Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington charged with Falsifing Residence Affidavit and Violating Oath of Office

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Based upon information provided to me, I believe Gordon GODfrey filed a false residency affidavit and false oath of office when he was a candidate for Grays Harbor County Washington judge.

This is a crime, and I believe the County Commissisoners must immediately refer this matter to the prosecuting attorney.

I have submitted a letter to the County Commissioners with evidence to prove the charges.

Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington – Charges presented for Falsifying Oath and Residency Affidavit

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Charges have been presented to the Grays Harbor County Commissioners and the prosecuting attorney with evidence that seems to show that Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington filed a false sworn affidavit as to his residence.

He has also violated his sworn Oath of Office by repeatedly violating the Constitutions of the United States and Washington State, if information provided to me  by victims is accurate.

Judge Gordon GODfrey will be one of the stars of Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington – Charges presented for Falsifying Oath and Residency Affidavit

Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington is not GOD — he acts like a devil, and he must be removed from office ASAP

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Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington believes HE is GOD.

Bill Windsor of Lawless America spent an afternoon at the courthouse of corrupt Judge Gordon GODfrey. 

I have determined that Judge Gordon GODfrey may call himself GOD, but he has none of the traits that we recognize with God or a true higher power.  In my opinion, Judge Gordon GODfrey is an evil person who acts like a devil.

Judge Gordon GODfrey will be one of the stars of Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington is not GOD — he acts like a devil, and he must be removed from office ASAP

Judge Gordon GODfrey in Grays Harbor County Washington believes he is GOD


Judge Gordon GODfrey of Grays Harbor County Washington believes HE is GOD.

It is not known at this time whether Judge Gordon GODfrey has acknowlewdged this in open court or has admissible evidence in regard to this alleged fact, but he has told this to attorneys in his chambers.

Several of his court victims say Judge Gordon GODfrey acts like he is GOD.
Continue reading Judge Gordon GODfrey in Grays Harbor County Washington believes he is GOD

Arrest Corrupt Judge Patricia Gardner NOW


Ron Cooper of Kent City, Michigan, is a child molester according to his ex-wife, Sharon Cole.  Judge Patricia Gardner let him get away with it and took the children away from their mother, Sharon Cole.  This is an update of a previous article.

I have heard some horrible stories as I tour the country filming a documentary about government and judicial corruption, but this is absolutely the most horiffic story.  

Sharon Cole is one of the victims of judicial corruption and government corruption who is being featured in Lawless America…The Movie.

Continue reading Arrest Corrupt Judge Patricia Gardner NOW

Dominik Kufner charged with sexual abuse of his sons in Lawless America…The Movie


 Dominik Kufner of Germany is charged with sexual abuse of his sons in Lawless America…The Movie.

Tina Melo-Kufner made charges of sexual abuse and child pornography in an interview with Bill Windsor, Producer/Director of Lawless America…The Movie.

U.S. federal Judge William Smith is charged with corruption by enabling Dominik Kufner to escape to Germany with the two young boys, Matias and Josef Kufner, despite photos that showed the boys licking ice cream off Dominik Kufner’s penis.

Continue reading Dominik Kufner charged with sexual abuse of his sons in Lawless America…The Movie

Alaska couple admits to plot to kill federal judge and others


An Alaska couple pleaded guilty on August 27 to charges of conspiring to kill a federal judge in what prosecutors said was a revenge plot over income-tax rulings against them.

Lonnie and Karen Vernon, followers of jailed Alaska militia leader Schaeffer Cox, reached a deal with prosecutors to avoid the need for a trial that had been set to begin next month.

The Vernons and Cox were active in the “sovereign citizen” movement, whose adherents believe individuals are sovereign nations and federal, state and local laws do not apply to them.

Continue reading Alaska couple admits to plot to kill federal judge and others

Tug-of-Love: Immigrant Mom Loses Effort to Regain Son Given to US Parents

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In a controversial case that involved the rights of illegal immigrants and their young children, a Guatemalan mother lost her effort today to get back the five-year old son who was taken away from her after her arrest on immigration charges and put up for adoption in Missouri despite her objections.

A Missouri judge ruled the boy should stay with the Missouri couple, Melinda and Seth Moser, who took him into their home five years ago while his mother was in federal custody, where she attempted in vain to oppose the adoption proceedings.

Continue reading Tug-of-Love: Immigrant Mom Loses Effort to Regain Son Given to US Parents

Michigan Judge Karen Khalil sends man to jail for 30 days for remaining silent when seated in the courtroom – Retaliation?


Michigan Judge Karen Khalil sends man to jail for 30 days for remaining silent when seated in the courtroom.

The man refused to give his name, but he is one of the “founders” of LawlessAmerica.com.

Judge Karen Khalil is a corrupt judge who must be removed from office, indicted, arrested, convicted, imprisoned, disgraced, and impeached.

Continue reading Michigan Judge Karen Khalil sends man to jail for 30 days for remaining silent when seated in the courtroom – Retaliation?

Judges in Georgia are resigning in record numbers


In the past few years, seven chief Superior Court judges have stepped down while facing allegations of misconduct.

And judges in Georgia continue to resign in greater numbers as a result of judicial investigations.

Sadly, this record number is a drop in a big gigantic bucket…

Continue reading Judges in Georgia are resigning in record numbers