
Indiana Prosecutor resigns for encouraging Fake Attack on Wisconsin Governor



Carlos Lam, a Republican activist and Indiana deputy prosecutor, has resigned amid revelations that he sent an email calling for a fake attack on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker designed to discredit union protesters. Walker, a Republican, was the target of protests for his efforts to roll back many union collective bargaining rights in his state.

a In a February 19, 2011 email uncovered by the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, Lam apparently told Walker he had a “good opportunity” to win public sympathy with a “‘false flag’ operation.” “If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions,” read the email.


Lam initially denied having sent the email. He [claimed] he had been shopping for a minivan with his family when it was sent, and suggested his email account had been infiltrated by his political enemies.

Lam resigned as deputy prosecutor on Thursday morning, however, reportedly telling his boss he had indeed sent the email.

Last month, another Indiana official — Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox – lost his job for calling on law enforcement to “use live ammunition” on Wisconsin protesters.

Also in February, Walker was the victim of a prank call by a liberal journalist pretending to be billionaire conservative activist David Koch. When the journalist suggested planting people among the protesters to stir up trouble, Walker responded that “we thought about that” but added that he had decided against it. 



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