53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 4


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 4 of my story.  Judge Bob Carroll of Ellis County Texas is pictured here (far right) with some of his Republican buddies.  Judge Bob Carroll is a central figure in the corruption against me (and undoubtedly others) in Ellis County Texas.

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53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 5


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 5 of my story.  Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson is shown here.  He is a ringleader in the corruption in Ellis County Texas, and he is responsible for me being illegally detained, incarcerated, denied bond, and denied release.  He’s a bad guy.  He needs to resign or be voted out of office.

Continue reading 53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 5

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 3


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 3 of my story.  Judge Bob Carroll of Ellis County Texas is pictured here.  He becomes a central figure in the corruption against me in Ellis County Texas.

The plot thickens…

Continue reading 53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 3

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 2


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 2 of my story.

Continue reading 53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 2

53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 1

florida-daytona-beach-bill-windsor-lawless-america-movie-2012-11-19 096-cropped-200w

My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

It was quite an experience.  I was exposed to staph, mrsa, herpes, and tuberculosis while there (and Lord only knows what all else) as well as some extremely insane people.  My life was torn inside out, and I was detained, incarcerated, denied bond, and denied release in complete, total violation of the law.

Continue reading 53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 1

Case involving charges against Bill Windsor of Lawless America was dismissed by the judge – Nothing but outrageous lies


Bill Windsor went to trial in Lexington, Missouri on April 8, 2013 charges by Allie Overstreet (ALL-LIES Overstreet) that he was a would-be serial killer or mass murderer.

The charges would constitute multiple felonies in most states.

Bill Windsor represented himself, and on his motion, Judge John Frerking dismissed the complaint when ALL-LIES could not come up with an iota of evidence.

Continue reading Case involving charges against Bill Windsor of Lawless America was dismissed by the judge – Nothing but outrageous lies

Bill Windsor of Lawless America files affidavits in Missouri court on charges that he is a would-be Mass Murderer


Bill Windsor of Lawless America has filed 80 affidavits with the Missouri court on charges that he is a would-be Serial Killer or Mass Murderer.

Bill Windsor has been accused of buying a gun to use on a group of people. 

Windsor’s “trial” is set for 1 pm on April 8, 2013 in Lafayette Hall in Lexington, Missouri before Judge John Frerking.

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America files affidavits in Missouri court on charges that he is a would-be Mass Murderer

Bill Windsor of Lawless America will stand trial on April 8, 2013 in Lexington, Missouri — leaving Atlanta on April 6


Bill Windsor of Lawless America heads for Lexington, Missouri on April 6 for the April 8, 2013 trial on charges that he is a would-be Serial Killer and/or Mass Murderer.

My Motion for Continuance to obtain discovery was deniedMy Motion to Vacate the Order of Protection was deniedMy Motion to Film the proceedings was deniedMy Request for a Jury Trial was deniedOther than that, I’m doing great

There’s a strong odor coming from Missouri….

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America will stand trial on April 8, 2013 in Lexington, Missouri — leaving Atlanta on April 6

Bill Windsor of Lawless America prepares for trial on charges that he is a would-be Serial Killer


Bill Windsor of Lawless America is preparing for trial on charges that he is a would-be Serial Killer

Bill Windsor has been accused of buying a gun to use on a group of people.  There’s also allegedly a judge in Santa Clara California saying Bill Windsor is a terrorist.  We’re not sure if these are connected.

Windsor’s “trial” is set for 1 pm on April 8, 2013 in Lafayette Hall in Lexington, Missouri before Judge John Frerking.

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America prepares for trial on charges that he is a would-be Serial Killer

Bill Windsor of Lawless America has been accused of planning to shoot a group of people

florida-daytona-beach-bill-windsor-lawless-america-movie-2012-11-19 096-cropped-200w

Allie Overstreet has filed a criminal complaint in Missouri claiming that Bill Windsor “has bought a gun for use on a group of people.” Allie Overstreet says I have “repeatedly” published this on the website.

This is a first in my 64 1/2 yearsAt 10 pm on March 20, 2013, a sheriff appeared at our front door.  

I was served with an Adult Abuse/Stalking Ex Parte Order of Protection.

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America has been accused of planning to shoot a group of people