Elizabeth Hope Hernandez to be charged with new Crimes in Mississippi


Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez will be reported to the Biloxi Mississippi Police for a host of crimes.

Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez (shown here) is one of the women who I believe is nuttier than a fruitcake who has been stalking and harassing me.  She works with Claudine Dombrowski, Lorraine Tipton, the American Mothers Political Party, and Joeyisalittlekid.

If you can help me investigate Shannon E. Miller aka Elizabeth Hope Hernandez, PLEASE DO...

Continue reading Elizabeth Hope Hernandez to be charged with new Crimes in Mississippi

Bill Windsor has been attacked by Shannon E. Miller, the American Mothers Political Party, Facebook, and More

blood splat-hate-200w 

Lawless America has been suspended by Facebook. Bill Windsor and Lawless America have been attacked, libeled, slandered, and threatened by people associated with the American Mothers Political Party, and others.

The attacks started with a complete fraud by someone with a wide variety of names, including Shannon E. Miller.

I do make it a practice to expose these types of people

Continue reading Bill Windsor has been attacked by Shannon E. Miller, the American Mothers Political Party, Facebook, and More