Martin Luther King III says his father would be ashamed that Georgia lawmakers are trying to stop free speech


This is a letter from Martin Luther King III:

Extremist lawmakers in Georgia’s legislature are pushing a bill designed to intimidate those who would engage in protest activities, such as picketing or sit-ins.

This is an effort to silence protesters who are standing up for economic justice.

Continue reading Martin Luther King III says his father would be ashamed that Georgia lawmakers are trying to stop free speech

Take the Battle against Corruption to Your County Elected Officials


Take the battle against corruption to your county elected officials.

On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 15 Georgia victims of judicial, government, and/or law enforcement corruption will attend the Fulton County Commissioner’s Meeting. 

Thirty minutes are allowed for comment. 

Each speaker can speak for two minutes. 

We will fill the entire 30 minutes with our message.

Continue reading Take the Battle against Corruption to Your County Elected Officials

Lawless America…The Movie begins filming at the Georgia Capitol on Wednesday, March 7, 2012


On Wednesday, March 7, 2012, Lawless America…The Movie will begin filming at the Georgia Capitol.

Every member of the Georgia legislature has been sent an email requesting an interview. 

The email advised them that the main question they will be asked is “What are you doing to correct the problem of judicial corruption in Georgia?”

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie begins filming at the Georgia Capitol on Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is there More Government Corruption in the award of the Maid of the Mist Boat Contract in Niagara Falls?


The award of the Maid of the Mist boat ride contract this week was a major victory against government corruption.

While I remain deliriously happy that there is a new boat operator coming to Niagara Falls, I do need to keep you informed that there are problems.

It is beginning to smell like the process conducted after the corruption house cleaning was not fair and proper.  As I have said for years, the fundamental problem is dishonesty.  I challenge the Government of Ontario to prove that this latest process was an honest one.

Continue reading Is there More Government Corruption in the award of the Maid of the Mist Boat Contract in Niagara Falls?

Announcement at 4 pm today in William M. Windsor’s Original Action against Government and Corporate Corruption


An announcement will be made at 4 pm today in regard to William M. Windsor’s original action against government and corporate corruption.

I only have a few minutes to post this notice, so excuse the brevity.

My personal ordeal began in 2005.  I discovered wrongdoing involving a $2 billion government contract for the boat service at Niagara Falls….

Continue reading Announcement at 4 pm today in William M. Windsor’s Original Action against Government and Corporate Corruption

Child Protective Services steals two children. It is not a crime to be poor


When our family moved from Minnesota to North Carolina, we never dreamed our children would be taken from us because we were unemployed.

But that is precisely what happened, and the story is now getting even worse.

My name is Mollie Malone, and this is our story….

Continue reading Child Protective Services steals two children. It is not a crime to be poor

Chicago is the Most Corrupt City in America


A former Chicago alderman turned political science professor/corruption fighter, Dick Simpson, has found that Chicago is the most corrupt city in the country.

He cites data from the U.S. Department of Justice to prove his case. And, he says, Illinois is third-most corrupt state in the country.

It’s hard to imagine a city more corrupt than Atlanta, Georgia, but based on these particular statistics, Chicago is the most corrupt.  The crooked government officials in Atlanta apparently do a better job of protecting each other from prosecution.

Continue reading Chicago is the Most Corrupt City in America

Mind-altering drugs for kids as young as three years old? It’s a national DCF scandal that has hit home in Florida

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Mind-altering drugs for kids as young three years old? It’s a national scandal that has hit home in Florida.Read about the horror story of our Lawless America friend, Francesca Moore.

Twelve percent of children in Florida who have been removed from their homes and are in state foster care are prescribed psychotropic drugs. According to a government accountability report, kids in foster care in Florida are about three times more likely to receive the drugs.

The side effects from these drugs can be suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, nightmares, and even death.

Continue reading Mind-altering drugs for kids as young as three years old? It’s a national DCF scandal that has hit home in Florida

Julian Heicklen and Tyranny Fighters battle outrages perpetrated by the U.S. Government


Tyranny Fighters is a group that fights outrages perpetrated by all the U. S. and state governments (federal, state, county, and municipality).

The group has no fixed rules of policy. There is no constitution, bylaws, or rules. It has no officers, no elections, standing committees, nor specific agenda. There are no dues and no formal memberships. Everyone does his or her own thing for freedom and justice. 

Tyranny Fighters is a networking operation. The goal is to return the country to constitutional government.  Julian Heicklen leads Tyranny Fighters, and this is his latest report….

Continue reading Julian Heicklen and Tyranny Fighters battle outrages perpetrated by the U.S. Government

There’s a Movie Party on Sunday at 6 pm — Can you attend? It’s an Inside Job


When’s the last time you saw a movie that made you put down the popcorn, leap from your couch, and do something? Maybe it was An Inconvenient Truth or Michael Moore’s Capitalism.

Warning: This film could make you and the entire 99% mad enough to do something about a system rigged for the 1%.

The Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job is that type of movie.  Narrated by Matt Damon, the film shows how Wall Street’s greed and Washington’s corruption led to a global economic meltdown.  And the 1% will do more of the same again — unless the 99% stop them.

Continue reading There’s a Movie Party on Sunday at 6 pm — Can you attend? It’s an Inside Job