telephone and stated so in an email to me.  The mother said she didn’t even know a Mark Supanich.

At 2:22 am on February 22, 2013, I received another private message from Mark Supanich: “She is devastated Bill I don’t think she wants to talk with you but sent the meassage on to her.

This is false.  The mother wasn’t devastated; she was apparently asleep.  She told me she was unaware of any of this.  And she indicated that she never received a message from Mark Supanich.

I removed everything about this from and Facebook after the first message. I believe there are only a half dozen people in the world who could have written what is in the Facebook message claiming death.  If this was a hoax, I felt that we’ve got a very ill woman on our hands. I know I didn’t do this, and I couldn’t imagine that XXXXXX did.  That left the mom, Allie Overstreet, and two others who were people filmed on issues unrelated to children and family court.

At 2:16 am on February 22, 2013, I emailed the mother: “If the attached message received from your Facebook account is true, I am so sorry!  I received this at about midnight on February 21.  It came to the Lawless America Facebook private message account.  After I posted tributes to XXXXXX about 2 am, a posting appeared from Allie Overstreet’s new boyfriend, Mark Supanich, claiming this isn’t true and that he just saw XXXXXX eating a bologna sandwich.  Please let me know if XXXXXX is okay, and if so, may I have a number so I can call him.  XXXXXXXX, there could only be maybe six people in the world who could have written this message to me because they would have had to have been there when XXXXXX was filmed.  I believe that was XXXXXX, you, Allie, me, XXXXX XXXXX, and maybe one other.  Bill Windsor”

At approximately 3:00 am on February 23, 2013, Allie Overstreet posted on the Lawless America Facebook page.  That posting was subsequently deleted apparently by her, but I managed to get a screenshot.  She wrote:

“Allie Overstreet pfft….I saw your “XXXXXX commited suicide” comment and panicked. I know XXXXXX and his mother very well in real life. I called her immediately because I knew something wasnt right with your story. I had just spoken to them three hours prior. Sure enough, he is alive and well and she is in shock that you would post that. Do not play like I had anything to do with this. That is just cruel. I love XXXXXX very much and know him personally. XXXXXXXX and XXXXXX aren’t even your followers. I talked them into filming with you, and she has only had minimal contact since XXXXXXXXXXX with you. She is not on fb very much, does not read your wall, and is not known by your followers. She did not do this. And a man in Montana wasn’t watching young boys in Missouri eating. I told him XXXXXX was alive because your post caused alot of pdople to pray, cry, and mourn, including Mark in Montana. It was only right I let him know that XXXXXX was not dead. And really, Bill, what if he was dead? You think it is okay to post that stuff without even knowing if it was okay with his mom ? She is crying herveyes out and cursing up a storm because you knew her son IS suicidal from CPS. My God Bill, have some compassion. And try asking people before you go saying their son is dead. I know XXXXXXXX and she did not send you that. I certainly did not send you that. You are out of line. I have done nothing to you, and have been kind in explaining why Icam not here anymore. Why would you put my name in a post suggesting I sent this sick piece of garbage? Say your sorry for Gods sake, instead of accusing everybody for YOUR mess ups. XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX is alive and well. Leave him alone.”

At 6:37 am on February 22, 2013, I received this reply from the mother:

To: William Windsor <>;
Sent: Fri, February 22, 2013 6:37:15 AM
Subject: Re: Facebook message from Your Facebook Account

Bill, i just woke up to this message. I haven’t been on Facebook for over a week except through my mobile app and playing bejeweled. I don’t know what’s going on! I don’t know a marc supanich and haven’t spoken to lori in a while. This is very upsetting to me because no, XXXXXX is not dead but he is in the hospital REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED.  I have also, in the past, received horrible emails from some crazy ladies against you and lawless America sayingsaying things about noah REDACTED-REDACTED-REDACTED. I don’t know what’s going on. I tried to log onto Facebook to look in my messages and it keeps saying i have the wrong log in or password. I can still log in automatically with my mobile app through the game though and i can’t find you, or anyone else related to lawless america. I am going to report this. I am scared and don’t know what to do. And nobody has seen XXXXXX except me and the hospital staff and he hates bologna. What the heck is going on?

So, in this email from the mother, she establishes that everything shown above in yellow is false.  If the mother is telling the truth, Allie’s post and Mark’s posts were LIES.

At approximately 10:30 on February 22, 2013, I called the mother at the phone number on her Movie Release Form.  We spoke for about a half hour, and she reiterated that she knew nothing about this until she read my email.  She said she hadn’t spoken with Allie Overstreet.  She reiterated everything in her email, and we spent quite a bit of time talking about XXXXXX and the hospital. 

The mother followed up by sending me over two dozen emails showing stalking/harassment by Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez of the American Mothers Political Party, the woman who started all the hating stuff with absolute lies.  The mother wondered whether this woman might be involved.

One of Lawless America’s true friends posted this on Facebook — Part 1  Part 2: 

Something is REALLY bothering me. I’ve seen a lot of dirty tricks that “advocates for change” have played on other advocates to make themselves look better, from my nine years of advocating for the sick over the mold issue. But I don’t think I have ever seen anything quite this disturbed or disturbing as what I have just witnessed over the corruption in the court issue.

Lawless America is working to have people raise their voices, jointly, regarding the rampant corruption in the courts. Bill Windsor, who heads the group, has traveled the country filming people’s evidence and stories of corruption in the courts. He recently had a falling out with a woman who was working with him to organize the effort. I’m going to call her “Annie”.

The night before last, Bill got a FB message allegedly from the mother of a child he had filmed that stated her child had committed suicide. I’m going to call the child, “Johnny” because I don’t want his name out here anymore than it already is. Johnny and his mother live close to the woman, Annie, with whom Bill had the falling out.

Based on the FB message coming from the mother’s acct, Bill put it out on FB that Johnny’s mother had sent him a message of Johnny’s suicide. In no time flat, the message went out from a man in an entirely different state, who I will call “Mike”, that Johnny was fine. He was at home eating a bologna sandwich. Mike is a friend of Annie’s.

So Bill contacted Johnny’s mother. Much to everyone’s relief, Johnny had not committed suicide. However, he was also not at home eating bologna. He was in the hospital.

So the question was raised from whom did Mike get the accurate info Johnny was alive but the false info that he was at home, when Johnny was really in the hospital.  It came to Mike from Annie, the woman with whom Bill had the recent falling out.

Based on critical analysis of these given facts, I can deduce beyond reasonable doubt that Annie is the one that sent the sick Facebook message to Bill stating Johnny had committed suicide while pretending to be Johnny’s mother — for the purpose of setting Bill up to put out false info on Facebook.  This is REALLY sick stuff, folks.  Annie then posted on Facebook that Bill was a horrible person who had made the mother cry, Johnny feel awful about himself, etc.

Here’s how I know that Annie sent the original sick FB message to Bill.

Fact #1. Right after Bill’s post went up of Johnny’s suicide, Annie says she called Mike and told him she had spoken to the mother, that Johnny was alive and at home.

Fact #2. If Annie had really spoken to the mother to know Johnny was alive, she would have also known that Johnny was not at home. He was in the hospital.  So Annie did not speak to the mother to know Johnny was alive. [And the mother has told me and put in an email that she hadn’t spoken to “Annie.”]

Fact #3. If Annie did not speak to the mother as Annie claimed she did, she wouldn’t know if Johnny was alive; the ONLY way she would have known it is if she was the one who made up the lie of the suicide in the first place. [If she saw the post from her friend’s Facebook account announcing the boy’s death, she had no means whatsoever to question that as she had not spoken to her.]

Fact #4. From this I can deduce that if Annie is the one who made up the lie of Johnny’s suicide, she is also the one who sent the sick message to Bill.  Most likely in the hopes he would do just like he did and post it to Facebook.

Fact #5 This was not an in the heat of the moment act. Annie would have had to think this through of how Bill would react, that she would then call Mike to put the info out that Johnny was alive and she would then chastise Bill for causing trauma to Johnny and his mother.  She would have had to set up a Facebook accountt pretending to be the mother or figured out how to access the mother’s account.  [We now know from Jonny’s mother than Annie had her Facebook password.  Annie was the only person in the world other than Johnny’s mother who had unfettered access to her dacebook account.  Johnny’s mother told Bill Windsor this in their telephone call, and Bill recorded it.]

So UNLESS ANNIE CAN EXPLAIN HOW SHE KNEW JOHNNY WAS ALIVE WITHOUT SPEAKING TO ANYONE, it is my hope that Annie crawls under a rock where she belongs and all posts with Johnny’s real name on them be removed from FB. It is beyond disgusting that someone would go to such diabolicle measures to try to trap an advocate for change in a mistake by sending false information that a child had committed suicide.  [Posts with Johnny’s real name have been removed by Bill Windsor.]

Annie is Allie Overstreet.  Mike is Mark Supanich.  Johnny is the boy.

Now, it crossed my mind that there was one other possible explanation: Someone could have managed to take control of Allie Overstreet’s and March Supanich’s Facebook accounts on February 21 and 22.  Not likely that people who use Facebook regularly throughout the day would not be aware of this, but a remote possibility.

So, I extended the courtesy of emailing Allie Overstreet and Mark Supanich asking them to respond indicating whether they did or did not make those Facebook posts.  I blind-carboned several Lawless America State Coordinators and a few others so I could prove these emails were sent.

Allie and Mark:

I have thought the world of the two of you, and the last thing I have wanted is trouble with you.

Either someone is posting as you, or you are posting information that I know to be false based upon my telephone conversation and emails with XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX.  XXXXXXXX assures me that she hasn’t spoken with you.  XXXXXX hates bologna.  XXXXXX is in a hospital and has not been seen by Allie and has not been eating bologna sandwiches.  XXXXXXXX knew nothing about this “hoax” until this morning when she opened my email offering condolences and advising her of this possible hoax.  She never cried, much less cried her eyes out.  Allie never chewed me out for lying, and I have never posted anything that I knew to be false. 

If this is a giant case of Internet fraud by impersonators, let’s get the police involved.  There is already a police report filed.

For now, we don’t need to get into any discussions about anything other than, did you post the following or not:

1.  Allie Overstreet: “Wow….that’s pretty much my only reaction. Just wow. I guess my one comment chewing Bill out for lying , in his mind constitutes full on war and reason to try to hurt me. He purposely posts things he knows are false. He purposely posts things to get reactions from devoted followers. Insane. I know what I say and don’t say, do and don’t do.  That man has lost his mind. You guys will see when he turns on YOU.”

2.  Allie Overstreet: “pfft….I saw your “XXXXXX commited suicide” comment and panicked. I know XXXXXX and his mother very well in real life. I called her immediately because I knew something wasnt right with your story. I had just spoken to them three hours prior. Sure enough, he is alive and well and she is in shock that you would post that. Do not play like I had anything to do with this. That is just cruel. I love XXXXXX very much and know him personally. XXXXXXXX and XXXXXX aren’t even your followers. I talked them into filming with you, and she has only had minimal contact since XXXXXXXXXX with you. She is not on fb very much, does not read your wall, and is not known by your followers. She did not do this. And a man in Montana wasn’t watching young boys in Missouri eating. I told him XXXXXX was alive because your post caused alot of pdople to pray, cry, and mourn, including Mark in Montana. It was only right I let him know that XXXXXX was not dead. And really, Bill, what if he was dead? You think it is okay to post that stuff without even knowing if it was okay with his mom ? She is crying herveyes out and cursing up a storm because you knew her son IS suicidal from CPS. My God Bill, have some compassion. And try asking people before you go saying their son is dead. I know XXXXXXXX and she did not send you that. I certainly did not send you that. You are out of line. I have done nothing to you, and have been kind in explaining why Icam not here anymore. Why would you put my name in a post suggesting I sent this sick piece of garbage? Say your sorry for Gods sake, instead of accusing everybody for YOUR mess ups. XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX is alive and well. Leave him alone.”

3.  Mark Supanich: “There Is a recent Post on Lawless America that XXXXXX Is dead I know for a fact that he is is alive and well. He just had a bologa sandwicth . last I checked dead people don’t eat. Whoever Is spreading this false information should be ashamed of themselves. At least check your stories for facts before devastating friends and families with untruths.  Please share this with all your friends to put a stop to this!!”

 If you would be so kind, simply reply as to each of items 1, 2, and 3 — Yes you posted or No you didn’t post.

If the answer is No, then let me know if you want to help find out who did.

Please advise,

Bill Windsor

Neither Allie Overstreet nor Mark Supanich claimed that anyone else made these posts.

I wanted to give Allie Overstreet one last chance to claim she didn’t make these posts. I sent her this email:


 At noon tomorrow, I will begin work on an article that will expose you as a liar unless you claim you didn’t make the attached posts.

 But I don’t see how you can do that since in the jpg that ends with ALLIE-ADMITS-PISSY-COMMENT, you admitted posting this (shown in the jpg that ends with PISSY-COMMENTS-CROPPED-640W):

 2.   Allie Overstreet: “pfft….I saw your “XXXXXX commited suicide” comment and panicked. I know XXXXXX and his mother very well in real life. I called her immediately because I knew something wasnt right with your story. I had just spoken to them three hours prior. Sure enough, he is alive and well and she is in shock that you would post that. Do not play like I had anything to do with this. That is just cruel. I love XXXXXX very much and know him personally. XXXXXXXX and XXXXXX aren’t even your followers. I talked them into filming with you, and she has only had minimal contact since XXXXXXXXXX with you. She is not on fb very much, does not read your wall, and is not known by your followers. She did not do this. And a man in Montana wasn’t watching young boys in Missouri eating. I told him XXXXXX was alive because your post caused alot of pdople to pray, cry, and mourn, including Mark in Montana. It was only right I let him know that XXXXXX was not dead. And really, Bill, what if he was dead? You think it is okay to post that stuff without even knowing if it was okay with his mom ? She is crying herveyes out and cursing up a storm because you knew her son IS suicidal from CPS. My God Bill, have some compassion. And try asking people before you go saying their son is dead. I know XXXXXXXX and she did not send you that. I certainly did not send you that. You are out of line. I have done nothing to you, and have been kind in explaining why Icam not here anymore. Why would you put my name in a post suggesting I sent this sick piece of garbage? Say your sorry for Gods sake, instead of accusing everybody for YOUR mess ups. XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX is alive and well. Leave him alone.”

 You stated above that you called XXXXXX’s mother immediately, but I spoke with XXXXXX’s mother, XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, on Friday morning February 22, and she never spoke with you and knew nothing about this until she got an email from me telling her about it.  XXXXXXXX confirmed this to me by email, so I have written proof from XXXXXXXX that this is a lie.

 You stated above that you had spoken with them three hours prior, but XXXXXXXX says that never happened.  I have that by phone and in an email.

 You stated above that XXXXXXXX was crying her eyes out and cursing up a storm, but XXXXXXX says that never happened.  I have that by phone and in an email.

 You stated that you did not send the message that said XXXXXX was dead.  But when I asked XXXXXXXX if anyone had her Facebook login or password, guess who she said had her password?  ALLIE OVERSTREET!  XXXXXXXX says she didn’t send the message, and she says she was locked out of her Facebook account. 

 Allie, your posts are filled with outrageous lies.  Please tell me that someone else has had control of your Facebook page for several days and that you have not been in internet or telephone contact.

 Allie, if you want to admit that you have lied and issue a formal apology that you will post on your page(s) and give to me to post, then I won’t publish all of the evidence that I have of these lies and more.  I won’t publish our Facebook exchanges that demonstrate one lie and distortion after another.  I won’t publish Brian XXXX’s Facebook messages that show you sent him a message that you denied sending (he gave me his login and password so I could see with my own eyes).   I won’t publish XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX’s emails stating that your statements are false. 

 Bill Windsor

Here is Allie Overstreet’s response:

From: “” <>;
To: “Nobodies@att net” <>;
Sent: Sat, February 23, 2013 4:18:00 AM
Subject: Re: Allie Overstreet: You have until noon 2/23/2013 to admit or deny that these posts are yours

Pfft… She’s scared of you. She lied so you’d leave her alone and not attack her. I don’t blame her. You are a cyber bully. Publish all Ya want. You need help. Call the real police this time, will Ya, and not just post it to all your followers, k?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

The mother wasn’t scared of me.  So now Allie is accusing the mother of being a liar.  Sick.  Here’s an email from the mother that establishes that Allie lied about thisAnd another email from the mother.

Here is a string of posts between Allie Overstreet and a Lawless America supporter named Sharon:

SHARON: Something is just not adding up here. It doesn’t make sense that Bill would falsely post the young man, XXXXXX, had died. Why would someone send him that horrible FB message? It doesn’t make sense that Allie would have sent that email or stated that the young man was fine, at home, eating bologna, if he is actually in the hospital according to an email Bill received. This hospitalization could easily be verified. So, it doesn’t make sense that either Bill or Allie would put out a provable lie (he’s eating bologna or he’s in the hospital) when who is lying could be so easily corroborated. Neither are that stupid. What’s going on here?

ALLIE OVERSTREET: That’s because you are only getting the parts of it Bill wants you to have. SMH.

SHARON: I don’t need to see the whole story to determine who is lying.  If the record shows the child was in the hospital, then it is a lie by Allie that he was at home eating bolonga – which adds credance that Allie sent the original FB message.  If the record shows the child was not in the hospital, then Bill is making up emails from the mother to wrongfully cast doubt on Allie’s character.  So again, based solely on the child’s hospitalization admittance record, one could prove who is lying.  The real question is Who sent that horrid FB message to cause this situation? Who would be so cruel as to write that this poor child who is suicidal had committed suicide.  That is SICK STUFF whoever did it.

ALLIE OVERSTREET: 1) Allie never said he was at home eating bologna. 2) Allie never sent the message, only the pissy comment after the post. 3) Allie never said he wasn’t in the hospital, only that he did not commit suicide. 4) Bill Windsor sent the original message would be my guess. 5) Why would you be worried more about everything BUT the fact that Bill Windsor plastered this kids name and picture up and said he was dead without knowing? Or that he continues to plaster it up , saying crap like he hopes he sees it and gets a big laugh outta it? I dont have alotvof emotional energy left to convince folks. Believe it or don’t. I happen to know both XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXh very well. Of the “in person” variety. I speak to them often, as in, five minutes ago. I know very well who the liar is, and it ain’t XXXXXXXXa, me, XXXXXX, Mark, Or some hacker somewhere. Play detective……but do it objectively and you will see.

SHARON: I read a Facebook post of Allie’s with my own eyes that said she had spoken to the mother who said he was home eating bologna and that she had relayed the info to her friend in Montana. No? What does the friend in Montana say of how he came to think XXXXXX was at home eating bologna, when in reaility, he was in the hospital? You are right it is a horrible situation. That doesn’t make sense Bill would have sent that email to himself, and then posted it on Facebook while making himself look bad for not verifying before posting. I’m just trying to figure out who is lying here, because someone is. And I am being objective. I’m asking questions. I can’t believe either one of you would do this. Unfortunately, it has come to an either or situation with both of you saying the mother supports what you are saying. Bill is showing his alleged proof via email and you are stating your alleged proof via verbal communication.

ALLIE OVERSTREET: pfft….I am not going to publish my texts and verbal convos with mother about a vulnerable teen just so a few fb people will like me. Sorry, I am not Bill. Go believe him and save us all alot of hassle. My real life friends and family are worth protecting over a bunch of strangers playing detective. I know what I said about bologna, when I said it, and to whom I said it. It is pretty sad we are here talking about bologna when Bill said “the family has asked me not to discuss his medical issues……oh but I will anyway because I am Massiah, so he has permanate liver damage from cps dope”… folks are bat shit out of your minds blind just like I was. I am sorry, I am not at all interested in Bills silly cease and desists, phantom FBI cases, or vile fb posts anymore. “Ecxuse me, Mr FBI agent, I need to report a very serious crime. Someone is saying meanie things about me. Arrest them”. pfft…Amazing how I am everyones friend until I say wait, that isnt true, then I am supposed to spend time proving what I dare to say against a man who is exploiting a kid I care about. I don’t think so.

SHARON: I never said I believed Bill or I believed you. I am not just frivilously playing detective. There are thousands of people who have been filmed. My own matter impacts thousands of lives. Quite frankly, I am quite miffed that this unprofessional nonsense is taking place while so much credibility of so many is involved. Its an either or situation. Either Bill is lying or Allie is lying –while a sick game of putting an already damaged child in the middle is being used to damage the credibility of many. So here are the questions that I want you to answer: 1. How did Mark in Montana come to think that the child was at home eating bologna when he was, in reality, hospitalized at the time the sick message went out he committed suicide? 2. Who did Mark in Montana speak to that caused him to think the child was home? 3.What was said in that conversation that caused Mark to think the mother was spoken to and said the child was at home?

ALLIE OVERSTREET: 1) I told Mark. 2) Me. 3) I had just gotten off the phone with mother. Now enough. I am not playing this sick crap anymore. Noah is not your child and it is none of your business .

ALLIE OVERSTREET: Facebook, investigative pretend blogging, even youtube movies, are not worth wrecking peoples real lives over, so we can carry out this make believe “I am doing sonething so important, look at me” game.




SHARON: Also, since it is proven you did not speak to the mother when you told your friend Mark that bologna comment, it also proves you knew it was a lie that the child committed suicide. How would you know that was false if you had not spoken to the mother? It proves You sent the sicko FB message. So sad.

Sharon was blocked by Allie at this point.

Allie Overstreet has lied again and again and again.  I have all the documents to prove it. 


Allie Overstreet That’s it? This is your big public ousting? A simple trace on the computer that sent that suicide message, would clear things up. Although I doubt that gets posted. Unblocking me so I can watch the train wreck, yet blocking me from commenting to defend myself is a bit juvenile I think.  Tell them, Bill, of the donations receipts. Tell them of the movie and Sundance fiasco. Tell them of the thousands of emails you copied me on. Tell them of the one where you are calling them stupid. Tell them of Homeland Security list Bill, and the filming at the capitol. Tell them how Stacey did send your hard drives back and how you gave permission to use the banner and camera. Tell Dottie what you really think of her. Tell them about Montana and the cops chasing you out of the state. Tell them how many social security numbers you have. Tell them about your database Bill. Tell them about the emails you DONT publish. Tell them about the tv show Bill. Tell them of your bad guy list and why they are on it . Tell them how many times you were in your basement when you you said you were on the road. Tell them about the death threats, or rather, the lack there of. Tell them about the trademark and copywrites Bill. Tell them how you sent me every email you ever sent any of them. Tell them about the meetings with movie agents. Go ahead, tell them. Tell them about your precious spreadsheets with all their personal info Bill. And while you are at it, tell them how to track IP’s and proxy’s, and how you never should have trusted a woman with brains enough to keep everything you ever said. …You have made a grave mistake jerking innocent people around for your own midlife crisis. Haters aren’t causing you to fail, YOU are causing you to fail. Lying about stupid shit trying to ruin peoples name, just because they dared to not bow correctly to you. Go ahead, trace the computer. I dare you. Tell them where all these criminal charges you have filed are. Tell them that you knew two weeks before DC we couldnt film in the capitol and that no legislators were coming. Tell them about the two under cover FBI agents in the Senate theater Bill. Tell them how you changed from a regular room to the biggest suite the Crowne had. Tell them how you told me there wont be any movement and you are going to back out. Tell them the timing in which this suicide message appeared. Neh… won’t do that, now will ya. Tell them how many letters you have written to congress Bill. Tell them who actually wrote them . Tell them who does all your work for you. Tell them why your son won’t associate his company with Lawless. Tell them how you didn’t renember Noah until I told you who he was. Tell them who got Stop the Silence to endorse you. Who got Washington Families United to endorse you. Who got you conference calls with media. Tell them how you forgoymt to copywrite Lawless and asked me what to do. Tell them how you have tens of thousands of unanswered emails. Tell them who did what Bill. I do dare you to sue me and file charges on me. I cannot wait. I will expose the real corruption within Lawless America gladly, and not on faacebook to a bunch of people who believe in you. I hope you do go to the cops, but I know you won’t because they already know you well. You are the sick one, for not giving a shit about these peoples stories unless it is good PR for you. You are good at talking sweet but suck at covering your tracks. Bring it on Mr. Windsor, we will see where that suicide message came from and we will blow you wide open for all your lies and using these folks vulnerabilities to your advantage. I am not your average lemming and lying about me to publicly and maliciously discredit my name was a big mistake.

 Wow, what a sweetheart.

Here’s my response:  This is an outrage.

As to specifics, Allie Overstreet conveniently fails to acknowledge that she is a pathological liar, and that in the previous 24 hours, her lies were proven again and again and again.

  1. Trace on a computer.  We’d have to first find that computer and then try to get access to it before the perpetrator gets rid of it.  The real issue here is that it was a lie; all fingers point at Allie Overstreet as a liar about issues surrounding the note.  Allie Overstreet is a liar.
  2. Allie was blocked from commenting — another lie.  The above post is still on the Lawless America Facebook page for all to see. 
  3. Donations receipts.  This implies some sort of wrongdoing, but there is none.  We began issuing donation receipts in DC.  We will be issuing them to everyone who donated for whom we have a record.
  4. Movie and Sundance fiasco.  No such things.  How utterly slanderous.  Nothing whatsoever has changed regarding the movie.  Sundance is January 2014, and that is where we hope to premiere the movie.  The American Mothers Political Party allegedly conducted a letter-writing campaign to keep us out, but I believe that works to our favor as it creates awareness of us.  We currently have one firm, written contract in hand.  I have an interview in Dallas on March 6 for a reality television show that will have 20 documentary filmmakers competing for the funding for their movie.  I made the decision with input from those filmed for the movie that I should let that opportunity play out before signing anywhere else.  I met with a film company in Los Angeles, and I hope that meeting will lead to a special introduction to a top documentary film company.  I process film to video virtually all day every day on a dedicated computer.
  5. Thousands of emails I copied Allie Overstreet on.  I have no idea how many she was copied on, so I say she was copied on as many as she can produce.  I doubt there were thousands, but I don’t have a clue.  I’d guess maybe a few hundred.
  6. Tell them of the one (email) where I call them stupid.  I don’t know who “them” is, but if I ever called anyone stupid, it was either my sincere opinon or something said in frustration over something that I felt at that moment in time was really stupid.  This post of Allie’s is like junior high silliness.
  7. Homeland Security list.  According to Allie, Homeland Security wanted a list of people who might want to be disruptive of our mission and our event. I prepared the list from names sent to me by Allie and many others throughout the course of the last several years.  I forwarded the cleaned up Excel file to Allie Overstreet, and I believe she provided it to law enforcement and Homeland Security.  The file is confidential, but it includes the names of members of the American Mothers Political Party, WTP, and people who had posted father hate, mother hate, racial hate, etc. on or Facebook.  As a regular practice, Facebook names had to be entered into Facebook and blocked, and email addresses had to be entered into the mail program we use to block emails to those folks, so I used an Excel spreadsheet to maintain the records of to do’s and then “dones.”
  8. Filming at the Capitol.  Other groups have been allowed to film at the Capitol, but we were denied that right.  This was openly discussed prior to Meet Me in DC and at the event in a webcast.  We arranged our filmed event to be in the hotel ballroom, and it was filmed.  We tried to get permission to film at the Capitol up until an hour or two prior to the speeches there.  We were denied.  We didn’t even get the large rooms until a few days before the event, so we had to change our schedule to accommodate.  Allie was in charge of all of this.
  9. Stacy and hard drives.  Yes, Stacy did return two hard drives a month afer I requested them.  She failed to return them by the drop-dead date for DC.  She sent them without the requirement for  signature at a time when both my wife and I were out of town and our gate was locked.  A neighbor ultimately brought them over.
  10. Permission to use the banner and the camera.  I have no idea what this is about.  I was loaned the Crime Scene banner by Tonja Brown.  I made it available everytime someone wanted to display it and had the manpower.  There are multiple cameras, and no one was given permission to use them except inside the hotel in DC.
  11. Dottie.  I love her with all my heart.  That’s what I think of her.  She is honest and wonderfully loyal.  She has become a dear friend.  She has a limited grasp of technology stuff as she readily acknowledges.  How incredibly rude to try to create a problem with this wonderful lady!
  12. Montana and the cops chasing me out of the state.  That never happened.  We believe the police were called when three of us were on a public sidewalk filming what I felt was animal cruelty.  The video that I have clearly shows we did not go past the posted keep out signs.  How stupid would that have been.  But Montana is the wild west, so we didn’t stick around to see what would happen if they showed up.  I joked about it, but no one chased me…at least that I know of. 
  13. Social security numbers.  I have one.  I have never had more than one.  No one that I am aware of has ever claimed to the contrary, and anyone who would say anything like that is just a wacko.
  14. Database.  We have several large databases.  There’s not much to say except that volunteers have not proven to be much help updating and supplementing them.  Our confidential database of people in the movie was taken by a former volunteer and provided to others.  That has been well-publicized.  Now Allie has the confidential databases, so we may be in for more of the same.
  15. Emails I don’t publish.  Well, I don’t usually publish emails that I receive.  I don’t know of many people who do.
  16. TV Show.  Nothing new to report.  See #4.  I have a contract proposal from an agent for a TV series.  The film producer who I met with in Los Angeles said he feels the project is ideal for a television series.  One agent advised me that Court TV expressed interest.  All of this has previously been reported publicly.
  17. Bad Guy list.  See #7.  That’s the only list there is other than Do Not Send email database and Blocked List in Facebook.
  18. How many times I was in my basement when I said I was on the road.  Never.  I was in my basement some of the time when I went “off the grid.”  I went “off the grid” so no one would know where I was so I could ensure that the Congressional Testimony film was converted to video and made available to Congress.  This was all publicized.  We have thousands of witnesses, photographs, and film that establishes where I was and when.  These sick people will say anything to have an imaginary issue to be discussed by their others.
  19. Death Threats or lack thereof.  I have published articles about each of the death threats at  There have been three significant death threats plus the American Mothers Political Party encouraging their members to rent and watch “Kill Bill.”  All four of these are documented.  Three of the four have been reported to the police, and the American Mothers Political Party is ready to be reported.
  20. Trademark and Copyrights.  We have served the required notice on everything published, and we have done all that we need to do to ensure our trademark rights.  We have trademarks in place that our legal counsel says should provide full protection for Lawless America.  Every film clip has a clear copyright notice.  I’ve handled copyrights and trademarks regularly for 30+ years. 
  21. Every email ever sent was sent to Allie.  Totally false.  And Allie has only been around for a few months.  My first email with Allie regarding Lawless America work appears to be on November 30, 2012.  So, she was only involved for 81 days.  Lawless America began in 2007.
  22. Meetings with Movie Agents.  See #4.  The first meeting was in Hollywood when I was there to film.  A half dozen people were in the room during the meeting, people either waiting to be filmed or watching others after they were filmed.  The second meeting was a teleconference while I was in Los Angeles to meet with a film company, an appointment set by one of our victims who is an actress.  The third meeting was with that film company.  The fourth meeting was with an agent in Atlanta.  This has all been previously publicized.
  23. Precious spreadsheets.  See #14.
  24. How to track IP’s and proxy’s.  IP addresses are contained in email headers.  With Outlook 2010, copen an email, and click File – Properties, and the Internet Headers window displays.  The IPs are in there.  Our software tracks IPs of people who post comments on  There are a lot of online services that can then take the IP address and trace it to a location, perhaps right to somenone’s house.  I don’t know anything about tracking proxy’s.
  25. Should have never trusted a woman with brains.  Brains are great.  I wish I had never trusted people who I didn’t realize were liars or vindictive or criminals.  All I can do is the best I can do.
  26. Lying about stupid shit.  Since I began battling government and judicial corruption in 2006, I have never knowlingly made a false statement.
  27. Criminal charges filed.  Criminal charges have been filed in Missoula Montana, Atlanta Georgia, Ellis County Texas, and Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania.  I have been trying for weeks to find the time to finish my big set of charges.  I hope I may be able to get that done tomorrow.  I will fax charges to the FBI tomorrow as I said I would.
  28. What I knew about filming in DC three weeks prior.  I knew nothing.  And it’s really irrelevant, as the articles with the agenda show that filming at the Capitol was never planned or announced.  I always want to film anything possible, but this is a non-issue.  See #8.
  29. No legislators were coming.  I always made it clear that I didn’t expect any of them to show up.  I am surprised that so many did for meetings with our folks.  TalkShoe recordings make this quite clear.  
  30. Two undercoiver FBI agents in the Senate theater.  There were two men in the top row wearing skull caps with little earphones.  I believed they were Secret Service, and one in our group says he asked, and they said they were Secret Service.  I published photos of them on Facebook.
  31. Largest Suite at the Crowne Plaza.  No, I did not change to anything, and I was not in a large suite.  I had the same style room used throughout the movie road trip, a room with a small adjoining “living room” that could be used for filming.  We filmed there two days.  My rate was $165.
  32. There won’t be any movement.  There’s a movement.  I expressed frustration once or twice with volunteers failing to do things.  When I blocked Allie, I said that she would not be part of the ongoing efforts.  I said “we won’t be….”  I should have capitalized WE to make it clear what I was saying that she was no longer going to be involved.  I have regularly said that this is an impossible task.  I’ve recorded videos with that in it on several occasions.  It remains an impossible task.
  33. Timing in which this suicide message appeared.  I saw it at approximately 12:30 am on February 22, 2013.
  34. How many letters I have written to Congress and who wrote them.  I can recall six letters times 535 copies each.  Each was mail-merged to be personally-addressed.  I wrote all of the letters.  On the cover letter for the DVD’s, Sharon Kramer drafted a letter and emailed it to me.  I tweaked it.
  35. Who does all of my work for me.  I do.  There is no one else other than remotely-located volunteers.
  36. Why my son won’t associate his company with Lawless America.  My son has a travel business, and I don’t believe his business associates with any causes.  My son attended several days of filming.  We are very close.  He and all of my family are afraid for me and for themselves because of the government and crazy people.
  37. Didn’t remember XXXXXX until Allie told me.  Outrageous lie by Allie.  I know exactly who he is and his story, and Allie and I never discussed that I didn’t know who he was.  I believe I only spoke with Allie perhaps three times on the phone, so emails and Facebook messages document just about everything.
  38. Stop Silence Endorsement.  Allie got this.  Then I believe they backed out because of all the haters.  I’ve never heard anything from them.
  39. Washington Familes United Endorsement.  If we had one, I guess I got it as I dealt with Mark.
  40. Who got me conference calls with the media.  No one.  I don’t recall ever having had one.
  41. Forgot to copyright Lawless and asked Allie what to do.  Absolutely false and even more ridiculous.  See #20.
  42. Tens of thousands of unanswered emails.  Absolutely true!  I have publicized this extensively.  I am the only guy.  I do what I can working over 100 hours a week.  We have no money.
  43. Who did what.  I have done most things.  Allie did relatively little; she handled Facebook messages for a few months.  She made some arrangements for Meet Me in DC, though I handled everything with the hotel.  We have had a number of volunteers who provide invaluable assistance.  Dottie and MaryAnn Lubas have been especially important.
  44. I dare you to sue me and file charges.  Only too happy to oblige. 
  45. The real corruption in Lawless.  Ridiculous.  There is no corruption.  What a sick, sick woman.
  46. Cops.  I have already been to the law enforcement folks here.  They don’t know me. I have never been arrested, never charged with a crime, never been in jail, never even had a parking ticket or speeding ticket in over a decade.
  47. Not giving a shit about people’s stories unless it is good PR for me.  How pathetic.  I care deeply about the people’s stories.  I have gotten so little “PR” as to render it meaningless.  I have expressed again and again how I care.
  48. Suck at covering my tracks.  I bet I do because I don’t need to cover any tracks.
  49. See where the suicide message came from and blow you wide open for all your lies.  If this is to imply that I sent the message, that is ridiculously false.  See #26.
  50. Using folks vulnerabilities to my advantage.  How utterly ridiculous and pathetic.
  51. Not your average lemming.  I would agree.  Allie Overstreet is below average as a lemming but off the chart as a liar, slander, libeler, and vindictive stalker.
  52. Lying about me to publicly and maliciously discredit my name was a big mistake.  I have never lied about Allie Overstreet.  See #26.  Allie needs to be completely and totally discredited.  I believe I will have to rank Allie Overstreet as one of the most despicable people I have ever encountered personally.

This stuff from Allie Overstreet is garbage.  It all sounds like things she read on Joeyisalittle kid blog that she has been obsessed with.  The Joeys just make stuff up.  They lie.  She is now part of that group…a group whose sole purpose appears to be to try to destroy Lawless America and me. In fact, all they do is amuse each other and Allie Overstreet.

Allie Overstreet has posted a harassing, libelous, slanderous Facebook post in which she says I post things that I know are false…and that I have lost my mind.  This is absolutely false.  I have never posted anything that I felt was false, and I haven’t lost my mind.  But when you compare several of Allie’s Posts, it starts to show that her strategy with this death notice scam is to claim I posted knowingly false information.  It is also interesting that in her first post about the death notice she said that the mother didn’t send the notice, not did she.  Now why would she need to say anything like that?  It sounds to me like the words of a person who set up the scam.

Allie Overstreet has posted a harassing, libelous, slanderous Facebook post in which she says I am a liar and “make shit up.”  I have never lied about a thing.  I have never made “shit” or anything else up.

Allie Overstreet has posted a harassing, libelous, slanderous facebook post in which she says I duped peopleI have never duped anyone.

Allie Overstreet has posted a harassing, damaging Facebook posting in which she encourages people to leave Lawless America.


Take a look at another of the lowlife I deal with regularly.  This email is from someone who masquerades as Mel Mel:

hey you pile of SHITyou cannot believe the file the IRS has opened regarding YOU RYAN and your wife what? Boz? barbie? WOW MOFO. you’re dipshit scams cost me unbelievable heartache and time and energy, I wish I never even heard of you. I had to sit with a senior IRS investigator regarding your SCAM SHIT. They are ruthless. you are SCUM and I pray you burn in hell. At least I know WHO is after your ass and how fast. That’s some compensation for the hell I’ve been put through just bringing it to their attention. KISS MY GRITS YOU FAT ASS MOFO

And then this one from Mel Mel:

fucking MOFO homeland security called my house? THEY wanted SHIT ON RYAN more than you? WTF you crazy ass shit house? WTF?


If you don’t see that Allie Overstreet is a pathological liar, please un-friend me, un-Like Lawless America, and go away.  I refuse to deal with liars, libelers, and slanderers, and I don’t want anything to do with their friends.  I don’t get paid a cent.  I have no financial interest in the movie or a TV show.  I do this because I care, because I was smart enough to do the job and dumb enough to take it.  I have zero tolerance for liars, and that will never change.  So if that doesn’t work for you, I wish you the best of luck and ask you to leave quietly.


virginia-arlington-allie-overstreet-bill-windsor-meet-me-in-dc-2013-02-06 298-640w

 Bill Windsor with Allie Overstreet, serial liar.


Copyright 2013, Lawless America

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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