
53 Days in Ellis County Texas Jail as a Political Prisoner – The Saga of Bill Windsor – Part 3


My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.

But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner.

This is Part 3 of my story.  Judge Bob Carroll of Ellis County Texas is pictured here.  He becomes a central figure in the corruption against me in Ellis County Texas.

The plot thickens…

What I am publishing is a sworn affidavit that I filed on December 11, 2014 in criminal cause number 14-158 in the 40th Judicial District Court in Ellis County, Texas, Ex Parte William M. Windsor. 

I am writing this in several parts to tell the story of my experience as a political prisoner.  This is Part 3.  I am inserting additional information from the diary that I kept, and these additions are shown inside [brackets.]

I will be linking evidence to these articles as time permits.

If you haven’t read Part 1 or Part 2, please do, as this makes the most sense when read in chronological order.

In the following sworn statements under penalty of perjury, I refer to myself as the “Relator,” which I understand is the proper designation in a habeas corpus proceeding.

 34.  The Relator tried unsuccessfully to reach an attorney.  The [Ellis County] Jail telephones are blocked to most attorneys, will not reach many cellphones, and cannot leave voice mails.

[You do not have the option to use a credit card number or make a call in any other manner.  You are not allowed to use a cellphone, if you had one with you when you were brought to the pokey.  There are no phone books available.]


35.  The Relator repeatedly requested access to the Law Library, but the [Ellis County] Jail does not have one, and his requests were unanswered.

[This is just one of a host of violations of civil rights of every inmate who has ever been in the Ellis County Jail.]

[October 28, 2014 to November 5, 2014 was one giant frustration in a jail cell that was truly unbearably cold; the HVAC was blowing cold air, not heat, and with no socks, a short-sleeved T-Shirt, no sheets, and one blanket, every inmate was rolled up like in a cocoon trying to keep some body heat contained.  I became extremely sick, but I continued to try to figure out who in the world I could contact for help.  I had no phone numbers; my family has disowned me out of fear for their lives; and my paid employee, Jennie Morton, quit when the Joeyisalittlekid criminals obtained her driver’s license and information from my confidential personal property release form, which they published online.  Jennie Morton has been in a domestic violence shelter and is on the Texas address confidentiality program.  The Joeys began physically stalking her.  So, Jennie Morton had my car in East Texas, my credit cards, driver’s license, keys, etc., and she refused to do anything to help.  My mail was being intercepted and opened and much of it may not have been sent at all because people reported that they never received what I sent.  I was finally able to reach one of my siblings who became my lifeline.  When Jennie Morton came to the jail to retrieve my personal property, the Ellis County Jail refused to give her my briefcase, laptop, and zip drive; she was told that it was being held for evidence for Montana.  So, I hadn’t been arrested or read my rights, but here they were claiming my highly-confidential files were “evidence” for another state.  After three days of putting up a stink about this in the sole means of communications, Inmate Request Forms, I was told that someone could pick up my stuff.  Jennie Morton came back to the jail and got it.  In the process, she wrecked my Jeep in a rain storm.  My computer and files were likely downloaded, and I believe they were given to Barbara Hachenburg, the lying attorney for Joeyisalittlekid gang member, Sean D. Fleming.  This will be explained a little later in the story.]

[There was one surprising thing done by the “warden,” Captain Terry Ogden.  He and Lieutenant Cooper (both of whom seemed to like me before I started raising hell with all the wrongdoing) actually took me out of the Ellis County Jail in handcuffs in a squad car up to the courthouse where my Jeep had been sitting for several days.  They let me retrieve my cellphone.  They then gave me a few minutes to write down any phone numbers that I needed.  I was able to write down the number for my employee, Jennie Morton.  Then I called from the phone in the O Tank, and her number had been disconnected.  The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!  I managed to shoot a quick text message to Jennie Morton when I got the phone, and it apparently went through because when I finagled one more access of my cellphone, there was a reply with her new number.  I called her collect after dinner on October 30, 2014, and she accepted the call.  It was like the first ray of sunshine after 60 days of rain.  I was SO RELIEVED that I finally had the lifeline that I so badly needed.  I gave Jennie Morton a short story and told her that I needed her to come see me, get my car, etc.  She came a few hours later, and we spoke by videophone for 20 minutes.  I dictated things for her to do.  An hour later, a deputy brought a Property Release for me to sign so Jennie Morton would have my credit cards, driver’s license, Jeep, computer, briefcase, etc.  I was VERY relieved because I wanted to get my Jeep safely away from Ellis County.]

[I submitted some Inmate Request Forms for medications, to see a nurse, etc.  I got to know some of the guys; TV watching and sleeping are the two activities.  I read all the rules several times because I didn’t want to give them any opportunity to put me alone in a tiny cell where my claustrophobia would be devastating.  I made another To Do List for Jennie Morton.  I tried to nap, but my mattress was like sacks of potatoes.  No one has a pillow, and you have one blanket and no sheets.  There are no extra clothes, and we got a new T-Shirt, boxers, and jumpsuit only once a week.  I have to elevate my head to sleep, and that was never done comfortably.  Lights out and in your bunk at 10:30 pm sharp.  You have to stay in your bunk until 4:00 am.  I crawled into my bunk at 10:30 the first night, and Ignacio (“Nacho”) asked: “Who was the last man in?”  He decided it was me.  He said, “Montana, last man in has to turn out the lights.”  I got out of my bunk, walked across the room, turned and said “there is no light switch!”  Every man in the tank had a big laugh, and I joined them.  It was nice to be hazed.  I felt like they did it because they liked me.  I was extremely fortunate to be with REALLY nice men.  They coached me, explained the ropes, and had my back.  I didn’t sleep long; I woke up in a bit of an anxiety attack.  I sat on my bunk a while, made some notes, and was finally able to sleep a bit.]

[At 2:00 am on October 31, 2014, a new guy was brought in from Booking.  At 3:00 am, they came in to wake up the trustees who are “feeders.”  I slept for an hour or so, and then it was two pancakes, grits, three orange slices, two pieces of bread, and some orange would-be Kool-Aid.  I went back to sleep after breakfast, and then I was called to go see a nurse.  I had submitted a request for the medications that I take for claustrophobia, dental, permission to get my medications from the pharmacy, etc.  The nurse was very nice; she said she would email the jail doctor about the meds.  She couldn’t help me with a pillow or socks.  A short while later, the guard handling the O Tank gave me an envelope.  It contained all the court filings that I had handwritten that the Booking staff said would be sent to the Clerk of the Court for filing.  This damaged me as the filing dates are all critical.]

[I was excited when the Commissary Lady came.  She has a big cart filled with junk food, personal hygiene items, and a few supplies.  I had a long list, but there is a $50 per day limit.  I was fortunate to have had several hundred dollars in cash on me when I was detained.  I was only able to buy shampoo, soap, a soap dish, legal pads, pen refills, stamps, two phone cards, and two Dr. Peppers.  My junk food requests would have to wait until her next visit.  Miss Connie normally comes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and it is a HUGE deal for those with money and a tough pill to swallow for those without money.  A friend put $500 “on my books,” so I had money.  I ended up giving away half of what I bought to those without money.  With the phone cards, I had purchased 20 minutes of calls for $24.  I thought it was a lifeline, and then I learned that you still have to reach a human who still has to accept the call.  So, the calling cards ended up having very little value to me.  I gave most of my time away to those without money who were desperate to try to reach someone.]

[I was very impressed with how a number of the men took charge on keeping the O Tank clean.  The entire place was swept, mopped with bleach, and bathroom scrubbed twice a day.]

[I was surprised when I was told that I had a visitor.  Visitation is done by videophone.  It turned out to be Kristy, a childhood neighbor friend from Rio Grande Avenue in Texarkana, Texas.  I hadn’t really seen her in over 50 years!  She had been contacted by one of my siblings, and she said she was drafted to try to get me bonded out.  I explained to her that they were simply ignoring the law, so I didn’t think there was anything they could do but help me find a criminal attorney.  She took Jennie Morton’s information so she could contact her to offer to help in that regard.  We talked for the full 20 minutes about why I was being detained and what it had been like as a prisoner.]

[Lights out is not until 12:30 am on Friday and Saturday nights, so I worked hand-printing legal filings until 12:30 am.  I was asking Judge Bob Carroll to order discovery from SUSHI that would enable me to prove that he was the stalker, committed perjury many times, etc.  I felt that might be my only hope to avoid dying in prison.]

[The dental hygiene picture in the Ellis County Jail is one of decay.  Inmates are not allowed a toothbrush, only a little short-bristled dog toothbrush that fits on your fingertip.  It is close to worthless.  No dental floss.  If you have a toothache, the only option offered is to have your tooth pulled.  I brush and floss three times a day in the real world.]

[The night of October 31 and early morning hours of November 1, 2014 was uncomfortable on my hard, lump mat on a steel bunk bed slab.  Mattress is not a word that should be used in the Ellis County Jail.  I would doze for an hour or so and then wake up.  The acoustics are horrible – cement floors and walls and a sold steel ceiling.  The ceiling is only about 10-feet high in O Tank.  Sound just bounces around the room, so it is usually a constant roar of noise.  There is an extremely loud intercom system in the guard’s area, and that would continually wake me up.  Breakfast was served by 4:30 am – grits or oatmeal in gravy, two slices of loaf bread, and watery applesauce.  My new friend, Michael McGowan, always appreciated my grits.  I nicknamed him “Mr. Grits” because he would eat anyone’s grits or anything else for that matter.  He’s a little, slender guy, and he never gained an ounce despite eating everything in sight.]

[We had two new guys moved in and they were big-time snorers.  We had no snorers before that.  The dynamics changed in the O Tank a bit with four or five new people.  We are an overflow tank, so a lot of people are put here who are expected to leave quickly.]

[The water in the stainless steel sink is turned on with the press of a hot or cold button.  That causes a very short trickle of water.  The shower has a good, warm temperature.  The sink mirrors are scratched aluminum, and the light is so weak that I never really saw myself.  The bathroom is separated from the rest of the tank by modesty panels, so there is far more privacy than I anticipated.  We have three solid steel picnic tables that seat eight each, and we have twelve two-man bunks.  The rest of the tank is open — about 1,225 square feet.  There are double doors to enter – an outer door and then an   inner hall.]

[One of the new guys is De’Juan.  A 17-year-old black young man.  He is in jail for a “terroristic threat.”  He yelled at a girl who yelled at him.  He is hyper.  But we established a grandfather/grandson relationship.  I developed a lot of those.  I was told a number of times that most of these young men had never been around anyone like me, most did not have father figures in their lives.  Having lost my family, I was happy to add many new jail children and grandchildren.]

[Sunday, November 2, 2014 was same old stuff.  Up at 4 am, breakfast at 4:30 am, lunch at 10:30 am, and dinner at 4:30 pm.  Guys live for the next meal.  That and the visits of the Commissary Lady.  I got to go see the nurse about Rolaids and my glasses.  I needed my prescription reading glasses, but they had not been given to me from my briefcase.  The nurse said Jennie Morton had signed out for my personal property.  I explained to her that my briefcase, laptop, and zip drive had not been given to her, and the glasses were in the briefcase.  I tried to get a larger pair of fluorescent orange rubber shoes.  Mine were too small, and my right foot cramped badly; I ended up developing a bloody toe on the right foot, and I was never given larger shoes.]

[Young guys came to me for advice, which I was happy to give.  I exchanged contact information with about 10 guys today.  We had hot dogs three meals in a row (except breakfast).  The food is served in gray trays that are about 4-inches thick with four rectangular food slots.  You put your name badge on the glass door window, and then they slide your tray through a narrow hole in the door.  Then you slide your orange fluorescent rubber cup into the slot, and they feel it with one of an amazing assortment of would-be Kool-Aid flavors.  We all have a permanent fork/spoon combo – fluorescent orange.  The walls are a cream/beige color, and all trim, tables, bunks, doors, and steel is a dark turquoise blue.  The floor is gray cement with paint splatters all over it.  The ceiling is beige steel with rust.  There is a very small (10” x 18”) TV in a turquoise box mounted high on the wall over three phones with very short chrome cables.  The little TV is so far away from where you can sit at a 90-degree angle that watching TV is hardly even worth the effort.  I managed to sleep a little today – either from exhaustion or the claustrophobia medication that the nurse had begun giving me.]

[I used Inmate Request Forms (also known as Kites and I-60’s) to document much that took place.  On November 2, 2014, I sent one to the Sheriff to confirm that I planned to fight extradition.  This is important as you will read later.]

[The towel we have is only slightly larger than a hand towel and thin as thin can be.  I can’t get dried off with it.  The towel gets changed only once a week.  I jumped completely out of my bunk the first night when I thought an airplane had crashed into the jail.  When the toilet is flushed, it sounds like a jet airplane engine passing by at take-off; it would literally wake the dead.  So, add jet airplane take-offs hundreds of times each day to the giant sound machine that is a tank at the Ellis County Jail.  I joked with guys that when we got out, we should form a company to see if we could come up with a toilet that was even noisier to market to the sadists who run jails nationwide.  The lights in the tank are all strategically positioned so that it is not possible to sleep without a light shining in your eyes.]

[I played Spades from after dinner until rack time.  Nacho and I beat the champions; they were pissed because my strategy was to poor mouth my hand and get them to overbid.  I hadn’t played in about 14 years.  In jail and prison, prisoners play Spades and Chess day-in and day-out for years.  I did not find a single man, regardless of age, education, or mental capacity who was not a very competent Spades player.  I ordered a chess set for the tank, but the Commissary Lady brought checkers instead.  We never had chess, but I learned that we had some masters there who had been in jail and prison for many years.]

[I requested Law Library access repeatedly, but I didn’t receive responses to my written requests.]

[We had kind-of-a-hamburger-patty for dinner, but it neither looked like nor tasted like hamburger meat.  Mystery Meat or “Rat Patty” is what my fellow prisoners call it.]

[November 3, 2014 began as usual – unable to fall asleep.  Some guys were talking and laughing for hours.  The noise factor is really bad.  I finally fell asleep, but then it was wake-up call at 4:00 am with all the lights on and the TV blaring.  I had developed a sore throat, runny nose, and cough from the freezing cold temperature in O Tank.  Breakfast was served by 4:30 am.  It was especially nasty – a cornbread-looking piece smothered in a nasty-looking brown gravy with some kind of lumps in them.  I later learned this is referred to as SpongeBob.  I always gave my SpongeBob tray away.  I took a shower and managed to get some sleep.  I was up at 10:00 am when they turn the phones on so I could try to reach my employee, Jennie Morton.  I was able to reach her, and she had contacted the Law Office of Joseph Gallo.  He was formerly the District Attorney, so we felt he should be great as my attorney.  He wouldn’t come to see me unless retained, so I told her to retain him. (He never came.)  Jennie said she would come on Tuesday, November 4, 2014.  I had mailed a number of things to her to file, etc., but she had not received anything.  I came to learn that my mail was being tampered with.]

[Lunch was a mystery meat patty with mashed potatoes, spicy tomatoes, two slices of bread, and two lemon cookies.  This proved to be one of the basic meals.  I wrote a history of what had happened to give to Mr. Gallo.  I anxiously awaited either a visit from him or paperwork to sign to retain him.  I wrote in the diary or drafted legal filings most of the time when I was awake.  I asked the guard outside O Tank why I hadn’t gotten a response to my two requests to visit the Law Library.  He told me to send another kite to the Sergeant, so I did.  More bunk time.  Dinner at 4:30 pm was mystery meat, carrots, blackeyed peas, two slices of loaf bread, two cheap cookies, and would-be Kool-Aid.  I ate more carrots in my 53 days in the Ellis County Jail than I have in my whole life.  My jumpsuit legs were too long, so I was continually trying to roll them up to keep them out of the wet on the bathroom floor.  I learned that a couple of my new jail friends would be leaving soon.  I knew I would miss them; there is a lot of comfort in knowing some people who you figure will have your back.  For the most part, we spent our days looking forward to the next meal.  Pretty sad when you think about it.]

[The Commissary Lady comes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, so I was anxiously awaiting her early morning visit.  But the prices are OUTRAGEOUS. $1.89 for a 25-cent Coke, $1.00 for 20-cent noodles, etc., etc.  There are no chairs – no way to get any back support, just picnic table benches and our bunks.  It was always extremely cold, and I was shocked to find that you are not allowed to have socks.  I offered to buy socks for every person in the Ellis County jail, and my kite and grievance were never answered.]

[At 7:00 pm on November 3, 2014, I received a response to my Law Library request; it said I would not be allowed law Library access without a court order.  The Ellis County Jail has no law Library, and the denial of this access is very much a civil rights violation.  Not having any familiarity with extradition law, I had no way of knowing that I was being held in complete violation of Texas law.  The response did say that someone could come and get my laptop and briefcase, so they had held it and undoubtedly accessed it for seven days!]

[Tuesday, November 4, 2014 began with being unable to sleep AT ALL.  My feet were freezing cold.  The HVAC system was blowing cold air when we needed heat.  I suspect this was a money issue; to hell with the inmates, keep the heat off for as long as possible to save money.  Regardless, the well-being of the inmates was of no interest in regard to humane comfort.  I became really sick and developed the continual coughing that I have had a problem with for much of my adult life.  I have coughed for as long as 96 hours without sleeping.  Nothing will stop it.  Nothing helps me sleep.  I needed to have my head elevated and non-menthol throat lozenges, but neither were available.  I put in a request to see medical.]

[Nacho left today.  He had been one of my very closest friends; he nicknamed me “Montana” and did a lot for me.  One guy had come into the tank who I took an instant dislike to.  I was surprised to see how the dynamics of a happy place can change so quickly.]

[I was unable to reach Jennie Morton, and attorney Joseph Gallo blocked my calls.  I spoke with another attorney’s assistant, Dan Cox, so I was hoping he would come.  I tried to reach Jennie Morton all day, and I was really relieved when she came about 7:30 pm for a videophone visit.  She was working on three other possible criminal attorneys for me.  Eight days in jail and still no attorney – not good.  I asked Jennie Morton to do some research for me on extradition and declaratory judgments.  I wrote a letter to Ellis County Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown about my Constitutional rights in regard to representing myself in court.  I asked him to give me access to my files and the Law Library.  It became very clear that Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown could care less about anyone’s Constitutional rights as he never even extended the courtesy of a response.  I played some Spades and kind of watched some TV.  The TV tastes of the guys here are totally different from mine: Cops, Ridiculousness, and Moonshiners.  There were conversations still going strong two hours after “lights out.”  I didn’t sleep all night, just coughed and moaned.]

[On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, breakfast was served at 4:30 am as always.  Not great, but I always cleaned my tray or gave anything that I didn’t want to Michael “Mr. Grits” McGowan.  He’s a bottomless pit.  The Commissary Lady finally came.  Her computer had broken yesterday.  She is the rudest person I have ever seen, on a complete power trip.  I got some things that I needed, including some snacks and soft drinks.  I managed to reach Jennie Morton on the phone, and she had great news – attorney Jim Jenkins was coming to visit me.  I learned that Jennie Morton had hydroplaned off the road in my Jeep and crashed into a sign.  Ugh.  I fell asleep for a while from exhaustion.]

[Jim Jenkins came.  65-year-old attorney for 42 years.  He told me that fighting extradition would be a losing proposition and delay the inevitable by as much as 60 days.  I told him I was going to fight it because I felt my goose was cooked if/when I get to Montana.  He gave me some dates that all proved to be erroneous.  Jim Jenkins either didn’t have a clue about extradition law or came to throw me off.]

[I hand wrote a Petition for Declaratory Judgment.  I asked a Texas judge to basically declare that I didn’t violate any laws by suing SUSHI and serving him with legal filings that are required under Rule 21 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

36.  On November 6, 2014, the Relator was taken from his jail cell in a striped inmate uniform and handcuffs to the 40th Judicial District Court.  He was very sick.  Judge Bob Carroll refused to order a stay to suspend activity in case #88611 [William M. Windsor v. Joeyisalittlekid, et al] until the Relator was well, had files with which to work, and was released from jail.  Judge Bob Carroll ruled against the Relator, and he was given deadlines of November 13 and 20 for filings and hearings.

[Please understand the significance of this.  I am the sole plaintiff in a case of massive proportions against 1,016 defendants who have, among other things, published 320 defamatory articles about me with over 40,000 published comments accusing me of every crime in the book and much more.  I am illegally incarcerated, denied access to my computer and legal files, denied access to a law library or any legal books, wearing prison clothing, was not even allowed the use of a ballpoint pen, and am so sick that I could barely hold my head up and was coughing uncontrollably.  And Judge Bob Carroll ignored three emergency motions for stay (which simply places the case on hold) and rushes the case forward while I am at a perhaps unprecedented disadvantage.]

37.  The Relator began hand-printing hundreds of pages using only his memory and the files he had with him when he was taken to the [Ellis County] Jail.  The Relator began to think that Judge Bob Carroll was working against him.  Not granting a stay was unthinkable and resulted in a significant violation of rights.

[I had plenty of reasons before to suspect that Judge Bob Carroll of Ellis County Texas was biased and perhaps corrupt, but this was the most extreme signal.]

38.  On November 7, 2014, the Relator was transferred by [Ellis County Sheriff squad] car to the Ellis County Courthouse where he was given two hours for legal research.  The Relator researched Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 51 and immediately realized that the law had been violated many times.

[The violations will all be detailed later in this story along with the evidence.]

39.  The Relator read Article 51 [of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure] and immediately realized that the law had been violated many times.

[I realized that the violations of the law were so overwhelming that there was something going on here that wasn’t routine law enforcement incompetence – detained after a hearing in a civil case in which I am suing some politically-connected Ellis County Texas people (later to learn that Judge Bob Carroll’s wife is apparently one of the Joeys and would be named as a defendant); have a small army of sheriff’s deputies at my civil hearing along with THE Sheriff Johnny Brown and THE District Attorney Patrick Wilson; nothing done legally; Judge Bob Carroll abusing his “discretion” up one side and down another; my requests in the Ellis County Jail being absolutely ignored; the attorneys that I retained mysteriously disappeared and then refused to help me; etc.]

40.  The Relator requested regular access to the Law Library, but his requests were not granted.  It was not until November 24, 2014 that the Relator was allowed a second visit to the [Ellis County Texas] Law Library.

41.  On or about November 17, 2014, the Relator hand wrote a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus to be released due to illegal incarceration, and he mailed it for filing to the Clerk of the Court of Ellis County Texas.

[This is an important date and event to note.]

42.  On November 21, 2014, the Relator appeared before Judge Cindy Ermatinger of the Ellis County District Court.  The Relator thought it would be a hearing on his Habeas Corpus Petition [see paragraph #41], but it was to ask if the Relator wanted to waive extradition.  The Relator refused.  The Relator asked why his Texas bond was refused, and Judge [Cindy] Ermatinger said she didn’t know and could do nothing about it.  Judge [Cindy] Ermatinger did sign a “Warrant-Pending Order,” and a true and correct copy of this that was given to the Relator is attached hereto as Exhibit D.

[Judge Cindy Ermatinger is a brand new judge, but if you don’t know why someone is being held without their bond being accepted, shouldn’t you take a short recess and go and call someone who does know?  I really like Judge Cindy Ermatinger of Ellis County Texas, but this was bizarre.  I wonder if she was told to keep me in jail regardless of what I said.] 

43.  The Relator obtained a copy of “everything in the District Attorney’s file at the November 21 hearing.  A true and correct copy of the probable cause statement is Exhibit B hereto.  A true and correct copy of a Bench Warrant from Montana is Exhibit A hereto.  A true and correct copy of the “Arrest Report” document that the Relator was told to sign at the “Arraignment” is Exhibit C hereto.  Assistant District Attorney Heffernan stated at the hearing that this was the entire file.  The A.D.A. told the Court that Montana had already been working on the Governor’s Warrant.  At the hearing, Judge [Cindy] Ermatinger signed an order.  A true and correct copy of the order is Exhibit D hereto.

Part 2 and Part 3 of the story are more significant now that William M. Windsor has the documents scanned that are “the entire file of the District Attorney.”  A comparison of these documents to the law — Article 51 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure makes it clear to anyone with decent reading comprehension that Bill Windsor was held in total violation of Texas law.


Part 1 is the background to the story.  Part 2 discusses when Bill Windsor was handcuffed and taken to jail from a hearing in a civil suit that he filed against the people who have viciously defamed him in what is the largest case of defamation in U.S. history.  Part 3 details early days in jail and attempts to get someone/anyone to help; the conspiracy to keep William M. Windsor in jail begins to come to lightPart 4 covers events from November 26, 2014 through December 2, 2014 as the corruption of Judge Bob Carroll erupts in full bloom.  Part 5 introduces Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson into the corruption picture.  Part 6 leads to a December 19, 2014 at which Bill Windsor was ordered released by Judge Cindy Ermatinger.

Bill Windsor was never arrested, just illegally incarcerated for 53 days — a political prisoner!


William M. Windsor

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