Another Congressional Pervert Resigns


Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) announced Tuesday he will resign from Congress following accusations he had unwanted sexual contact with a teenage girl.

“I cannot care for my family the way I wish while serving in Congress and fighting these very serious allegations,” Wu said in a statement.

Wu claims the incident with the daughter of a longtime friend and donor–who is now 18 years old–was consensual, and said he will continue to serve until the resolution of the debt ceiling battle.

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U.S. Attorney tries to Stop Windsor from filing any Lawsuit in any Court in America


U.S. Attorney tries to Stop me from filing any Lawsuit in any Court in America.

This is Sally Quillian Yates, U.S. Attorney and a corrupt federal official.  She is being assisted in this effort by corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorney, Christopher Huber.

A motion was filed in federal court by these extremely dishonest people.  It was filed in the court of another corrupt federal official, Thomas Woodrow Thrash.  Trash is a federal judge who violates the law to damage people like me.

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Perverts and ScumBags – That Sums Up Congress and the Federal Judiciary


U.S. Congressman Alcee Hastings investigated… AGAIN… for sexual harassment.

What makes this especially horrible is that Congressman  Hastings was a federal judge who was impeached for wrongdoing.  Then a group of idiots elected him to Congress.

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Senator John Edwards to face Criminal Charges


The U.S. Department of Justice has given the thumb’s up for prosecution of ex-presidential candidate, John Edwards, for allegedly violating campaign law  while attempting to cover up his affair with mistress and baby mama Rielle Hunter.

Sources close to the investigation told ABC News that the government is gearing up to indict the former North Carolina senator.

A plea deal could be reached to avoid a lengthy, expensive and highly publicized trial.

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Government Plot against Windsor becomes Backdrop for Music Video


On May 12, 2011, a federal prisoner allegedly reported that he had been approached by government agents with a plot to assassinate government corruption activist, William M. Windsor.

The story has been ignored by the lamestream media, but it has been carried on over 2,000.000 websites and counting.

Now there’s a music video that uses the report of the plot as a backdrop….

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U.S. Congressman gets 13 years on Corruption Conviction


Former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson was sentenced on May 20, 2011 to 13 years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for his conviction on 11 counts of corruption.

Jefferson was also ordered to forfeit more than $470,000 after his conviction for using his office to solicit bribes.

He will also have to pay $1,100 in special assessments.  It is unclear whether the payment must be made in frozen bills….

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Osama bin Laden is DEAD


WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States, is dead, and the U.S. is in possession of his body, a person familiar with the situation said late Sunday.

President Barack Obama was expected to address the nation on the developments Sunday night.

It was unclear where how bin Laden was killed and how the U.S. captured his body.

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Alex Jones says President Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE


Kurt Nimmo of Alex Jones’ says: “As we originally noted and has been mentioned by a number of electronic image experts, one of the most glaring details demonstrating Obama’s purported birth certificate is a fraud is the presence of digital artifacts.”

Nimmo goes on to say: “Now that we have established that the document is an obvious forgery, we should ask why Obama’s people would release as definitive proof of his citizenship such an easily debunked fraud.”

Continue reading Alex Jones says President Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE

Defense Contractor to Plead Guilty to Bribery in Navy Kickback Case


Advanced Solutions for Tomorrow (ASFT) founder and former company president Anjan Dutta-Gupta has agreed to plead guilty in U.S. District Court in Providence, Rhode Island to bribery of a public official in connection with …

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Pennsylvania State Senator Jane Orie appeals criminal case to state Supreme Court



Jane Orie appealed her case to the state Supreme Court today, asking the court to halt her retrial on corruption charges to review whether an Allegheny County judge erred when he declared a mistrial for her and her sister last month. …

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